/** * @author Ed Spencer * @class Ext.data.Association * @extends Object * *

Associations enable you to express relationships between different {@link Ext.data.Model Models}. Let's say we're * writing an ecommerce system where Users can make Orders - there's a relationship between these Models that we can * express like this:


Ext.regModel('User', {
    fields: ['id', 'name', 'email'],

    hasMany: {model: 'Order', name: 'orders'}

Ext.regModel('Order', {
    fields: ['id', 'user_id', 'status', 'price'],

    belongsTo: 'User'
* *

We've set up two models - User and Order - and told them about each other. You can set up as many associations on * each Model as you need using the two default types - {@link Ext.data.HasManyAssociation hasMany} and * {@link Ext.data.BelongsToAssociation belongsTo}. There's much more detail on the usage of each of those inside their * documentation pages. If you're not familiar with Models already, {@link Ext.data.Model there is plenty on those too}.

* *

Further Reading

* * * * @constructor * @param {Object} config Optional config object */ Ext.define('Ext.data.Association', {
/** * @cfg {String} ownerModel The string name of the model that owns the association. Required */
/** * @cfg {String} associatedModel The string name of the model that is being associated with. Required */
/** * @cfg {String} primaryKey The name of the primary key on the associated model. Defaults to 'id' */ primaryKey: 'id', constructor: function(config) { Ext.apply(this, config); var types = Ext.ModelMgr.types, ownerName = config.ownerModel, associatedName = config.associatedModel, ownerModel = types[ownerName], associatedModel = types[associatedName], ownerProto; if (ownerModel === undefined) { throw new Error("The configured ownerModel was not valid (you tried " + ownerName + ")"); } if (associatedModel === undefined) { throw new Error("The configured associatedModel was not valid (you tried " + associatedName + ")"); } this.ownerModel = ownerModel; this.associatedModel = associatedModel;
/** * The name of the model that 'owns' the association * @property ownerName * @type String */
/** * The name of the model is on the other end of the association (e.g. if a User model hasMany Orders, this is 'Order') * @property associatedName * @type String */ Ext.applyIf(this, { ownerName : ownerName, associatedName: associatedName }); } });