6.7. Adding your own access control list

You may need to restrict access to some attributes in your LDAP schemas, usually passwords and sensitive data. This is done implementing the _includeLDAPAcls method, which should return a reference to an array that contains your access control list.

Let's see what this method looks like in the samba module:

sub _includeLDAPAcls {
	my $self = shift;

	my $ldapconf = $self->{ldap}->ldapConf;

	my @acls = ("access to attribute=sambaNTPassword,sambaLMPassword\n" .
			"\tby dn=\"" . $ldapconf->{'rootdn'} . "\" write\n" .
			"\tby * none\n");

	return \@acls;

The above snippet will result in slapd.con as follows:

        access to attribute=sambaNTPassword,sambaLMPassword
        by dn="cn=admin,dc=ebox" write
        by * none