/** * @class Ext.form.BaseField * @extends Ext.Component *

Base class for form fields that provides default event handling, rendering, and other common functionality * needed by all form field types. Utilizes the {@link Ext.form.Field} mixin for value handling and validation, * and the {@link Ext.form.Labelable} mixin to provide label and error message display.


In most cases you will want to use a subclass, such as {@link Ext.form.Text} or {@link Ext.form.Checkbox}, * rather than using this class directly.

* * @constructor * Creates a new Field * @param {Object} config Configuration options * * @xtype field */ Ext.define('Ext.form.BaseField', { extend: 'Ext.Component', mixins: { labelable: 'Ext.form.Labelable', field: 'Ext.form.Field' }, alias: 'widget.field', requires: ['Ext.util.DelayedTask', 'Ext.XTemplate', 'Ext.layout.component.form.Field'],
/** * @cfg {String} inputType *

The type attribute for input fields -- e.g. radio, text, password, file (defaults to 'text'). * The extended types supported by HTML5 inputs (url, email, etc.) may also be used, though using them * will cause older browsers to fall back to 'text'.


The types 'file' and 'password' must be used to render those field types currently -- there are * no separate Ext components for those.

*/ inputType: 'text',
/** * @cfg {Number} tabIndex The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, * not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). */
/** * @cfg {String} invalidText The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided * (defaults to 'The value in this field is invalid') */ invalidText : 'The value in this field is invalid',
/** * @cfg {String} fieldCls The default CSS class for the field input (defaults to 'x-form-field') */ fieldCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-field',
/** * @cfg {String} focusCls The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to 'x-form-focus') */ focusCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-focus',
/** * @cfg {Array} checkChangeEvents *

A list of event names that will be listened for on the field's {@link #inputEl input element}, which * will cause the field's value to be checked for changes. If a change is detected, the * {@link #change change event} will be fired, followed by validation if the {@link #validateOnChange} * option is enabled.


Defaults to ['change', 'propertychange'] in Internet Explorer, and ['change', 'input', * 'textInput', 'keyup', 'dragdrop'] in other browsers. This catches all the ways that field values * can be changed in most supported browsers; the only known exceptions at the time of writing are:

* *

If you need to guarantee on-the-fly change notifications including these edge cases, you can call the * {@link #checkChange} method on a repeating interval, e.g. using {@link Ext.TaskMgr}, or if the field is * within a {@link Ext.form.FormPanel}, you can use the FormPanel's {@link Ext.form.FormPanel#pollForChanges} * configuration to set up such a task automatically.

*/ checkChangeEvents: Ext.isIE ? ['change', 'propertychange'] : ['change', 'input', 'textInput', 'keyup', 'dragdrop'],
/** * @cfg {Number} checkChangeBuffer * Defines a timeout in milliseconds for buffering {@link #checkChangeEvents} that fire in rapid succession. * Defaults to 50 milliseconds. */ checkChangeBuffer: 50, componentLayout: 'field',
/** * @cfg {Boolean} readOnly true to mark the field as readOnly in HTML * (defaults to false). *

Note: this only sets the element's readOnly DOM attribute. * Setting readOnly=true, for example, will not disable triggering a * ComboBox or Date; it gives you the option of forcing the user to choose * via the trigger without typing in the text box. To hide the trigger use * {@link Ext.form.Trigger#hideTrigger hideTrigger}.

*/ readOnly : false,
/** * @cfg {String} inputId * The id that will be given to the generated input DOM element. Defaults to an automatically generated id. * If you configure this manually, you must make sure it is unique in the document. */ // private hasFocus : false, // private initComponent : function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); me.subTplData = me.subTplData || {}; me.addEvents(
/** * @event focus * Fires when this field receives input focus. * @param {Ext.form.BaseField} this */ 'focus',
/** * @event blur * Fires when this field loses input focus. * @param {Ext.form.BaseField} this */ 'blur',
/** * @event specialkey * Fires when any key related to navigation (arrows, tab, enter, esc, etc.) is pressed. * To handle other keys see {@link Ext.panel.Panel#keys} or {@link Ext.KeyMap}. * You can check {@link Ext.EventObject#getKey} to determine which key was pressed. * For example:

var form = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
    items: [{
            fieldLabel: 'Field 1',
            name: 'field1',
            allowBlank: false
            fieldLabel: 'Field 2',
            name: 'field2',
            listeners: {
                specialkey: function(field, e){
                    // e.HOME, e.END, e.PAGE_UP, e.PAGE_DOWN,
                    // e.TAB, e.ESC, arrow keys: e.LEFT, e.RIGHT, e.UP, e.DOWN
                    if (e.{@link Ext.EventObject#getKey getKey()} == e.ENTER) {
                        var form = field.ownerCt.getForm();
* @param {Ext.form.BaseField} this * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object */ 'specialkey' ); // Init mixins me.initLabelable(); me.initField(); },
/** * Returns the input id for this field. If none was specified via the {@link #inputId} config, * then an id will be automatically generated. */ getInputId: function() { return this.inputId || (this.inputId = Ext.id()); }, getSubTplData: function() { var me = this, type = me.inputType, inputId = me.getInputId(); return Ext.applyIf(me.subTplData, { id: inputId, name: me.name || inputId, type: type, size: me.size || 20, cls: me.cls, fieldCls: me.fieldCls, tabIdx: me.tabIndex, typeCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-' + (type === 'password' ? 'text' : type) }); },
/** * @protected * Gets the markup to be inserted into the outer template's bodyEl. For fields this is the * actual input element. */ getSubTplMarkup: function() { return this.fieldSubTpl.apply(this.getSubTplData()); }, initRenderTpl: function() { var me = this; if (!me.hasOwnProperty('renderTpl')) { me.renderTpl = me.labelableRenderTpl; } return me.callParent(); }, initRenderData: function() { return Ext.applyIf(this.callParent(), this.getLabelableRenderData()); }, // private onRender : function() { var me = this, renderSelectors = me.renderSelectors; Ext.applyIf(renderSelectors, me.getLabelableSelectors()); Ext.applyIf(renderSelectors, {
/** * @property inputEl * @type Ext.core.Element * The input Element for this Field. Only available after the field has been rendered. */ inputEl: '.' + me.fieldCls }); me.callParent(arguments); // Make the stored rawValue get set as the input element's value me.setRawValue(me.rawValue); if (me.readOnly) { me.setReadOnly(true); } if (me.disabled) { me.disable(); } me.renderActiveError(); }, initAria: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); // Associate the field to the error message element me.getActionEl().dom.setAttribute('aria-describedby', Ext.id(me.errorEl)); }, getFocusEl: function() { return this.inputEl; }, getSubmitValue: function() { var me = this; return (me.inputType === 'file') ? null : me.mixins.field.getSubmitValue.call(me); }, getRawValue: function() { var me = this, v = (me.inputEl ? me.inputEl.getValue() : Ext.value(me.rawValue, '')); me.rawValue = v; return v; }, setRawValue: function(value) { var me = this; value = Ext.value(value, ''); me.rawValue = value; // Some Field subclasses may not render an inputEl if (me.inputEl) { me.inputEl.dom.value = value; } return value; }, //private onDisable: function() { var me = this, inputEl = me.inputEl; me.callParent(); if (inputEl) { inputEl.dom.disabled = true; } }, //private onEnable: function() { var me = this, inputEl = me.inputEl; me.callParent(); if (inputEl) { inputEl.dom.disabled = false; } },
/** * Sets the read only state of this field. * @param {Boolean} readOnly Whether the field should be read only. */ setReadOnly: function(readOnly) { if (this.inputEl) { this.inputEl.dom.readOnly = readOnly; } this.readOnly = readOnly; }, // private fireKey : function(e){ if(e.isSpecialKey()){ this.fireEvent('specialkey', this, e); } }, // private initEvents : function(){ var me = this, inputEl = me.inputEl, onChangeTask, onChangeEvent; if (inputEl) { me.mon(inputEl, Ext.EventManager.getKeyEvent(), me.fireKey, me); me.mon(inputEl, 'focus', me.onFocus, me); // standardise buffer across all browsers + OS-es for consistent event order. // (the 10ms buffer for Editors fixes a weird FF/Win editor issue when changing OS window focus) me.mon(inputEl, 'blur', me.onBlur, me, me.inEditor ? {buffer:10} : null); // listen for immediate value changes onChangeTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(me.checkChange, me); onChangeEvent = function() { onChangeTask.delay(me.checkChangeBuffer); }; Ext.each(me.checkChangeEvents, function(eventName) { me.mon(inputEl, eventName, onChangeEvent); }, me); } }, // private preFocus: Ext.emptyFn, // private onFocus: function() { var me = this, focusCls = me.focusCls, inputEl = me.inputEl; me.preFocus(); if (focusCls && inputEl) { inputEl.addCls(focusCls); } if (!me.hasFocus) { me.hasFocus = true; me.fireEvent('focus', me); } }, // private beforeBlur : Ext.emptyFn, // private onBlur : function(){ var me = this, focusCls = me.focusCls, inputEl = me.inputEl; me.beforeBlur(); if (focusCls && inputEl) { inputEl.removeCls(focusCls); } me.hasFocus = false; me.fireEvent('blur', me); me.postBlur(); }, // private postBlur : Ext.emptyFn,
/** * Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid by * {@link #getErrors validating} the {@link #processRawValue processed raw value} * of the field. Note: {@link #disabled} fields are always treated as valid. * @return {Boolean} True if the value is valid, else false */ isValid : function() { var me = this; return me.disabled || me.validateValue(me.processRawValue(me.getRawValue()), true); },
/** * Validates the field value * @return {Boolean} True if the value is valid, else false */ validate : function() { var me = this; return me.disabled || me.validateValue(me.processRawValue(me.getRawValue())); },
/** *

Uses {@link #getErrors} to build an array of validation errors. If any errors are found, {@link #markInvalid} * is called with the first and false is returned, otherwise true is returned.


Previously, subclasses were invited to provide an implementation of this to process validations - from 3.2 * onwards {@link #getErrors} should be overridden instead.

* @param {Mixed} value The value to validate * @param {Boolean} preventMark true to prevent marking the field invalid * @return {Boolean} True if all validations passed, false if one or more failed */ validateValue: function(value, preventMark) { var me = this, error = me.getErrors(value)[0], //currently we only show 1 error at a time for a field, so just use the first one undef, isValid = error === undef; if (!preventMark) { if (isValid) { me.clearInvalid(); } else { me.markInvalid(error); } } return isValid; },
/** *

Display an error message associated with this field, using {@link #msgTarget} to determine how to * display the message and applying {@link #invalidCls} to the field's UI element.


Note: this method does not cause the Field's {@link #validate} method to return false * if the value does pass validation. So simply marking a Field as invalid will not prevent * submission of forms submitted with the {@link Ext.form.action.Action.Submit#clientValidation} option set.

* {@link #isValid invalid}. * @param {String} msg (optional) The validation message (defaults to {@link #invalidText}) */ markInvalid : function(msg) { var me = this, hadError = me.hasActiveError(); // Save the message and fire the 'invalid' event me.setActiveError(msg); // If it was a change, update the error rendering and layout if (!hadError) { me.doComponentLayout(); } },
/** * Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field */ clearInvalid : function() { var me = this, hadError = me.getActiveError(); // Clear the message and fire the 'valid' event me.unsetActiveError(); // If it was a change, update the error rendering and layout if (hadError) { me.doComponentLayout(); } }, getActionEl: function() { return this.inputEl || this.el; } }, function() { this.prototype.fieldSubTpl = new Ext.XTemplate( 'name="{name}" ', 'size="{size}" ', 'tabIndex="{tabIdx}" ', 'class="{fieldCls} {typeCls}" autocomplete="off" />', { compiled: true, disableFormats: true } ); });