Code in Pid1
Pid2 = spawn(Mod, Func, Args)
Pid2 is process identifier of the new process - this is known only to process Pid1.
self() - returns the Process Identity (Pid) of the process executing this function.
From and Msg become bound when the message is received. Messages can carry data.
-module(echo). -export([go/0, loop/0]). go() -> Pid2 = spawn(echo, loop, []), Pid2 ! {self(), hello}, receive {Pid2, Msg} -> io:format("P1 ~w~n",[Msg]) end, Pid2 ! stop. loop() -> receive {From, Msg} -> From ! {self(), Msg}, loop(); stop -> true end.
The message foo is received - then the message bar - irrespective of the order in which they were sent.
The first message to arrive at the process C will be processed - the variable Msg in the process C will be bound to one of the atoms foo or bar depending on which arrives first.
ringing_a(A, B) -> receive {A, on_hook} -> A ! {stop_tone, ring}, B ! terminate, idle(A); {B, answered} -> A ! {stop_tone, ring}, switch ! {connect, A, B}, conversation_a(A, B) end.This is the code in the process `Call. A and B are local bound variables in the process Call.
start() -> Pid = spawn(num_anal, server, []) register(analyser, Pid). analyse(Seq) -> analyser ! {self(),{analyse,Seq}}, receive {analysis_result,R} -> R end.Any process can send a message to a registered process.
-module(myserver). server(Data) -> receive {From,{request,X}} -> {R, Data1} = fn(X, Data), From ! {myserver,{reply, R}}, server(Data1) end.
-export([request/1]). request(Req) -> myserver ! {self(),{request,Req}}, receive {myserver,{reply,Rep}} -> Rep end.
If the message foo is received from A within the time Time perform Actions1 otherwise perform Actions2.
sleep(T) -> receive after T -> true end.suspend() - process suspends indefinitely.
suspend() -> receive after infinity -> true end.alarm(T, What) - The message What is sent to the current process iin T miliseconds from now
set_alarm(T, What) -> spawn(timer, set, [self(),T,What]). set(Pid, T, Alarm) -> receive after T -> Pid ! Alarm end. receive Msg -> ... ; endflush() - flushes the message buffer
flush() -> receive Any -> flush() after 0 -> true end.A value of 0 in the timeout means check the message buffer first and if it is empty execute the following code.