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Erlang Programming Exercises

Entering a program

Type the demo:double example into a file called demo.erl. Use your favourite text editor.

Start Erlang.

Give the command c:c(demo). to compile the file.

Try running the query:

This is just to test if you can get the system started and can use the editor together with the Erlang system.

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Simple sequential programs

1. Write functions temp:f2c(F) and temp:c2f(C) which convert between centigrade and Fahrenheit scales. (hint 5(F-32) = 9C)

2. Write a function temp:convert(Temperature) which combines the functionality of f2c and c2f. Example:

    > temp:convert({c,100}).
    => {f,212}
    > temp:convert({f,32}).
    => {c,0}

3. Write a function mathStuff:perimeter(Form) which computes the perimeter of different forms. Form can be one of:

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Simple recursive programs

1. Write a function lists1:min(L) which returns the mini- mum element of the list L.

2. Write a function lists1:max(L) which returns the maximum element of the list L.

3. Write a function lists1:min_max(L) which returns a tuple containing the min and max of the list L.

    > lists1:min_max([4,1,7,3,9,10]) 
    {1, 10}
4. Write the function time:swedish_date() which returns an atom containing the date in swedish YYMMDD format:

    > time:swedish_date()
Hints: trying looking up date() and time() in the manual, You may also need number_to_list/1, list_to_atom/1. Try giving the shell queries to see what these BIF's do.)

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Interaction between processes, Concurrency

1. Write a function which starts 2 processes, and sends a message M times forewards and backwards between them. After the messages have been sent the processes should terminate gracefully.

Two processes communicating bidirectional

2) Write a function which starts N processes in a ring, and sends a message M times around all the processes in the ring. After the messages have been sent the processes should terminate gracefully.

Messages sent in a ring of processes

3) Write a function which starts N processes in a star, and sends a message to each of them M times. After the messages have been sent the processes should terminate gracefully.

One process communicating bidirectional with other processes

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Master and Slaves, error handling

This problem illustrates a situation where we have a process (the master) which supervises other processes (the slaves). In a real example the slave could, for example, be controlling different hardware units. The master's job is to ensure that all the slave processes are alive. If a slave crashes (maybe because of a software fault), the master is to recreate the failed slave.

A master supervises other processes

Write a module ms with the following interface:

start(N) - Start the master and tell it to start N slave proc- esses. Register the master as the registered process master.

to_slave(Message, N) - Send a message to the master and tell it to relay the message to slave N. The slave should exit (and be restarted by the master) if the message is die.

The master should detect the fact that a slave processe diea nd restart it and print a message that it has done so.

The slave should print all messages it recieves except the message die

The master should trap exit messages and create links to all the slave processes.

The master should keep a list of the process id's (pid's) of the slave processes and their associated numbers.


    > ms:start(4).
    => true
    > ms:to_slave(hello, 2).
    => {hello,2}
    Slave 2 got message hello
    > ms:to_slave(die, 3).
    => {die,3}
    master restarting dead slave3

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Robustness in Erlang, and use of a graphics package

A robust system makes it possible to survive partial failure, i.e if some parts of the system crashes, it should be possible to recover instead of having a total system crash. In this exercise we will build a tree-like hierachy of processes that can recover if any of the tree-branches should crash.

To illustrate this we are going to use the Interviews interface and having each process represented by a window on the screen.

Excercise: Create a window containing three buttons: Quit , Spawn , Error.

The Spawn button shall create a child process which displays an identical window.

The Quit button should kill the window and its child windows.

The Error button should cause a runtime error that kills the window (and its children), this window shall then be restarted by its parent.

Example: When we start our program, a window like this should appear:

Dialog with Quit Spawn and Error buttons

Let us now press the Spawn button twice and as result, two child windows will pop up on our screen. Our screen will now look something like this:

Three dialogs

As you can see the windows are tagged with a number so it is easier for us to refer to them. The parent window has the number 84654 and its two childs number 8473 and 84735. Each child may have childs of its own, e.g press the Spawn button on window 84735 and we will have the following picture:

Four dialogs

The window 8494 is a child to window 84735.

Now lets press the Error button in window 84735. Now a runtime error will occur in the process for that window and the process (and the window) will die. This shall cause the child 8494 also to die and the parent 84654 to start up a new child window.

The result will look something like this:

Three dialogs again

The new child got number 85435.

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Erlang using UNIX sockets

Do you want to talk with a friend on another machine? Shouldn't it be nice to have a shell connected to your friend and transfer messages in between?

This can be implemented using the client/server concept with a process on each side listening to a socket for messages.

(Hints: read the man-page for the socket interface, also in order to read the command line, use io:get_line/1)

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The use of open_port/1

Use the open_port({spawn,Name}) BIF in order to start an external UNIX process. Note: The first two bytes read in the C program contains the length in bytes of the data to follow (Make sure that you are reading as much as the length indicates).

(Hints: read the User's Guide p.37 and the BIF Guide p.11)

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Socket comunication between Erlang and C

Write Erlang and C programs which no the following:

(Hints: Include the files listed below. The main routine will look much the same as in the previous example. The code to setup the socket is found on the next page
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>

/*--- Setup a socket to Host using Port , return the filedesc. ---*/

static int setup_socket( hostname , port )
     char *hostname;
     int port;
  struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
  int sockfd;
  struct hostent *hp;

  /*--- Get the address of the host ---*/

  if ((hp = gethostbyname( hostname )) == (struct hostent*) 0) {
    perror("From gethostbyname \n");

  /*--- Fill in the address to the remote system ---*/
  bzero((char *) &serv_addr , sizeof(serv_addr));
  serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;             /* Protocol family */
  serv_addr.sin_port   = htons( port );       /* The port number */
  bcopy(hp->h_addr_list[0] ,                  /* The net address to the host */
         (char *) &serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr , 

  /*--- Create the socket ---*/

  if ( (sockfd = socket( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0 )) < 0) {
    perror("setup_socket: socket");

  /*--- Connect to the other system ---*/

  if (connect(sockfd, &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
    perror("setup_socket: connect");
    return sockfd;
}; /* setup_socket */

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Implementing Talk with Distributed Erlang

Make a simple Talk program that makes it possible to chat with friends at other nodes/hosts. Hints: Your program should consist of two registered processes one for reading from the terminal and the other one for recieving messages from the other node then writing them to the terminal.

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Generating a parser for Datalog

By using the Yecc parser generator we will generate a parser that will accept Datalog programs according to the specified grammar below. We will also have to use/modify a scanner (lexical analyser) to suit our purpose.

The syntax for Datalog can be described by the following grammar:
	PGM -> e
	TERM -> csym
	TERM -> varsym
	TAIL -> e
This grammar will accept Datalog programs, for example:
    route(X,Y) :- path(X,Z),path(Z,Y).
The tokens produced by the scanner are defined as:
	predsym = lc(lc + uc +digit)* | digit*
	csym = lc(lc + uc + digit)* | digit*
	varsym = uc(lc + uc + digit)*
	lc = any lowercase letter
	uc = any uppercase letter
	digit = any digit
To be able to solve this exercise you will have to read the man-page for Yecc ( erl -man yecc). Good Luck !!

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