/** * @class Ext.form.CompositeField * @extends Ext.container.Container * Composite field allowing a number of form Fields to be rendered on the same row. The fields are rendered * using an hbox layout internally, so all of the normal HBox layout config items are available. Example usage: *
    xtype: 'compositefield',
    labelWidth: 120
    items: [
            xtype     : 'textfield',
            fieldLabel: 'Title',
            width     : 20
            xtype     : 'textfield',
            fieldLabel: 'First',
            flex      : 1
            xtype     : 'textfield',
            fieldLabel: 'Last',
            flex      : 1
* In the example above the composite's fieldLabel will be set to 'Title, First, Last' as it groups the fieldLabels * of each of its children. This can be overridden by setting a fieldLabel on the compositefield itself: *
    xtype: 'compositefield',
    fieldLabel: 'Custom label',
    items: [...]
* Any Ext.form.* component can be placed inside a composite field. */ Ext.define('Ext.form.CompositeField', { extend: 'Ext.container.Container', alias: 'widget.compositefield', requires: ['Ext.util.MixedCollection'],
/** * @property defaultMargins * @type String * The margins to apply by default to each field in the composite */ defaultMargins: '0 5 0 0',
/** * @property skipLastItemMargin * @type Boolean * If true, the defaultMargins are not applied to the last item in the composite field set (defaults to true) */ skipLastItemMargin: true,
/** * @property isComposite * @type Boolean * Signifies that this is a Composite field */ isComposite: true,
/** * @property combineErrors * @type Boolean * True to combine errors from the individual fields into a single error message at the CompositeField level (defaults to true) */ combineErrors: true,
/** * @cfg {String} labelConnector The string to use when joining segments of the built label together (defaults to ', ') */ labelConnector: ', ', layout: 'hbox', componentLayout: 'field', tabSequence: 'row', labelWidth : 100, labelPad : 5, labelSeparator : ':', //inherit docs //Builds the composite field label initComponent: function() { //this.fieldLabel = this.fieldLabel || this.buildLabel(labels);
/** * @property fieldErrors * @type Ext.util.MixedCollection * MixedCollection of current errors on the Composite's subfields. This is used internally to track when * to show and hide error messages at the Composite level. Listeners are attached to the MixedCollection's * add, remove and replace events to update the error icon in the UI as errors are added or removed. */ this.fieldErrors = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(true, function(item) { return item.field; }); this.fieldErrors.on({ scope : this, add : this.updateInvalidMark, remove : this.updateInvalidMark, replace: this.updateInvalidMark }); Ext.form.CompositeField.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * @private * Creates an internal container using hbox and renders the fields to it */ //onRender: function(ct, position) { //}, /* initEvents : function() { //if we're combining subfield errors into a single message, override the markInvalid and clearInvalid //methods of each subfield and show them at the Composite level instead if (this.combineErrors) { this.eachItem(function(field) { Ext.apply(field, { markInvalid : Ext.Function.bind(this.onFieldMarkInvalid, this, [field], 0), clearInvalid: Ext.Function.bind(this.onFieldClearInvalid, this, [field], 0) }); }); } Ext.form.CompositeField.superclass.initEvents.apply(this, arguments); }, */ getErrors: function() { return []; },
/** * Called if combineErrors is true and a subfield's markInvalid method is called. * By default this just adds the subfield's error to the internal fieldErrors MixedCollection * @param {Ext.form.Field} field The field that was marked invalid * @param {String} message The error message */ onFieldMarkInvalid: function(field, message) { var name = field.getName(), error = {field: name, error: message}; this.fieldErrors.replace(name, error); field.el.addCls(field.invalidCls); },
/** * Called if combineErrors is true and a subfield's clearInvalid method is called. * By default this just updates the internal fieldErrors MixedCollection. * @param {Ext.form.Field} field The field that was marked invalid */ onFieldClearInvalid: function(field) { this.fieldErrors.removeByKey(field.getName()); field.el.removeCls(field.invalidCls); }, /** * @private * Called after a subfield is marked valid or invalid, this checks to see if any of the subfields are * currently invalid. If any subfields are invalid it builds a combined error message marks the composite * invalid, otherwise clearInvalid is called */ updateInvalidMark: function() { var ieStrict = Ext.isIE6 && Ext.isStrict; if (this.fieldErrors.length == 0) { this.clearInvalid(); //IE6 in strict mode has a layout bug when using 'under' as the error message target. This fixes it if (ieStrict) { Ext.defer(this.clearInvalid, 50, this); } } else { var message = this.buildCombinedErrorMessage(this.fieldErrors.items); this.sortErrors(); this.markInvalid(message); //IE6 in strict mode has a layout bug when using 'under' as the error message target. This fixes it if (ieStrict) { this.markInvalid(message); } } },
/** * Performs validation checks on each subfield and returns false if any of them fail validation. * @return {Boolean} False if any subfield failed validation */ validateValue: function() { var valid = true; this.eachItem(function(field) { if (!field.isValid()) { valid = false; } }); return valid; },
/** * Takes an object containing error messages for contained fields, returning a combined error * string (defaults to just placing each item on a new line). This can be overridden to provide * custom combined error message handling. * @param {Array} errors Array of errors in format: [{field: 'title', error: 'some error'}] * @return {String} The combined error message */ buildCombinedErrorMessage: function(errors) { var combined = [], error; for (var i = 0, j = errors.length; i < j; i++) { error = errors[i]; combined.push(Ext.util.Format.format("{0}: {1}", error.field, error.error)); } return combined.join("
"); },
/** * Sorts the internal fieldErrors MixedCollection by the order in which the fields are defined. * This is called before displaying errors to ensure that the errors are presented in the expected order. * This function can be overridden to provide a custom sorting order if needed. */ sortErrors: function() { var fields = this.items; this.fieldErrors.sort("ASC", function(a, b) { var findByName = function(key) { return function(field) { return field.getName() == key; }; }; var aIndex = fields.findIndexBy(findByName(a.field)), bIndex = fields.findIndexBy(findByName(b.field)); return aIndex < bIndex ? -1 : 1; }); },
/** * Resets each field in the composite to their previous value */ reset: function() { this.eachItem(function(item) { item.reset(); }); // Defer the clearInvalid so if BaseForm's collection is being iterated it will be called AFTER it is complete. // Important because reset is being called on both the group and the individual items. Ext.defer(function() { this.clearInvalid(); }, 50, this); },
/** * Calls clearInvalid on all child fields. This is a convenience function and should not often need to be called * as fields usually take care of clearing themselves */ clearInvalidChildren: function() { this.eachItem(function(item) { item.clearInvalid(); }); },
/** * Builds a label string from an array of subfield labels. * By default this just joins the labels together with a comma * @param {Array} segments Array of each of the labels in the composite field's subfields * @return {String} The built label */ buildLabel: function(segments) { return Ext.clean(segments).join(this.labelConnector); },
/** * Checks each field in the composite and returns true if any is dirty * @return {Boolean} True if any field is dirty */ isDirty: function(){ //override the behaviour to check sub items. if (this.disabled || !this.rendered) { return false; } var dirty = false; this.eachItem(function(item){ if(item.isDirty()){ dirty = true; return false; } }); return dirty; }, /** * @private * Convenience function which passes the given function to every item in the composite * @param {Function} fn The function to call * @param {Object} scope Optional scope object */ eachItem: function(fn, scope) { if(this.items && this.items.each){ this.items.each(fn, scope || this); } }, //override the behaviour to check sub items. setReadOnly : function(readOnly) { if (readOnly == undefined) { readOnly = true; } readOnly = !!readOnly; if(this.rendered){ this.eachItem(function(item){ item.setReadOnly(readOnly); }); } this.readOnly = readOnly; }, //override the behaviour to check sub items. onDisable : function(){ this.eachItem(function(item){ item.disable(); }); }, //override the behaviour to check sub items. onEnable : function(){ this.eachItem(function(item){ item.enable(); }); } });