6.4. Implementing an LDAP based module

The main idea in the design of modules that use the concept of user and/or groups on top of LDAP is to offer a common user interface inside the Users and Groups menu entries. This means that every parameter related to a user or group should appear in those pages, even though each one of those parameters might belong to different eBox modules.

Let's use the samba module implementation as an example. We want to let the user choose what users are going to have a shared storage directory. For groups we need to be able to enable/disable a shared resource for each group, and establish the name of the shared resource. The goal is to concentrate all these operations that affect user and group accounts on a common user interface. This interface is the one provided by the EBox::UsersAndGroups module.

To make this possible, this module has a number of interfaces that allow other modules to include their own options in its GUI and be notified every time a relevant change is made to an user or group configuration data.

The first thing you need to define is what operations on the basic attributes for users or groups are of interest to you. Usually you will want to be notified when a user or group is eliminated or created.

Let's go back to the samba example, when a user is created in the LDAP server a number of attributes are established. These attributes are the basic ones defined by the EBox::UsersAndGroups module, they are of types inetOrgPerson and posixAccount. Samba needs to add attributes of type SambaAccount. This task must be done by the samba module, so EBox::UsersAndGroups will notify the samba module that a new user has been created and then the samba module will add the attributes it needs to the new object.

EBox::LdapUserBase provides the abstract methods that you need to implement according to your needs. You only have to implement the methods that your module needs. Inheriting from this class is the mechanism to let EBox::UsersAndGroups know that your module is an Observer of certain operations that happen in it.


Invoked when a new user is created, it receives the username as an argument.


Invoked when a user is deleted, it gets the username as an argument.


Invoked whenever a new group is created, with the group name as an argument.


Invoked when a group is deleted, it gets the group name as an argument.


Invoked when a user account is modified, its only argument is the username.


Similar to _modifyUser, but for groups.


This method is invoked every time a user is going to be deleted, passing to it the username. Here you need to decide if the removal of that user will mean changes that the administrator should know about, like the loss of data. You can return a string explaining the situation and it will be shown to the user before the user is deleted. Returning undef means that it's OK to delete the user as far as your module is concerned.


This method will be invoked whenever a group is about to be deleted, it receives the group name as an argument. It works the same way as _delUserWarning, it will return a string with a message if deleting this group will cause changes that the user should know about. Again, return undef if it's fine to delete the group.

_userAddOns and _groupAddOns

When a user or group is going to be edited, one of these two methods is called with the purpose of fetching mason components from your module that will be integrated in the user interface of the Users and Groups module. It's only parameter is the user or group name respectively. It should return a hash with two keys: path and parms. The former contains the path to the mason template; while the later contains an array with the arguments to be passed to the template.


This method should be implemented by those modules that need to include their own LDAP schemas. They should return a reference to an array that contains the names of the schemas that will be included int the slapd.conf file.


This method should be implemented by those modules that need to include their own access control lists, ACLs. They need to return a reference to an array holding the access control lists to be included in slapd.conf.

You should create a class that implements those methods you see necessary. Your class will need to inherit from EBox::LdapUserBase. You do not have to implement these method the main class of your eBox module. Your main class, probably a EBox::GConfModule subclass, should inherit from EBox::LdapModule too. This abstract class contains just one method: _ldapModImplementation, which should return an instance of the class that inherits from EBox::LdapUserBase:

sub _ldapModImplementation
	my $self;

	return new EBox::SambaLdapUser();