These functions are fully supported in this release:
ER sus_tsk(
ID tskid ) |
ER rsm_tsk(
ID tskid ) |
ER frsm_tsk(
ID tskid ) |
ER slp_tsk( void ) |
ER tslp_tsk(
TMO tmout ) |
ER wup_tsk(
ID tskid ) |
ER can_wup( INT *p_wupcnt, ID tskid ) |
The following conditions are only checked for, and only return errors if CYGSEM_UITRON_BAD_PARAMS_RETURN_ERRORS is enabled (see the configuration option “Return Error Codes for Bad Params”):
invalid tskid; less than 1 or greater than CYGNUM_UITRON_TASKS returns E_ID
wup_tsk() , sus_tsk() , rsm_tsk() , frsm_tsk() on the calling task returns E_OBJ
dispatching is enabled in tslp_tsk() and slp_tsk() , or E_CTX
tmout must be positive, otherwise E_PAR
return value pointer in can_wup() is a valid pointer, or E_PAR
The following conditions are checked for, and can return error codes, regardless of the setting of CYGSEM_UITRON_BAD_PARAMS_RETURN_ERRORS:
When create and delete functions cre_tsk() and del_tsk() are supported, all calls which use a valid task ID number check that the task exists; if not, E_NOEXS is returned
sus_tsk() : the task must not be dormant, else E_OBJ
frsm/rsm_tsk() : the task must be suspended, else E_OBJ
tslp/slp_tsk() : return codes E_TMOUT, E_RLWAI and E_DLT are returned depending on the reason for terminating the sleep
wup_tsk() and can_wup() : the task must not be dormant, or E_OBJ is returned