/** * @class Ext.layout.AbstractContainer * @extends Ext.layout.Layout *

This class is intended to be extended or created via the {@link Ext.container.Container#layout layout} * configuration property. See {@link Ext.container.Container#layout} for additional details.

*/ Ext.define('Ext.layout.AbstractContainer', { /* Begin Definitions */ extend: 'Ext.layout.Layout', /* End Definitions */ type: 'container', fixedLayout: true, // @private managedHeight: true, // @private managedWidth: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} bindToOwnerCtComponent * Flag to notify the ownerCt Component on afterLayout of a change */ bindToOwnerCtComponent: false,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} bindToOwnerCtContainer * Flag to notify the ownerCt Container on afterLayout of a change */ bindToOwnerCtContainer: false,
/** * @cfg {String} itemCls *

An optional extra CSS class that will be added to the container. This can be useful for adding * customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. See * {@link Ext.Component}.{@link Ext.Component#ctCls ctCls} also.


*/ isManaged: function(dimension) { dimension = Ext.String.capitalize(dimension); var me = this, child = me, managed = me['managed' + dimension], ancestor = me.owner.ownerCt; if (ancestor && ancestor.layout) { while (ancestor && ancestor.layout) { if (managed === false || ancestor.layout['managed' + dimension] === false) { managed = false; break; } ancestor = ancestor.ownerCt; } } return managed; }, layout: function() { var me = this, owner = me.owner; if (Ext.isNumber(owner.height) || owner.isViewPort) { me.managedHeight = false; } if (Ext.isNumber(owner.width) || owner.isViewPort) { me.managedWidth = false; } me.callParent(arguments); },
/** *

Returns an array of child components either for a render phase (Performed in the beforeLayout method of the layout's * base class), or the layout phase (onLayout).

* @return {Array} of child components */ getLayoutItems: function() { return this.owner && this.owner.items && this.owner.items.items || []; }, afterLayout: function() { this.owner.afterLayout(this); },
/** * Returns the owner component's resize element. * @return {Ext.core.Element} */ getTarget: function() { return this.owner.getTargetEl(); },
/** *

Returns the element into which rendering must take place. Defaults to the owner Container's {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#targetEl}.

* May be overridden in layout managers which implement an inner element. * @return {Ext.core.Element} */ getRenderTarget: function() { return this.owner.getTargetEl(); } });