/** * @class Ext.layout.container.Border * @extends Ext.layout.Container *

This is a multi-pane, application-oriented UI layout style that supports multiple * nested panels, automatic bars between regions and built-in * {@link Ext.panel.Panel#collapsible expanding and collapsing} of regions.


This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'border' * {@link Ext.container.Container#layout} config, and should generally not need to be created directly * via the new keyword.


Example usage:


var myBorderPanel = new Ext.Panel({
    {@link Ext.Component#renderTo renderTo}: document.body,
    {@link Ext.BoxComponent#width width}: 700,
    {@link Ext.BoxComponent#height height}: 500,
    {@link Ext.Panel#title title}: 'Border Layout',
    {@link Ext.Container#layout layout}: 'border',
    {@link Ext.Container#items items}: [{
        {@link Ext.Panel#title title}: 'South Region is resizable',
        {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#BorderLayout.Region region}: 'south',     // position for region
        {@link Ext.BoxComponent#height height}: 100,
        {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#split split}: true,         // enable resizing
        {@link Ext.SplitBar#minSize minSize}: 75,         // defaults to {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#minHeight 50}
        {@link Ext.SplitBar#maxSize maxSize}: 150,
        {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#margins margins}: '0 5 5 5'
        // xtype: 'panel' implied by default
        {@link Ext.Panel#title title}: 'West Region is collapsible',
        {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#BorderLayout.Region region}:'west',
        {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#margins margins}: '5 0 0 5',
        {@link Ext.BoxComponent#width width}: 200,
        {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#collapsible collapsible}: true,   // make collapsible
        {@link Ext.Component#id id}: 'west-region-container',
        {@link Ext.Container#layout layout}: 'fit',
        {@link Ext.Panel#unstyled unstyled}: true
        {@link Ext.Panel#title title}: 'Center Region',
        {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#BorderLayout.Region region}: 'center',     // center region is required, no width/height specified
        {@link Ext.Component#xtype xtype}: 'container',
        {@link Ext.Container#layout layout}: 'fit',
        {@link Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region#margins margins}: '5 5 0 0'


*/ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', { alias: ['layout.border'], extend: 'Ext.layout.Container', requires: ['Ext.resizer.Splitter', 'Ext.container.Container', 'Ext.util.MixedCollection', 'Ext.fx.Anim'], uses: ['Ext.fx.Anim'], targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'border-layout-ct', itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'border-item', bindToOwnerCtContainer: true, fixedLayout: false, constructor: function(config) { this.initialConfig = config; this.callParent(arguments); }, onLayout: function() { var me = this; if (!me.borderLayoutInitialized) { me.initializeBorderLayout(); } // Delegate this operation to the shadow "V" or "H" box layout, and then down to any embedded layout. me.shadowLayout.onLayout(); me.embeddedContainer && me.embeddedContainer.layout.onLayout(); }, isValidParent : function(item, target, position) { if (!this.borderLayoutInitialized) { this.initializeBorderLayout(); } // Delegate this operation to the shadow "V" or "H" box layout. return this.shadowLayout.isValidParent(item, target, position); }, beforeLayout: function() { if (!this.borderLayoutInitialized) { this.initializeBorderLayout(); } // Delegate this operation to the shadow "V" or "H" box layout. this.shadowLayout.beforeLayout(); }, renderItems: function(items, target) { throw 'This should not be called'; }, renderItem: function(item) { throw 'This should not be called'; }, initializeBorderLayout: function() { var me = this, i = 0, items = me.getLayoutItems(), ln = items.length, comp, regions = (me.regions = {}), vBoxItems = [], hBoxItems = []; // Map of Splitters for each region me.splitters = {}; // Map of regions for (; i < ln; i++) { comp = items[i]; regions[comp.region] = comp; // Intercept collapsing to implement showing an alternate Component as a collapsed placeHolder if (comp.collapsible && comp.collapseMode != 'header' && comp.collapseMode != 'mini') { comp.on({ beforecollapse: me.onBeforeRegionCollapse, destroy: me.onRegionDestroy, scope: me }); } } if (!regions.center) { throw "No center region defined in BorderLayout."; } comp = regions.center; if (!comp.flex) { comp.flex = 1; } comp.maintainFlex = true; // Begin the VBox and HBox item list. comp = regions.west; if (comp) { comp.collapseDirection = Ext.Component.DIRECTION_LEFT; hBoxItems.push(comp); if (comp.split) { hBoxItems.push(me.splitters.west = me.createSplitter(comp)); } } comp = regions.north; if (comp) { comp.collapseDirection = Ext.Component.DIRECTION_TOP; vBoxItems.push(comp); if (comp.split) { vBoxItems.push(me.splitters.north = me.createSplitter(comp)); } } // Decide into which Collection the center region goes. if (regions.north || regions.south) { if (regions.east || regions.west) { // Create the embedded center. Mark it with the region: 'center' property so that it can be identified as the center. vBoxItems.push(me.embeddedContainer = new Ext.container.Container({ xtype: 'container', region: 'center', id: me.owner.id + '-embedded-center', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'border-item', flex: regions.center.flex, maintainFlex: true, layout: { type: 'hbox', align: 'stretch' } })); hBoxItems.push(regions.center); } // No east or west: the original center goes straight into the vbox else { vBoxItems.push(regions.center); } } // If we have no north or south, then the center is part of the HBox items else { hBoxItems.push(regions.center); } // Finish off the VBox and HBox item list. comp = regions.south; if (comp) { comp.collapseDirection = Ext.Component.DIRECTION_BOTTOM; if (comp.split) { vBoxItems.push(me.splitters.south = me.createSplitter(comp)); } vBoxItems.push(comp); } comp = regions.east; if (comp) { comp.collapseDirection = Ext.Component.DIRECTION_RIGHT; if (comp.split) { hBoxItems.push(me.splitters.east = me.createSplitter(comp)); } hBoxItems.push(comp); } // Create the injected "items" collections for the Containers. // If we have north or south, then the shadow Container will be a VBox. // If there are also east or west regions, its center will be a shadow HBox. // If there are *only* east or west regions, then the shadow layout will be an HBox (or Fit). if (regions.north || regions.south) { me.shadowContainer = new Ext.container.Container({ ownerCt: me.owner, el: me.getTarget(), layout: Ext.applyIf({ type: 'vbox', align: 'stretch' }, me.initialConfig) }); // Have to inject an items Collection *after* construction. // The child items of the shadow layout must retain their original, user-defined ownerCt me.shadowContainer.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); me.shadowContainer.items.addAll(vBoxItems); // Allow the Splitters to orientate themselves me.splitters.north && (me.splitters.north.ownerCt = me.shadowContainer); me.splitters.south && (me.splitters.south.ownerCt = me.shadowContainer); // Inject items into the HBox Container if there is one. if (me.embeddedContainer) { me.embeddedContainer.ownerCt = me.shadowContainer; // Have to inject an items Collection *after* construction. me.embeddedContainer.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); me.embeddedContainer.items.addAll(hBoxItems); // Allow the Splitters to orientate themselves me.splitters.east && (me.splitters.east.ownerCt = me.embeddedContainer); me.splitters.west && (me.splitters.west.ownerCt = me.embeddedContainer); } } // If we have no north or south, then there's only one Container, and it's // an HBox, or, if only a center region was specified, a Fit. else { me.shadowContainer = new Ext.container.Container({ ownerCt: me.owner, el: me.getTarget(), layout: Ext.applyIf({ type: (hBoxItems.length == 1) ? 'fit' : 'hbox', align: 'stretch' }, me.initialConfig) }); // Have to inject an items Collection *after* construction. // The child items of the shadow layout must retain their original, user-defined ownerCt me.shadowContainer.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); me.shadowContainer.items.addAll(hBoxItems); // Allow the Splitters to orientate themselves me.splitters.east && (me.splitters.east.ownerCt = me.shadowContainer); me.splitters.west && (me.splitters.west.ownerCt = me.shadowContainer); } // Create upward links from the region Components to their shadow ownerCts for (i = 0, items = me.shadowContainer.items.items, ln = items.length; i < ln; i++) { items[i].shadowOwnerCt = me.shadowContainer; } if (me.embeddedContainer) { for (i = 0, items = me.embeddedContainer.items.items, ln = items.length; i < ln; i++) { items[i].shadowOwnerCt = me.embeddedContainer; } } // This is the layout that we delegate all operations to me.shadowLayout = me.shadowContainer.getLayout(); me.borderLayoutInitialized = true; }, // Private // Create a splitter for a child of the layout. createSplitter: function(comp) { var me = this, interceptCollapse = (comp.collapseMode != 'header' && comp.collapseMode != 'mini'), resizer; resizer = new Ext.resizer.Splitter({ hidden: !!comp.hidden, collapseTarget: comp, performCollapse: !interceptCollapse, listeners: interceptCollapse ? { click: { fn: Ext.Function.bind(me.onSplitterCollapseClick, me, [comp]), element: 'collapseEl' } } : null }); comp.on({ hide: Ext.Function.bind(me.onComponentHide, me, [resizer], 1), show: Ext.Function.bind(me.onComponentShow, me, [resizer], 1) }); return resizer; }, onComponentHide: function(comp, resizer){ resizer.hide(); this.layout(); }, onComponentShow: function(comp, resizer){ resizer.show(); this.layout(); }, // Called when a splitter mini-collapse tool is clicked on. // The listener is only added if this layout is controlling collapsing, // not if the component's collapseMode is 'mini' or 'header'. onSplitterCollapseClick: function(comp) { if (comp.collapsed) { this.onPlaceHolderToolClick(null, null, null, {client: comp}); } else { comp.collapse(); } },
/** *

Return the {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeHolder placeHolder} Component to which the passed child Panel of the layout will collapse. * By default, this will be a {@link Ext.panel.Header Header} component (Docked to the appropriate border). See {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeHolder placeHolder}. * config to customize this.


Note that this will be a fully instantiated Component, but will only be rendered when the Panel is first collapsed.

* @param {Panel} panel The child Panel of the layout for which to return the {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeHolder placeHolder}. * @returns {Component} The Panel's {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeHolder placeHolder} unless the {@link Ext.panel.Panel#collapseMode collapseMode} is * 'mini' or 'header', in which case undefined is returned. */ getPlaceHolder: function(comp) { var me = this, placeHolder = comp.placeHolder, shadowContainer = comp.shadowOwnerCt, shadowLayout = shadowContainer.layout, oppositeDirection = Ext.panel.Panel.prototype.getOppositeDirection(comp.collapseDirection), horiz = (comp.region == 'north' || comp.region == 'south'); // No placeHolder if the collapse mode is not the Border layout default if ((comp.collapseMode == 'mini') || (comp.collapseMode == 'header')) { return; } // Provide a replacement Container with an expand tool if (!placeHolder) { placeHolder = { id: 'collapse-placeholder-' + comp.id, margins: comp.margins, xtype: 'header', orientation: horiz ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical', title: comp.title, textCls: comp.headerTextCls, iconCls: comp.iconCls, baseCls: comp.baseCls + '-header', ui: comp.ui, indicateDrag: comp.draggable, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-placeholder ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-' + comp.collapseDirection + '-placeholder' }; // Hack for IE6/7's inability to display an inline-block if ((Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7) && !horiz) { placeHolder.width = 22; } placeHolder[horiz ? 'tools' : 'items'] = [{ xtype: 'tool', client: comp, type: 'expand-' + oppositeDirection, handler: me.onPlaceHolderToolClick, scope: me }]; } placeHolder = me.owner.createComponent(placeHolder); // The collapsed Component holds a reference to its placeHolder comp.placeHolder = placeHolder; return placeHolder; }, /** * @private * Calculates the size and positioning of the passed child item. Must be present because Panel's expand, * when configured with a flex, calls this method on its ownerCt's layout. * @param {Component} child The child Component to calculate the box for * @return {Object} Object containing box measurements for the child. Properties are left,top,width,height. */ calculateChildBox: function(comp) { var me = this; if (me.shadowContainer.items.contains(comp)) { return me.shadowContainer.layout.calculateChildBox(comp); } else if (me.embeddedContainer && me.embeddedContainer.items.contains(comp)) { return me.embeddedContainer.layout.calculateChildBox(comp); } }, /** * @private * Intercepts the Panel's own collapse event and perform's substitution of the Panel * with a placeholder Header orientated in the appropriate dimension. * @param comp The Panel being collapsed. * @param direction * @param animate * @param newSize * @returns {Boolean} false to inhibit the Panel from performing its own collapse. */ onBeforeRegionCollapse: function(comp, direction, animate, newSize) { var me = this, compBox, compAnim, placeHolder = comp.placeHolder, placeHolderBox, placeHolderAnim, shadowContainer = comp.shadowOwnerCt, shadowLayout = shadowContainer.layout, perpendicularPrefix = shadowLayout.perpendicularPrefix, targetSize = shadowLayout.getLayoutTargetSize(), sl = me.owner.suspendLayout, scsl = shadowContainer.suspendLayout, isNorthOrWest = (comp.region == 'north' || comp.region == 'west'); // Flag to keep the placeHolder non-adjacent to any Splitter // Do not trigger a layout during transition to collapsed Component me.owner.suspendLayout = true; shadowContainer.suspendLayout = true; // Prevent upward notifications from downstream layouts shadowLayout.layoutBusy = true; shadowContainer.componentLayout && (shadowContainer.componentLayout.layoutBusy = true); me.shadowContainer.layout.layoutBusy = true; me.layoutBusy = true; me.owner.componentLayout.layoutBusy = true; // Provide a replacement Container with an expand tool if (!placeHolder) { placeHolder = me.getPlaceHolder(comp); } // placeHolder already in place; show it. if (placeHolder.shadowOwnerCt === shadowContainer) { placeHolder.show(); } // Insert the collapsed placeHolder Component into the appropriate Box layout shadow Container // It must go next to its client Component, but non-adjacent to the splitter so splitter can find its collapse client. // Inject an ownerCt value pointing to the owner, border layout Container as the user will expect. else { shadowContainer.insert(shadowContainer.items.indexOf(comp) + (isNorthOrWest ? 0 : 1), placeHolder); placeHolder.shadowOwnerCt = shadowContainer; placeHolder.ownerCt = me.owner; } // Flag the collapsing Component as hidden and show the placeHolder. // This causes the shadow Box layout's calculateChildBoxes to calculate the correct new arrangement. comp.hidden = true; if (!placeHolder.rendered) { shadowLayout.renderItem(placeHolder, shadowLayout.innerCt); } // If collapsing Panel is floatable, add a click listener (excluding clicking on a tool) to float the Panel into view if (comp.floatable && !placeHolder.hasClickListener) { placeHolder.el.on({ click: function(e) { me.floatCollapsedPanel(e, comp); } }); placeHolder.hasClickListener = true; } // See where the collapsing component is currently positioned compBox = shadowLayout.getChildBox(comp); // Find where the shadow Box layout plans to put the placeHolder placeHolderBox = shadowLayout.calculateChildBox(placeHolder); // Jobs to be done after the collapse has been done function afterCollapse() { // Hide the newly collapsed Component while layouts are suspended. // Defer it so that it happens outside of the animation's event. Ext.Function.defer(comp.setPagePosition, 1, comp, [-10000, -10000]); // Reinstate automatic laying out. me.owner.suspendLayout = sl; shadowContainer.suspendLayout = scsl; delete shadowLayout.layoutBusy; shadowContainer.componentLayout && (delete shadowContainer.componentLayout.layoutBusy); delete me.shadowContainer.layout.layoutBusy; delete me.layoutBusy; delete me.owner.componentLayout.layoutBusy; // Fire the collapse event: The Panel has in fact been collapsed, but by substitution of an alternative Component comp.collapsed = true; comp.fireEvent('collapse', comp); } // We have to slide the collapsing Component out of the way because the layout is going to ignore it because it is flagged as hidden compAnim = { target: comp, from: { top: compBox.top, left: compBox.left }, to: { top: compBox.top, left: compBox.left } }; // Start the placeHolder from a sensible place: just obscured by the center switch (comp.region) { case 'north': placeHolderBox.top = compBox.top + compBox.height - placeHolderBox.height; compAnim.to.top = -compBox.height; break; case 'south': placeHolderBox.top = compBox.top; compAnim.to.top = targetSize.height; break; case 'east': placeHolderBox.left = compBox.left; compAnim.to.left = targetSize.width; break; case 'west': placeHolderBox.left = compBox.left + compBox.width - placeHolderBox.width; compAnim.to.left = -compBox.width; } // The position that the layout will animate the placeHolder from placeHolder.setSize(placeHolderBox.width, placeHolderBox.height); placeHolder.setPosition(placeHolderBox.left, placeHolderBox.top); // Set everything to the new positions. if (comp.animCollapse) { shadowLayout.animate = { duration: Ext.num(comp.animCollapse, Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration), callback: afterCollapse }; shadowLayout.layout(); delete shadowLayout.animate; var satisfyJSLint = new Ext.fx.Anim(compAnim); } else { shadowLayout.layout(); afterCollapse(); } return false; }, getCollapsedPosition: function(comp) { var result = {}, shadowContainer = comp.shadowOwnerCt, shadowLayout = shadowContainer.layout, targetSize = shadowLayout.getLayoutTargetSize(); result.top = comp.region == 'north' ? -comp.height : comp.region == 'south' ? targetSize.height : shadowLayout.padding.top; result.left = comp.region == 'west' ? -comp.width : comp.region == 'east' ? targetSize.width : shadowLayout.padding.left; return result; }, // Called when the collapsed placeHolder is clicked to reinstate a "collapsed" (in reality hidden) Panel. onPlaceHolderToolClick: function(e, target, owner, tool) { var me = this, comp = tool.client, compEl = comp.el, compBox, compAnim, placeHolder = comp.placeHolder, placeHolderEl = placeHolder.el, shadowContainer = comp.shadowOwnerCt, shadowLayout = shadowContainer.layout, perpendicularPrefix = shadowLayout.perpendicularPrefix, sl = me.owner.suspendLayout, scsl = shadowContainer.suspendLayout, positionComponent = true; // If the Component is already floated when they click the placeHolder Tool, // it will be primed with a slide out animation object... so delete that // and remove the mouseout listeners if (comp.slideOutAnim) { // If the slide in is still going, cancel it. if (comp.slideInAnim && comp.slideInAnim.running) { comp.slideInAnim.end(); delete comp.slideInAnim; } // Remove mouse leave monitors compEl.un(comp.panelMouseMon); placeHolderEl.un(comp.placeHolderMouseMon); delete comp.slideOutAnim; delete comp.panelMouseMon; delete comp.placeHolderMouseMon; // If the Panel was slid in and primed with a slideOut animation, we don't want to reposition it positionComponent = false; } // Do not trigger a layout during transition to expanded Component me.owner.suspendLayout = true; shadowContainer.suspendLayout = true; // Prevent upward notifications from downstream layouts shadowLayout.layoutBusy = true; shadowContainer.componentLayout && (shadowContainer.componentLayout.layoutBusy = true); me.shadowContainer.layout.layoutBusy = true; me.layoutBusy = true; me.owner.componentLayout.layoutBusy = true; // Unset the hidden and collapsed flags set in onBeforeRegionCollapse. The shadowLayout will now take it into account comp.hidden = false; comp.collapsed = false; // Hide the placeholder. TODO: Maybe animate it out of the way. placeHolder.hide(); // Find where the expanding Component currently is, and where the shadow Box layout plans to put it. fromCompBox = this.getCollapsedPosition(comp); // If the Panel was not floated, position it just offscreen for an orderly slide in if (positionComponent) { comp.setPosition(fromCompBox.left, fromCompBox.top); } toCompBox = shadowLayout.calculateChildBox(comp); // Jobs to be done after the expand has been done function afterExpand() { // Reinstate automatic laying out. me.owner.suspendLayout = sl; shadowContainer.suspendLayout = scsl; delete shadowLayout.layoutBusy; shadowContainer.componentLayout && (delete shadowContainer.componentLayout.layoutBusy); delete me.shadowContainer.layout.layoutBusy; delete me.layoutBusy; delete me.owner.componentLayout.layoutBusy; // In case it was floated out and they clicked the re-expand tool comp.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'border-region-slide-in'); // Fire the expand event: The Panel has in fact been expanded, but by substitution of an alternative Component comp.fireEvent('expand', comp); } // Equalize the perpendicular measurement of the expanding Component prior to animation // in case the layout area has changed size during the time it was collapsed. if (fromCompBox[perpendicularPrefix] != toCompBox[perpendicularPrefix]) { comp['set' + shadowLayout.perpendicularPrefixCap].call(comp, toCompBox[perpendicularPrefix]); delete comp[perpendicularPrefix]; } // Show the collapse tool in case it was hidden by the slide-in comp.collapseTool && comp.collapseTool.show(); // Set everything to the new positions. if (comp.animCollapse) { shadowLayout.animate = { duration: Ext.num(comp.animCollapse, Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration), callback: afterExpand }; shadowLayout.onLayout(); delete shadowLayout.animate; } else { shadowLayout.onLayout(); afterExpand(); } }, floatCollapsedPanel: function(e, comp) { var me = this, compEl = comp.el, compBox, compAnim, placeHolder = comp.placeHolder, placeHolderEl = placeHolder.el, shadowContainer = comp.shadowOwnerCt, shadowLayout = shadowContainer.layout, compHiddenBox = me.getCollapsedPosition(comp), placeHolderBox = shadowLayout.getChildBox(placeHolder), perpendicularPrefix = shadowLayout.perpendicularPrefix, scsl = shadowContainer.suspendLayout; // Ignore clicks on tools. if (e.getTarget('.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tool')) { return; } // Function to be called when the mouse leaves the floated Panel // Slide out when the mouse leaves the region bounded by the slid Component and its placeHolder. function onMouseLeaveFloated(e) { var p = e.getPoint(), slideRegion = compEl.getRegion().union(placeHolderEl.getRegion()).adjust(1, -1, -1, 1); // If mouse is not within slide Region, slide it out if (!slideRegion.contains(p)) { me.slideOutFloatedComponent(comp); } } // If the Component is already floated when they click the placeHolder, // it will be primed with a slide out animation object... so slide it out // and remove the mouseout listeners if (comp.slideOutAnim) { // It's *being* slid out: Stop that, we'll slide it back in. if (comp.slideOutAnim.running) { comp.slideOutAnim.end(); } // It's *ready* to be slid out: Do it now. else { me.slideOutFloatedComponent(comp); return; } } // Do not trigger a layout during slide out of the Component shadowContainer.suspendLayout = true; // Prevent upward notifications from downstream layouts me.layoutBusy = true; me.owner.componentLayout.layoutBusy = true; // Set flags so that the layout will calculate the boxes for what we want comp.hidden = false; comp.collapsed = false; placeHolder.hidden = true; // Recalculate new arrangement of the component being floated. compBox = shadowLayout.calculateChildBox(comp); switch (comp.region) { case 'north': compBox.top += placeHolderBox.height; break; case 'south': compBox.top -= placeHolderBox.height; break; case 'east': compBox.left -= placeHolderBox.width; break; case 'west': compBox.left += placeHolderBox.width; } // This animation slides the collapsed Component out to just beyond its placeHolder compAnim = { target: comp, from: compHiddenBox, to: { top: compBox.top, left: compBox.left, width: compBox.width, height: compBox.height }, listeners: { afteranimate: function() { shadowContainer.suspendLayout = scsl; delete comp.slideInAnim; delete me.layoutBusy; delete me.owner.componentLayout.layoutBusy; } }, duration: 500 }; // Equalize the perpendicular measurement of the expanding Component prior to animation // in case the layout area has changed size during the time it was collapsed. if (compAnim.from[perpendicularPrefix] != compAnim.to[perpendicularPrefix]) { comp['set' + shadowLayout.perpendicularPrefixCap].call(comp, compAnim.to[perpendicularPrefix]); delete comp[perpendicularPrefix]; compAnim.from[perpendicularPrefix] = compAnim.to[perpendicularPrefix]; } // The collapse tool is hidden while slid. // It is re-shown on expand. comp.collapseTool && comp.collapseTool.hide(); // Reinstate the correct, current state comp.hidden = true; comp.collapsed = true; placeHolder.hidden = false; // Give the element the correct class which places it at a high z-index compEl.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'border-region-slide-in'); // Begin the slide in comp.slideInAnim = new Ext.fx.Anim(compAnim); // Prime the Component with an Anim config object to slide it back out compAnim.from = compAnim.to; compAnim.to = compHiddenBox; compAnim.listeners = { afterAnimate: function() { compEl.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'border-region-slide-in'); delete comp.slideOutAnim; delete comp.panelMouseMon; delete comp.placeHolderMouseMon; } }; comp.slideOutAnim = compAnim; // Monitor for mouseouting of the slid area. Hide it is they exit for half a second or more comp.panelMouseMon = compEl.monitorMouseLeave(500, onMouseLeaveFloated); comp.placeHolderMouseMon = placeHolderEl.monitorMouseLeave(500, onMouseLeaveFloated); }, slideOutFloatedComponent: function(comp) { var compEl = comp.el, placeHolder = comp.placeHolder, placeHolderEl = placeHolder.el, slideOutAnim; // If the slide in is still going, cancel it, and modify the slide out to start from the current position if (comp.slideInAnim && comp.slideInAnim.running) { comp.slideInAnim.end(); delete comp.slideInAnim; comp.slideOutAnim.from = comp.shadowOwnerCt.layout.getChildBox(comp); } // Remove mouse leave monitors compEl.un(comp.panelMouseMon); placeHolderEl.un(comp.placeHolderMouseMon); // Slide the Component out slideOutAnim = new Ext.fx.Anim(comp.slideOutAnim); delete comp.slideOutAnim; delete comp.panelMouseMon; delete comp.placeHolderMouseMon; }, /* * @private * Ensure any collapsed placeHolder Component is destroyed along with its region. * Can't do this in onDestroy because they may remove a Component and use it elsewhere. */ onRegionDestroy: function(comp) { Ext.destroy(comp.placeHolder); }, /* * @private * Ensure any shadow Containers are destroyed. * Ensure we don't keep references to Components. */ onDestroy: function() { var me = this, shadowContainer = me.shadowContainer, embeddedContainer = me.embeddedContainer; if (shadowContainer) { delete shadowContainer.ownerCt; } if (embeddedContainer) { delete embeddedContainer; } delete me.regions; delete me.splitters; delete me.shadowContainer; delete me.embeddedContainer; me.callParent(arguments); } });