The following sections illustrate an example of each type of trigger.
The following is an example of a simple before statement-level trigger that displays a message prior to an insert operation on the emp table.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER emp_alert_trig BEFORE INSERT ON emp BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('New employees are about to be added'); END; /
The following INSERT is constructed so that several new rows are inserted upon a single execution of the command. For each row that has an employee id between 7900 and 7999, a new row is inserted with an employee id incremented by 1000. The following are the results of executing the command when three new rows are inserted.
INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, deptno) SELECT empno + 1000, ename, 40 FROM emp WHERE empno BETWEEN 7900 AND 7999; New employees are about to be added SELECT empno, ename, deptno FROM emp WHERE empno BETWEEN 8900 AND 8999; EMPNO ENAME DEPTNO ---------- ---------- ---------- 8900 JAMES 40 8902 FORD 40 8934 MILLER 40
The message, New employees are about to be added, is displayed once by the firing of the trigger even though the result is the addition of three new rows.
The following is an example of an after statement-level trigger. Whenever an insert, update, or delete operation occurs on the emp table, a row is added to the empauditlog table recording the date, user, and action.
CREATE TABLE empauditlog ( audit_date DATE, audit_user VARCHAR2(20), audit_desc VARCHAR2(20) ); CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER emp_audit_trig AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON emp DECLARE v_action VARCHAR2(20); BEGIN IF INSERTING THEN v_action := 'Added employee(s)'; ELSIF UPDATING THEN v_action := 'Updated employee(s)'; ELSIF DELETING THEN v_action := 'Deleted employee(s)'; END IF; INSERT INTO empauditlog VALUES (SYSDATE, USER, v_action); END; /
In the following sequence of commands, two rows are inserted into the emp table using two INSERT commands. The sal and comm columns of both rows are updated with one UPDATE command. Finally, both rows are deleted with one DELETE command.
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (9001,'SMITH','ANALYST',7782,SYSDATE,NULL,NULL,10); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (9002,'JONES','CLERK',7782,SYSDATE,NULL,NULL,10); UPDATE emp SET sal = 4000.00, comm = 1200.00 WHERE empno IN (9001, 9002); DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno IN (9001, 9002); SELECT TO_CHAR(AUDIT_DATE,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') AS "AUDIT DATE", audit_user, audit_desc FROM empauditlog ORDER BY 1 ASC; AUDIT DATE AUDIT_USER AUDIT_DESC ------------------ -------------------- -------------------- 31-MAR-05 14:59:48 SYSTEM Added employee(s) 31-MAR-05 15:00:07 SYSTEM Added employee(s) 31-MAR-05 15:00:19 SYSTEM Updated employee(s) 31-MAR-05 15:00:34 SYSTEM Deleted employee(s)
The contents of the empauditlog table show how many times the trigger was fired - once each for the two inserts, once for the update (even though two rows were changed) and once for the deletion (even though two rows were deleted).
The following example is a before row-level trigger that calculates the commission of every new employee belonging to department 30 that is inserted into the emp table.
The listing following the addition of the two employees shows that the trigger computed their commissions and inserted it as part of the new employee rows.
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (9005,'ROBERS','SALESMAN',7782,SYSDATE,3000.00,NULL,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (9006,'ALLEN','SALESMAN',7782,SYSDATE,4500.00,NULL,30); SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno IN (9005, 9006); EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 9005 ROBERS SALESMAN 7782 01-APR-05 3000 1200 30 9006 ALLEN SALESMAN 7782 01-APR-05 4500 1800 30
The following example is an after row-level trigger. When a new employee row is inserted, the trigger adds a new row to the jobhist table for that employee. When an existing employee is updated, the trigger sets the enddate column of the latest jobhist row (assumed to be the one with a null enddate) to the current date and inserts a new jobhist row with the employee's new information.
Finally, trigger adds a row to the empchglog table with a description of the action.
CREATE TABLE empchglog ( chg_date DATE, chg_desc VARCHAR2(30) ); CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER emp_chg_trig AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON emp FOR EACH ROW DECLARE v_empno emp.empno%TYPE; v_deptno emp.deptno%TYPE; v_dname dept.dname%TYPE; v_action VARCHAR2(7); v_chgdesc jobhist.chgdesc%TYPE; BEGIN IF INSERTING THEN v_action := 'Added'; v_empno := :NEW.empno; v_deptno := :NEW.deptno; INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (:NEW.empno, SYSDATE, NULL, :NEW.job, :NEW.sal, :NEW.comm, :NEW.deptno, 'New Hire'); ELSIF UPDATING THEN v_action := 'Updated'; v_empno := :NEW.empno; v_deptno := :NEW.deptno; v_chgdesc := ''; IF NVL(:OLD.ename, '-null-') != NVL(:NEW.ename, '-null-') THEN v_chgdesc := v_chgdesc || 'name, '; END IF; IF NVL(:OLD.job, '-null-') != NVL(:NEW.job, '-null-') THEN v_chgdesc := v_chgdesc || 'job, '; END IF; IF NVL(:OLD.sal, -1) != NVL(:NEW.sal, -1) THEN v_chgdesc := v_chgdesc || 'salary, '; END IF; IF NVL(:OLD.comm, -1) != NVL(:NEW.comm, -1) THEN v_chgdesc := v_chgdesc || 'commission, '; END IF; IF NVL(:OLD.deptno, -1) != NVL(:NEW.deptno, -1) THEN v_chgdesc := v_chgdesc || 'department, '; END IF; v_chgdesc := 'Changed ' || RTRIM(v_chgdesc, ', '); UPDATE jobhist SET enddate = SYSDATE WHERE empno = :OLD.empno AND enddate IS NULL; INSERT INTO jobhist VALUES (:NEW.empno, SYSDATE, NULL, :NEW.job, :NEW.sal, :NEW.comm, :NEW.deptno, v_chgdesc); ELSIF DELETING THEN v_action := 'Deleted'; v_empno := :OLD.empno; v_deptno := :OLD.deptno; END IF; INSERT INTO empchglog VALUES (SYSDATE, v_action || ' employee # ' || v_empno); END; /
In the first sequence of commands shown below, two employees are added using two separate INSERT commands and then both are updated using a single UPDATE command. The contents of the jobhist table shows the action of the trigger for each affected row - two new hire entries for the two new employees and two changed commission records for the updated commissions on the two employees. The empchglog table also shows the trigger was fired a total of four times, once for each action on the two rows.
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (9003,'PETERS','ANALYST',7782,SYSDATE,5000.00,NULL,40); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (9004,'AIKENS','ANALYST',7782,SYSDATE,4500.00,NULL,40); UPDATE emp SET comm = sal * 1.1 WHERE empno IN (9003, 9004); SELECT * FROM jobhist WHERE empno IN (9003, 9004); EMPNO STARTDATE ENDDATE JOB SAL COMM DEPTNO CHGDESC ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ 9003 31-MAR-05 31-MAR-05 ANALYST 5000 40 New Hire 9004 31-MAR-05 31-MAR-05 ANALYST 4500 40 New Hire 9003 31-MAR-05 ANALYST 5000 5500 40 Changed commission 9004 31-MAR-05 ANALYST 4500 4950 40 Changed commission SELECT * FROM empchglog; CHG_DATE CHG_DESC --------- ------------------------------ 31-MAR-05 Added employee # 9003 31-MAR-05 Added employee # 9004 31-MAR-05 Updated employee # 9003 31-MAR-05 Updated employee # 9004
Finally, both employees are deleted with a single DELETE command. The empchglog table now shows the trigger was fired twice, once for each deleted employee.
DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno IN (9003, 9004); SELECT * FROM empchglog; CHG_DATE CHG_DESC --------- ------------------------------ 31-MAR-05 Added employee # 9003 31-MAR-05 Added employee # 9004 31-MAR-05 Updated employee # 9003 31-MAR-05 Updated employee # 9004 31-MAR-05 Deleted employee # 9003 31-MAR-05 Deleted employee # 9004