/** * @class Ext.Action *

An Action is a piece of reusable functionality that can be abstracted out of any particular component so that it * can be usefully shared among multiple components. Actions let you share handlers, configuration options and UI * updates across any components that support the Action interface (primarily {@link Ext.toolbar.Toolbar}, {@link Ext.button.Button} * and {@link Ext.menu.Menu} components).


Aside from supporting the config object interface, any component that needs to use Actions must also support * the following method list, as these will be called as needed by the Action class: setText(string), setIconCls(string), * setDisabled(boolean), setVisible(boolean) and setHandler(function).

* Example usage:

// Define the shared action.  Each component below will have the same
// display text and icon, and will display the same message on click.
var action = new Ext.Action({
    {@link #text}: 'Do something',
    {@link #handler}: function(){
        Ext.Msg.alert('Click', 'You did something.');
    {@link #iconCls}: 'do-something',
    {@link #itemId}: 'myAction'

var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
    title: 'Actions',
    width: 500,
    height: 300,
    tbar: [
        // Add the action directly to a toolbar as a menu button
            text: 'Action Menu',
            // Add the action to a menu as a text item
            menu: [action]
    items: [
        // Add the action to the panel body as a standard button
        new Ext.button.Button(action)
    renderTo: Ext.getBody()

// Change the text for all components using the action
action.setText('Something else');

// Reference an action through a container using the itemId
var btn = panel.getComponent('myAction');
var aRef = btn.baseAction;
aRef.setText('New text');
* @constructor * @param {Object} config The configuration options */ Ext.define('Ext.Action', { /* Begin Definitions */ /* End Definitions */
/** * @cfg {String} text The text to set for all components using this action (defaults to ''). */
/** * @cfg {String} iconCls * The CSS class selector that specifies a background image to be used as the header icon for * all components using this action (defaults to ''). *

An example of specifying a custom icon class would be something like: *

// specify the property in the config for the class:
     iconCls: 'do-something'

// css class that specifies background image to be used as the icon image:
.do-something { background-image: url(../images/my-icon.gif) 0 6px no-repeat !important; }
/** * @cfg {Boolean} disabled True to disable all components using this action, false to enable them (defaults to false). */
/** * @cfg {Boolean} hidden True to hide all components using this action, false to show them (defaults to false). */
/** * @cfg {Function} handler The function that will be invoked by each component tied to this action * when the component's primary event is triggered (defaults to undefined). */
/** * @cfg {String} itemId * See {@link Ext.Component}.{@link Ext.Component#itemId itemId}. */
/** * @cfg {Object} scope The scope (this reference) in which the * {@link #handler} is executed. Defaults to this Button. */ constructor : function(config){ this.initialConfig = config; this.itemId = config.itemId = (config.itemId || config.id || Ext.id()); this.items = []; }, // private isAction : true,
/** * Sets the text to be displayed by all components using this action. * @param {String} text The text to display */ setText : function(text){ this.initialConfig.text = text; this.callEach('setText', [text]); },
/** * Gets the text currently displayed by all components using this action. */ getText : function(){ return this.initialConfig.text; },
/** * Sets the icon CSS class for all components using this action. The class should supply * a background image that will be used as the icon image. * @param {String} cls The CSS class supplying the icon image */ setIconClass : function(cls){ this.initialConfig.iconCls = cls; this.callEach('setIconClass', [cls]); },
/** * Gets the icon CSS class currently used by all components using this action. */ getIconClass : function(){ return this.initialConfig.iconCls; },
/** * Sets the disabled state of all components using this action. Shortcut method * for {@link #enable} and {@link #disable}. * @param {Boolean} disabled True to disable the component, false to enable it */ setDisabled : function(v){ this.initialConfig.disabled = v; this.callEach('setDisabled', [v]); },
/** * Enables all components using this action. */ enable : function(){ this.setDisabled(false); },
/** * Disables all components using this action. */ disable : function(){ this.setDisabled(true); },
/** * Returns true if the components using this action are currently disabled, else returns false. */ isDisabled : function(){ return this.initialConfig.disabled; },
/** * Sets the hidden state of all components using this action. Shortcut method * for {@link #hide} and {@link #show}. * @param {Boolean} hidden True to hide the component, false to show it */ setHidden : function(v){ this.initialConfig.hidden = v; this.callEach('setVisible', [!v]); },
/** * Shows all components using this action. */ show : function(){ this.setHidden(false); },
/** * Hides all components using this action. */ hide : function(){ this.setHidden(true); },
/** * Returns true if the components using this action are currently hidden, else returns false. */ isHidden : function(){ return this.initialConfig.hidden; },
/** * Sets the function that will be called by each Component using this action when its primary event is triggered. * @param {Function} fn The function that will be invoked by the action's components. The function * will be called with no arguments. * @param {Object} scope The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the Component firing the event. */ setHandler : function(fn, scope){ this.initialConfig.handler = fn; this.initialConfig.scope = scope; this.callEach('setHandler', [fn, scope]); },
/** * Executes the specified function once for each Component currently tied to this action. The function passed * in should accept a single argument that will be an object that supports the basic Action config/method interface. * @param {Function} fn The function to execute for each component * @param {Object} scope The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the Component. */ each : function(fn, scope){ Ext.each(this.items, fn, scope); }, // private callEach : function(fnName, args){ var cs = this.items; for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ cs[i][fnName].apply(cs[i], args); } }, // private addComponent : function(comp){ this.items.push(comp); comp.on('destroy', this.removeComponent, this); }, // private removeComponent : function(comp){ this.items.remove(comp); },
/** * Executes this action manually using the handler function specified in the original config object * or the handler function set with {@link #setHandler}. Any arguments passed to this * function will be passed on to the handler function. * @param {Mixed} arg1 (optional) Variable number of arguments passed to the handler function * @param {Mixed} arg2 (optional) * @param {Mixed} etc... (optional) */ execute : function(){ this.initialConfig.handler.apply(this.initialConfig.scope || window, arguments); } });