A "listen" entry causes a node (receiver) to query an
event provider for events that originate from a specific node, as
well as confirmations from every existing node. It requires a
"path" to exist so that the receiver (as client) can connect
to the provider (as server).
Every node in the system must listen for events from every
other node in the system. As a general rule of thumb, a subscriber
(see SUBSCRIBE SET) should listen for events
of the set's origin on the same provider, where it receives the
data from. In turn, the origin of the data set should listen for
events from the origin in the opposite direction. A node can
listen for events from one and the same origin on different
providers at the same time. However, to process
SYNC events from that origin, all data
providers must have the same or higher sync status, so this will
not result in any faster replication behaviour.
- ORIGIN = ival
Node ID of the event origin the receiver is listening for.
- PROVIDER = ival
Node ID of the node from which the receiver gets
events that come from the origin. If not specified, default is
the origin.
- RECEIVER = ival
The ID of the node receiving the events.