[Ericsson AB]





See external documentation: wxImage.


See external documentation: wxImage.

All (default) image handlers are initialized.


An object reference, The representation is internal and can be changed without notice. It can't be used for comparsion stored on disc or distributed for use on other nodes.


new() -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

new(Name::string()) -> wxImage()

Equivalent to new(Name, []).

new(X::integer() | string(), X::integer() | term()) -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

new(Width::integer(), Height::integer()) -> new(Width,Height, [])

new(Name::string(), [Option]) -> wxImage()
Option = {type, integer()} | {index, integer()}

new(X::integer() | string(), X::integer() | string(), X::binary() | term()) -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

new(Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary()) -> new(Width,Height,Data, [])

new(Width::integer(), Height::integer(), [Option]) -> wxImage()
Option = {clear, bool()}

new(Name::string(), Mimetype::string(), [Option]) -> wxImage()
Option = {index, integer()}

new(Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary(), X::binary() | term()) -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

new(Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary(), Alpha::binary()) -> new(Width,Height,Data,Alpha, [])

new(Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary(), [Option]) -> wxImage()
Option = {static_data, bool()}

new(Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary(), Alpha::binary(), Options::[Option]) -> wxImage()


Option = {static_data, bool()}

See external documentation.

blur(This::wxImage(), Radius::integer()) -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

blurHorizontal(This::wxImage(), Radius::integer()) -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

blurVertical(This::wxImage(), Radius::integer()) -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

convertAlphaToMask(This::wxImage()) -> bool()

Equivalent to convertAlphaToMask(This, []).

convertAlphaToMask(This::wxImage(), Options::[Option]) -> bool()


Option = {threshold, integer()}

See external documentation.

convertToGreyscale(This::wxImage()) -> wxImage()

Equivalent to convertToGreyscale(This, []).

convertToGreyscale(This::wxImage(), Options::[Option]) -> wxImage()


Option = {lr, float()} | {lg, float()} | {lb, float()}

See external documentation.

convertToMono(This::wxImage(), R::integer(), G::integer(), B::integer()) -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

copy(This::wxImage()) -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

create(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer()) -> bool()

Equivalent to create(This, Width, Height, []).

create(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), X::binary() | term()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

create(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary()) -> create(This,Width,Height,Data, [])

create(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), [Option]) -> bool()
Option = {clear, bool()}

create(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary(), X::binary() | term()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

create(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary(), Alpha::binary()) -> create(This,Width,Height,Data,Alpha, [])

create(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary(), [Option]) -> bool()
Option = {static_data, bool()}

create(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Data::binary(), Alpha::binary(), Options::[Option]) -> bool()


Option = {static_data, bool()}

See external documentation.

Destroy(This::wxImage()) -> ok

See external documentation.

findFirstUnusedColour(This::wxImage()) -> {bool(), R::integer(), G::integer(), B::integer()}

Equivalent to findFirstUnusedColour(This, []).

findFirstUnusedColour(This::wxImage(), Options::[Option]) -> {bool(), R::integer(), G::integer(), B::integer()}


Option = {startR, integer()} | {startG, integer()} | {startB, integer()}

See external documentation.

getImageExtWildcard() -> string()

See external documentation.

getAlpha(This::wxImage()) -> binary()

See external documentation.

getAlpha(This::wxImage(), X::integer(), Y::integer()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

getBlue(This::wxImage(), X::integer(), Y::integer()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

getData(This::wxImage()) -> binary()

See external documentation.

getGreen(This::wxImage(), X::integer(), Y::integer()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

getImageCount(Name::string()) -> integer()

Equivalent to getImageCount(Name, []).

getImageCount(Name::string(), Options::[Option]) -> integer()


Option = {type, integer()}

See external documentation.

getHeight(This::wxImage()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

getMaskBlue(This::wxImage()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

getMaskGreen(This::wxImage()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

getMaskRed(This::wxImage()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

getOrFindMaskColour(This::wxImage()) -> {bool(), R::integer(), G::integer(), B::integer()}

See external documentation.

getPalette(This::wxImage()) -> wxPalette() (see module wxPalette)

See external documentation.

getRed(This::wxImage(), X::integer(), Y::integer()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

getSubImage(This::wxImage(), Rect::{X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()}) -> wxImage()

See external documentation.

getWidth(This::wxImage()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

hasAlpha(This::wxImage()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

hasMask(This::wxImage()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

getOption(This::wxImage(), Name::string()) -> string()

See external documentation.

getOptionInt(This::wxImage(), Name::string()) -> integer()

See external documentation.

hasOption(This::wxImage(), Name::string()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

initAlpha(This::wxImage()) -> ok

See external documentation.

initStandardHandlers() -> ok

See external documentation.

isTransparent(This::wxImage(), X::integer(), Y::integer()) -> bool()

Equivalent to isTransparent(This, X, Y, []).

isTransparent(This::wxImage(), X::integer(), Y::integer(), Options::[Option]) -> bool()


Option = {threshold, integer()}

See external documentation.

loadFile(This::wxImage(), Name::string()) -> bool()

Equivalent to loadFile(This, Name, []).

loadFile(This::wxImage(), Name::string(), Options::[Option]) -> bool()


Option = {type, integer()} | {index, integer()}

See external documentation.

loadFile(This::wxImage(), Name::string(), Mimetype::string(), Options::[Option]) -> bool()


Option = {index, integer()}

See external documentation.

ok(This::wxImage()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

removeHandler(Name::string()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

mirror(This::wxImage()) -> wxImage()

Equivalent to mirror(This, []).

mirror(This::wxImage(), Options::[Option]) -> wxImage()


Option = {horizontally, bool()}

See external documentation.

replace(This::wxImage(), R1::integer(), G1::integer(), B1::integer(), R2::integer(), G2::integer(), B2::integer()) -> ok

See external documentation.

rescale(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer()) -> wxImage()

Equivalent to rescale(This, Width, Height, []).

rescale(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Options::[Option]) -> wxImage()


Option = {quality, integer()}

See external documentation.

resize(This::wxImage(), Size::{W::integer(), H::integer()}, Pos::{X::integer(), Y::integer()}) -> wxImage()

Equivalent to resize(This, Size, Pos, []).

resize(This::wxImage(), Size::{W::integer(), H::integer()}, Pos::{X::integer(), Y::integer()}, Options::[Option]) -> wxImage()


Option = {r, integer()} | {g, integer()} | {b, integer()}

See external documentation.

rotate(This::wxImage(), Angle::float(), Centre_of_rotation::{X::integer(), Y::integer()}) -> wxImage()

Equivalent to rotate(This, Angle, Centre_of_rotation, []).

rotate(This::wxImage(), Angle::float(), Centre_of_rotation::{X::integer(), Y::integer()}, Options::[Option]) -> wxImage()


Option = {interpolating, bool()} | {offset_after_rotation, {X::integer(), Y::integer()}}

See external documentation.

rotateHue(This::wxImage(), Angle::float()) -> ok

See external documentation.

rotate90(This::wxImage()) -> wxImage()

Equivalent to rotate90(This, []).

rotate90(This::wxImage(), Options::[Option]) -> wxImage()


Option = {clockwise, bool()}

See external documentation.

saveFile(This::wxImage(), Name::string()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

saveFile(This::wxImage(), Name::string(), X::integer() | string()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

saveFile(This::wxImage(), Name::string(), Type::integer()) -> bool()

saveFile(This::wxImage(), Name::string(), Mimetype::string()) -> bool()

scale(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer()) -> wxImage()

Equivalent to scale(This, Width, Height, []).

scale(This::wxImage(), Width::integer(), Height::integer(), Options::[Option]) -> wxImage()


Option = {quality, integer()}

See external documentation.

size(This::wxImage(), Size::{W::integer(), H::integer()}, Pos::{X::integer(), Y::integer()}) -> wxImage()

Equivalent to size(This, Size, Pos, []).

size(This::wxImage(), Size::{W::integer(), H::integer()}, Pos::{X::integer(), Y::integer()}, Options::[Option]) -> wxImage()


Option = {r, integer()} | {g, integer()} | {b, integer()}

See external documentation.

setAlpha(This::wxImage(), Alpha::binary()) -> ok

Equivalent to setAlpha(This, Alpha, []).

setAlpha(This::wxImage(), Alpha::binary(), Options::[Option]) -> ok


Option = {static_data, bool()}

See external documentation.

setAlpha(This::wxImage(), X::integer(), Y::integer(), Alpha::integer()) -> ok

See external documentation.

setData(This::wxImage(), Data::binary()) -> ok

Equivalent to setData(This, Data, []).

setData(This::wxImage(), Data::binary(), Options::[Option]) -> ok


Option = {static_data, bool()}

See external documentation.

setData(This::wxImage(), Data::binary(), New_width::integer(), New_height::integer()) -> ok

Equivalent to setData(This, Data, New_width, New_height, []).

setData(This::wxImage(), Data::binary(), New_width::integer(), New_height::integer(), Options::[Option]) -> ok


Option = {static_data, bool()}

See external documentation.

setMask(This::wxImage()) -> ok

Equivalent to setMask(This, []).

setMask(This::wxImage(), Options::[Option]) -> ok


Option = {mask, bool()}

See external documentation.

setMaskColour(This::wxImage(), R::integer(), G::integer(), B::integer()) -> ok

See external documentation.

setMaskFromImage(This::wxImage(), Mask::wxImage(), Mr::integer(), Mg::integer(), Mb::integer()) -> bool()

See external documentation.

setOption(This::wxImage(), Name::string(), X::integer() | string()) -> ok

See external documentation.

setOption(This::wxImage(), Name::string(), Value::integer()) -> ok

setOption(This::wxImage(), Name::string(), Value::string()) -> ok

setPalette(This::wxImage(), Palette::wxPalette() (see module wxPalette)) -> ok

See external documentation.

setRGB(This::wxImage(), Rect::{X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()}, R::integer(), G::integer(), B::integer()) -> ok

See external documentation.

setRGB(This::wxImage(), X::integer(), Y::integer(), R::integer(), G::integer(), B::integer()) -> ok

See external documentation.

destroy(This::wxImage()) -> ok

Destroys this object, do not use object again


- [email protected]

wx 0.98.2
Copyright © 1991-2009 Ericsson AB