socket_test - trivial test of socket creation API mbuf_test - trivial test of mbuf allocation API |
These two do not communicate over the net; they just perform simple API tests then exit.
ftp_test - simple FTP test, connects to “server” |
This test initializes the interface(s) then connects to the FTP server on the “server” machine for for each active interface in turn, confirms that the connection was successful, disconnects and exits. This tests interworking with the server.
ping_test - pings “server” and non-existent host to test timeout |
This test initializes the interface(s) then pings the server machine in the standard way, then pings address “32 up” from the server in the expectation that there is no machine there. This confirms that the successful ping is not a false positive, and tests the receive timeout. If there is such a machine, of course the 2nd set of pings succeeds, confirming that we can talk to a machine not previously mentioned by configuration or by bootp. It then does the same thing on the other interface, eth1.
dhcp_test - ping test, but also manipulates DHCP leases |
This test is very similar to the ping test, but in addition, provided the network package is not configured to do this automatically, it manually relinquishes and reclaims DHCP leases for all available interfaces. This tests the external API to DHCP. See section below describing this.
flood - a flood ping test; use with care |
This test performs pings on all interfaces as quickly as possible, and only prints status information periodically. Flood pinging is bad for network performance; so do not use this test on general purpose networks unless protected by a switch.