Chapter 5. CDL Language Specification
- Table of Contents
- cdl_option -- Define a single configuration option
- cdl_component -- Define a component, a collection of configuration options
- cdl_package -- Define a package, a component that can be distributed
- cdl_interface -- Define an interface, functionality that can be provided by
a number of different implementations.
- active_if -- Allow additional control over the active state of an
option or other CDL entity.
- calculated -- Used if the current option's value is not user-modifiable,
but is calculated using a suitable CDL expression.
- compile -- List the source files that should be built if this option
is active and enabled.
- default_value -- Provide a default value for this option using a CDL expression.
- define -- Specify additional #define symbols that
should go into the owning package's configuration header file.
- define_format -- Control how an option's value will appear in the
configuration header file.
- define_header -- Specify the configuration header file that
will be generated for a given package.
- define_proc -- Use a fragment of Tcl code to output additional data to
configuration header files.
- description -- Provide a textual description for an option.
- display -- Provide a short string describing this option.
- doc -- The location of online-documentation for a configuration option.
- flavor -- Specify the nature of a configuration option.
- hardware -- Specify that a package is tied to specific hardware.
- if_define -- Output a common preprocessor construct to a configuration
header file.
- implements -- Enabling this option provides one instance of a more
general interface.
- include_dir -- Specify the desired location of a package's exported
header files in the install tree.
- include_files -- List the header files that are exported by a package.
- legal_values -- Impose constraints on the possible values for an option.
- library -- Specify which library should contain the object files
generated by building this package.
- make -- Define an additional custom build step associated with an
option, resulting in a target that should not go directly into a library.
- make_object -- Define a custom build step, resulting in an object file
that should go into a library.
- no_define -- Suppress the normal generation of a preprocessor
#define symbol in a configuration header file.
- parent -- Control the location of an option in the configuration hierarchy.
- requires -- List constraints that the configuration should satisfy if
a given option is active and enabled..
- script -- Include additional configuration information from another
CDL script.
This chapter contains reference information for the main CDL
commands cdl_option, cdl_component, cdl_package and
cdl_interface, followed by the various properties such as
active_if and compile in alphabetical order.