These functions are fully supported in this release:
ER set_tim(
SYSTIME *pk_tim ) |
Caution |
Setting the time may cause erroneous operation of the kernel, for example a task performing a wait with a time-out may never awaken. |
ER get_tim(
SYSTIME *pk_tim ) |
ER dly_tsk(
DLYTIME dlytim ) |
ER def_cyc( HNO cycno, T_DCYC *pk_dcyc ) |
ER act_cyc( HNO cycno, UINT cycact ) |
ER ref_cyc( T_RCYC *pk_rcyc, HNO cycno ) |
ER def_alm( HNO almno, T_DALM *pk_dalm ) |
ER ref_alm( T_RALM *pk_ralm, HNO almno ) |
void ret_tmr( void ) |
The following conditions are only checked for, and only return errors if CYGSEM_UITRON_BAD_PARAMS_RETURN_ERRORS is enabled:
invalid handler number; less than 1 or greater than CYGNUM_UITRON_CYCLICS/ALARMS as appropriate, or E_PAR
dispatching is enabled in dly_tsk() , or E_CTX
dlytim must be positive or zero, otherwise E_PAR
return value pointer in ref_xxx() is a valid pointer, or E_PAR
params within pk_dalm and pk_dcyc must be valid, or E_PAR
cycact in act_cyc() must be valid, or E_PAR
handler must be defined in ref_xxx() and act_cyc() , or E_NOEXS
parameter pointer must be a good pointer in get_tim() and set_tim() , otherwise E_PAR is returned
The following conditions are checked for, and can return error codes, regardless of the setting of CYGSEM_UITRON_BAD_PARAMS_RETURN_ERRORS :
dly_tsk() : return code E_RLWAI is returned depending on the reason for terminating the sleep