Board: ARM Industrial Module AIM711 (S3C4510)

Board: ARM Industrial Module AIM711 (S3C4510)
CPU : S3C4510B (ARM7TDMI core), 50MHz
8MB RAM, 2MB Flash

Startup, main stack :            stack used    82 size  2400
Startup             :  Interrupt stack used   134 size  4096
Startup             : Idlethread stack used    91 size  2048

eCos Kernel Timings
Notes: all times are in microseconds (.000001) unless otherwise stated

Reading the hardware clock takes 33 'ticks' overhead
... this value will be factored out of all other measurements
Clock interrupt took   17.68 microseconds (884 raw clock ticks)

Testing parameters:
   Clock samples:            32
   Threads:                  64
   Thread switches:         128
   Mutexes:                  32
   Mailboxes:                32
   Semaphores:               32
   Scheduler operations:    128
   Counters:                 32
   Flags:                    32
   Alarms:                   32

     Ave     Min     Max     Var  Ave  Min  Function
  ======  ======  ======  ====== ========== ========
   22.99   15.24   36.98    4.01   50%   26%  Create thread
    2.96    2.88    8.30    0.17   98%   98%  Yield thread [all suspended]
    3.57    3.36    8.76    0.26   93%   71%  Suspend [suspended] thread
    3.64    3.00    8.74    0.33   65%   20%  Resume thread
    5.44    4.78   15.10    0.42   75%   26%  Set priority
    0.77    0.20    1.98    0.25   59%   17%  Get priority
   14.46   12.40   33.02    1.03   85%    9%  Kill [suspended] thread
    2.95    2.88    7.44    0.14   98%   98%  Yield [no other] thread
    6.73    5.40   15.60    0.44   78%    6%  Resume [suspended low prio] thread
    3.59    2.98    7.18    0.28   56%   21%  Resume [runnable low prio] thread
    5.77    4.78   13.46    0.44   71%   18%  Suspend [runnable] thread
    2.97    2.88    8.86    0.18   98%   98%  Yield [only low prio] thread
    3.40    2.86    6.26    0.26   59%   17%  Suspend [runnable->not runnable]
   14.15   12.08   30.54    1.09   78%   23%  Kill [runnable] thread
   11.00    9.74   23.38    0.75   70%   31%  Destroy [dead] thread
   20.35   17.72   43.00    1.26   73%   14%  Destroy [runnable] thread
   23.77   21.02   45.38    1.59   68%   35%  Resume [high priority] thread
    8.40    8.30   15.38    0.18   89%   89%  Thread switch

    0.10    0.08    1.52    0.03   92%   92%  Scheduler lock
    2.01    1.98    3.80    0.06   92%   92%  Scheduler unlock [0 threads]
    2.01    1.98    3.80    0.06   92%   92%  Scheduler unlock [1 suspended]
    2.01    1.98    4.08    0.06   92%   92%  Scheduler unlock [many suspended]
    2.01    1.98    3.68    0.05   92%   92%  Scheduler unlock [many low prio]

    0.67    0.54    3.90    0.21   96%   96%  Init mutex
    4.55    4.14   12.40    0.53   96%   87%  Lock [unlocked] mutex
    4.84    4.12   12.78    0.56   65%   56%  Unlock [locked] mutex
    3.72    3.18    8.86    0.41   68%   56%  Trylock [unlocked] mutex
    3.22    2.76    5.38    0.26   65%   28%  Trylock [locked] mutex
    0.49    0.34    3.26    0.26   93%   84%  Destroy mutex
   33.13   32.42   43.64    0.66   90%   81%  Unlock/Lock mutex

    1.21    1.06    5.12    0.25   96%   96%  Create mbox
    0.63    0.46    2.66    0.22   96%   71%  Peek [empty] mbox
    4.57    3.64   11.12    0.50   75%   18%  Put [first] mbox
    0.52    0.10    2.74    0.23   62%   18%  Peek [1 msg] mbox
    5.39    4.46   12.00    0.56   75%   43%  Put [second] mbox
    0.51    0.10    2.38    0.22   62%   18%  Peek [2 msgs] mbox
    5.06    4.00   13.86    0.60   81%   18%  Get [first] mbox
    5.01    4.36    9.20    0.38   68%   25%  Get [second] mbox
    5.56    4.70   11.22    0.55   75%   37%  Tryput [first] mbox
    4.25    3.14   10.64    0.49   75%    9%  Peek item [non-empty] mbox
    5.10    3.82   14.02    0.78   78%   40%  Tryget [non-empty] mbox
    3.86    3.12    9.72    0.47   81%   21%  Peek item [empty] mbox
    4.13    3.28   11.20    0.54   87%   59%  Tryget [empty] mbox
    0.60    0.14    2.34    0.22   68%    9%  Waiting to get mbox
    0.61    0.14    2.90    0.27   78%   15%  Waiting to put mbox
    4.51    3.66   11.20    0.53   84%   50%  Delete mbox
   26.55   26.00   31.46    0.37   78%   40%  Put/Get mbox

    0.53    0.44    2.68    0.15   96%   90%  Init semaphore
    3.08    2.76    5.02    0.29   43%   46%  Post [0] semaphore
    3.64    3.20    7.72    0.40   53%   50%  Wait [1] semaphore
    3.08    2.66    7.40    0.39   50%   50%  Trywait [0] semaphore
    2.72    2.62    5.88    0.20   96%   96%  Trywait [1] semaphore
    0.85    0.52    3.30    0.32   50%   50%  Peek semaphore
    0.80    0.34    3.74    0.39   46%   37%  Destroy semaphore
   21.87   21.54   25.64    0.28   68%   65%  Post/Wait semaphore

    1.18    1.04    4.92    0.24   96%   96%  Create counter
    0.69    0.52    2.84    0.24   93%   71%  Get counter value
    0.26    0.14    1.76    0.18   78%   78%  Set counter value
    3.73    3.24    5.62    0.14   78%   12%  Tick counter
    0.79    0.36    3.58    0.19   78%   15%  Delete counter

    0.53    0.44    3.06    0.17   96%   90%  Init flag
    3.49    3.02    9.28    0.45   53%   50%  Destroy flag
    2.93    2.52    7.42    0.39   50%   46%  Mask bits in flag
    3.58    3.12    9.38    0.46   50%   50%  Set bits in flag [no waiters]
    7.48    7.22   12.90    0.35   96%   96%  Wait for flag [AND]
    4.92    4.66   11.22    0.39   96%   96%  Wait for flag [OR]
    4.58    4.30   11.66    0.44   96%   96%  Wait for flag [AND/CLR]
    4.39    4.12   11.02    0.43   96%   96%  Wait for flag [OR/CLR]
    0.06    0.00    1.40    0.11   87%   87%  Peek on flag

    1.82    1.58    8.02    0.40   96%   96%  Create alarm
    7.27    6.54   17.86    0.77   93%   87%  Initialize alarm
    3.30    2.58    7.28    0.60   56%   71%  Disable alarm
    7.60    5.82   14.72    0.84   81%   12%  Enable alarm
    3.86    3.06    9.20    0.67   53%   65%  Delete alarm
    4.03    3.90    7.18    0.23   96%   90%  Tick counter [1 alarm]
   25.12   24.98   28.82    0.24   96%   93%  Tick counter [many alarms]
    7.92    7.64   14.00    0.40   96%   96%  Tick & fire counter [1 alarm]
  155.10  154.42  161.04    0.37   90%    6%  Tick & fire counters [>1 together]
   29.27   29.02   35.48    0.42   96%   93%  Tick & fire counters [>1 separately]
   17.87   17.32   49.30    0.56   98%   97%  Alarm latency [0 threads]
   24.39   22.02   63.60    1.43   57%   19%  Alarm latency [2 threads]
   55.33   52.72   62.44    1.11   67%   20%  Alarm latency [many threads]
   37.98   36.54  170.56    2.17   97%   97%  Alarm -> thread resume latency

   29       0     259  (main stack:   805)  Thread stack used (1120 total)
All done, main stack :            stack used  805 size  2400
All done             :  Interrupt stack used  163 size  4096
All done             : Idlethread stack used  239 size  2048

Timing complete - 28880 ms total

PASS:<Basic timing OK>