/** * @author Ed Spencer * @class Ext.data.ClientProxy * @extends Ext.data.Proxy * *

Base class for any client-side storage. Used as a superclass for {@link Ext.data.MemoryProxy Memory} and * {@link Ext.data.WebStorageProxy Web Storage} proxies. Do not use directly, use one of the subclasses instead.

*/ Ext.define('Ext.data.ClientProxy', { extend: 'Ext.data.Proxy',
/** * Abstract function that must be implemented by each ClientProxy subclass. This should purge all record data * from the client side storage, as well as removing any supporting data (such as lists of record IDs) */ clear: function() { throw new Error("The Ext.data.ClientProxy subclass that you are using has not defined a 'clear' function. See src/data/ClientProxy.js for details."); } });