fis init


fis init -- Initialize Flash Image System (FIS)


fis init [-f]


-f All blocks of flash memory (except for the boot blocks) will be erased as part of the initialization procedure. 


This command is used to initialize the Flash Image System (FIS). It should normally only be executed once, when RedBoot is first installed on the hardware. If the reserved images or their sizes in the FIS change, due to a different configuration of RedBoot being used, it may be necessary to issue the command again though.

Note: Subsequent executions will cause loss of previously stored information in the FIS.


Initialize the FIS directory.
RedBoot> fis init
About to initialize [format] flash image system - continue (y/n)? y
*** Initialize FLASH Image System
    Warning: device contents not erased, some blocks may not be usable
... Erase from 0x00070000-0x00080000: .
... Program from 0x0606f000-0x0607f000 at 0x00070000: .

Initialize the FIS directory and all of flash memory, except for first blocks of the flash where the boot monitor resides.
RedBoot> fis init -f
About to initialize [format] flash image system - continue (y/n)? y
*** Initialize FLASH Image System                                               
... Erase from 0x00020000-0x00070000: .....                                     
... Erase from 0x00080000-0x00080000:                                           
... Erase from 0x00070000-0x00080000: .                                         
... Program from 0x0606f000-0x0607f000 at 0x00070000: .