20.4. Python

To enable Python to use the edb-odbc driver, a Python compliant interface is needed to the ODBC API. A commercial product providing this functionality can be found at http://www.egenix.com/files/python/mxODBC.html. When building mxODBC with only unixODBC installed, so changes to the build process are necessary. O nce egenix-mx-commercial-2.0.6.tar.gz is unpacked, "mxCOMMERCIAL.py" needs to be edited with the following changes:

Once Python is properly configured, the following script connecting to the EnterpriseDB sample database can be used as a sample to further development.

import mx.ODBC.unixODBC
print "****Running EDB Python Sample****"
selectQuery="SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss'), empno, ename, job FROM emp WHERE empno > 7900"
insertStmt="INSERT INTO emp(empno,ename, sal, deptno) VALUES(8000,'SHARK', 100, 20)"
updateStmt="UPDATE emp SET job = 'DBA' where empno = 8000"
storedProcStmt="EXEC select_emp(8000)"
deleteStmt="DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno = 8000"
dbc=mx.ODBC.unixODBC.connect("EnterpriseDB", "edb", "edb")
print "Connected to Database Type: " + dbc.getinfo (17)[1] 
print "********* Test 1 ****************"
print "Executing the following query:"
print "    " + selectQuery
print "Results:"
for i in cur.fetchall():
    print i
print "********* Test 2 ****************"
print "Executing the following query:"
print "    " + insertStmt
print "********* Test 3 ****************"
print "Executing the following query:"
print "    " + updateStmt
print "********* Test 4 ****************"
print "Executing the following query:"
print "    " + storedProcStmt
print "Results:"
for i in cur.fetchall():
    print i
print "********* Test 5 ****************"
print "Executing the following query:"
print "    " + deleteStmt