/** * @class Ext.EventManager * Registers event handlers that want to receive a normalized EventObject instead of the standard browser event and provides * several useful events directly. * See {@link Ext.EventObject} for more details on normalized event objects. * @singleton */ Ext.EventManager = { // --------------------- onReady --------------------- /** * Check if we have bound our global onReady listener * @private */ hasBoundOnReady: false, /** * Check if fireDocReady has been called * @private */ hasFiredReady: false, /** * Timer for the document ready event in old IE versions * @private */ readyTimeout: null, /** * Checks if we have bound an onreadystatechange event * @private */ hasOnReadyStateChange: false, /** * Holds references to any onReady functions * @private */ readyEvent: new Ext.util.Event(), /** * Check the ready state for old IE versions * @private * @return {Boolean} True if the document is ready */ checkReadyState: function(){ var me = Ext.EventManager; if(window.attachEvent){ // See here for reference: http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/ if (window != top) { return false; } try{ document.documentElement.doScroll('left'); }catch(e){ return false; } me.fireDocReady(); return true; } if (document.readyState == 'complete') { me.fireDocReady(); return true; } me.readyTimeout = setTimeout(arguments.callee, 2); return false; }, /** * Binds the appropriate browser event for checking if the DOM has loaded. * @private */ bindReadyEvent: function(){ var me = Ext.EventManager; if (me.hasBoundOnReady) { return; } if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', me.fireDocReady, false); // fallback, load will ~always~ fire window.addEventListener('load', me.fireDocReady, false); } else { // Important: commented out since this hack causes issues with our new framing // There's no need to apply hacks anyway, the native window onload event on IEs works // just fine for us since we don't care about initial DOM // check if the document is ready, this will also kick off the scroll checking timer //if (!me.checkReadyState()) { // document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', me.checkReadyState); // me.hasOnReadyStateChange = true; //} // fallback, onload will ~always~ fire window.attachEvent('onload', me.fireDocReady, false); } me.hasBoundOnReady = true; }, /** * We know the document is loaded, so trigger any onReady events. * @private */ fireDocReady: function(){ var me = Ext.EventManager; // only unbind these events once if (!me.hasFiredReady) { me.hasFiredReady = true; if (document.addEventListener) { document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', me.fireDocReady, false); window.removeEventListener('load', me.fireDocReady, false); } else { if (me.readyTimeout != null) { clearTimeout(me.readyTimeout); } if (me.hasOnReadyStateChange) { document.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', me.checkReadyState); } window.detachEvent('onload', me.fireDocReady); } Ext.supports.init(); } if (!Ext.isReady) { Ext.isReady = true; me.readyEvent.fire(); } },
/** * Adds a listener to be notified when the document is ready (before onload and before images are loaded). Can be * accessed shorthanded as Ext.onReady(). * @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes. * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (this reference) in which the handler function executes. Defaults to the browser window. * @param {boolean} options (optional) Options object as passed to {@link Ext.core.Element#addListener}. */ onDocumentReady: function(fn, scope, options){ options = options || {}; var me = Ext.EventManager, readyEvent = me.readyEvent; // force single to be true so our event is only ever fired once. options.single = true; // Document already loaded, let's just fire it if (Ext.isReady) { readyEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options); readyEvent.fire(); } else { options.delay = options.delay || 1; readyEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options); me.bindReadyEvent(); } }, // --------------------- event binding --------------------- /** * Contains a list of all document mouse downs, so we can ensure they fire even when stopEvent is called. * @private */ stoppedMouseDownEvent: new Ext.util.Event(), /** * Options to parse for the 4th argument to addListener. * @private */ propRe: /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single|stopEvent|preventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized|args|delegate)$/,
/** * Get the id of the element. If one has not been assigned, automatically assign it. * @param {Mixed} element The element to get the id for. * @return {String} id */ getId : function(element) { var skip = false, id; element = Ext.getDom(element); if (element === document || element === window) { id = element === document ? Ext.documentId : Ext.windowId; skip = true; } else { id = Ext.id(element); } if (!Ext.cache[id]){ Ext.core.Element.addToCache(new Ext.core.Element(element), id); if(skip){ Ext.cache[id].skipGarbageCollection = true; } } return id; }, /** * Convert a "config style" listener into a set of flat arguments so they can be passed to addListener * @private * @param {Object} element The element the event is for * @param {Object} event The event configuration * @param {Object} isRemove True if a removal should be performed, otherwise an add will be done. */ prepareListenerConfig: function(element, config, isRemove){ var me = this, propRe = me.propRe, key, value, args; // loop over all the keys in the object for (key in config) { if (!config.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } // if the key is something else then an event option if (!propRe.test(key)) { value = config[key]; // if the value is a function it must be something like click: function(){}, scope: this // which means that there might be multiple event listeners with shared options if (Ext.isFunction(value)) { // shared options args = [element, key, value, config.scope, config]; } else { // if its not a function, it must be an object like click: {fn: function(){}, scope: this} args = [element, key, value.fn, value.scope, value]; } if (isRemove === true) { me.removeListener.apply(this, args); } else { me.addListener.apply(me, args); } } } }, /** * Normalize cross browser event differences * @private * @param {Object} eventName The event name * @param {Object} fn The function to execute * @return {Object} The new event name/function */ normalizeEvent: function(eventName, fn){ if (/mouseenter|mouseleave/.test(eventName) && !Ext.supports.MouseEnterLeave) { if (fn) { fn = Ext.Function.createInterceptor(fn, this.contains, this); } eventName = eventName == 'mouseenter' ? 'mouseover' : 'mouseout'; } else if (eventName == 'mousewheel' && !Ext.supports.MouseWheel){ eventName = 'DOMMouseScroll'; } return { eventName: eventName, fn: fn }; }, /** * Checks whether the event's relatedTarget is contained inside (or is) the element. * @private * @param {Object} event */ contains: function(event){ var parent = event.browserEvent.currentTarget, child = this.getRelatedTarget(event); if (parent && parent.firstChild) { while (child) { if (child === parent) { return true; } child = child.parentNode; if (child && (child.nodeType != 1)) { child = null; } } } return true; },
/** * Appends an event handler to an element. The shorthand version {@link #on} is equivalent. Typically you will * use {@link Ext.core.Element#addListener} directly on an Element in favor of calling this version. * @param {String/HTMLElement} el The html element or id to assign the event handler to. * @param {String} eventName The name of the event to listen for. * @param {Function} handler The handler function the event invokes. This function is passed * the following parameters: * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (this reference) in which the handler function is executed. Defaults to the Element. * @param {Object} options (optional) An object containing handler configuration properties. * This may contain any of the following properties:

See {@link Ext.core.Element#addListener} for examples of how to use these options.

*/ addListener: function(element, eventName, fn, scope, options){ // Check if we've been passed a "config style" event. if (Ext.isObject(eventName)) { this.prepareListenerConfig(element, eventName); return; } var dom = Ext.getDom(element), bind, wrap; // if the element doesnt exist throw an error if (!dom){ throw 'Error listening for "' + eventName + '\". Element "' + element + '" doesn\'t exist.'; } if (!fn) { throw 'Error listening for "' + eventName + '". No handler function specified'; } // create the wrapper function options = options || {}; bind = this.normalizeEvent(eventName, fn); wrap = this.createListenerWrap(dom, eventName, bind.fn, scope, options); if (window.addEventListener) { dom.addEventListener(bind.eventName, wrap, options.capture || false); } else { dom.attachEvent('on' + bind.eventName, wrap); } if (dom == document && eventName == 'mousedown') { this.stoppedMouseDownEvent.addListener(wrap); } // add all required data into the event cache this.getEventListenerCache(dom, eventName).push({ fn: fn, wrap: wrap, scope: scope }); },
/** * Removes an event handler from an element. The shorthand version {@link #un} is equivalent. Typically * you will use {@link Ext.core.Element#removeListener} directly on an Element in favor of calling this version. * @param {String/HTMLElement} el The id or html element from which to remove the listener. * @param {String} eventName The name of the event. * @param {Function} fn The handler function to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the {@link #addListener} call. * @param {Object} scope If a scope (this reference) was specified when the listener was added, * then this must refer to the same object. */ removeListener : function(element, eventName, fn, scope) { // handle our listener config object syntax if (Ext.isObject(eventName)) { this.prepareListenerConfig(element, eventName, true); return; } var dom = Ext.getDom(element), cache = this.getEventListenerCache(dom, eventName), bindName = this.normalizeEvent(eventName).eventName, i = cache.length, j, listener, wrap, tasks; while (i--) { listener = cache[i]; if (listener && (!fn || listener.fn == fn) && (!scope || listener.scope === scope)) { wrap = listener.wrap; // clear buffered calls if (wrap.task) { clearTimeout(wrap.task); delete wrap.task; } // clear delayed calls j = wrap.tasks && wrap.tasks.length; if (j) { while (j--) { clearTimeout(wrap.tasks[j]); } delete wrap.tasks; } if (window.removeEventListener) { dom.removeEventListener(bindName, wrap, false); } else { dom.detachEvent('on' + bindName, wrap); } if (wrap && dom == document && eventName == 'mousedown') { this.stoppedMouseDownEvent.removeListener(wrap); } // remove listener from cache cache.splice(i, 1); } } },
/** * Removes all event handers from an element. Typically you will use {@link Ext.core.Element#removeAllListeners} * directly on an Element in favor of calling this version. * @param {String/HTMLElement} el The id or html element from which to remove all event handlers. */ removeAll : function(element){ var dom = Ext.getDom(element), cache = this.getElementEventCache(dom), ev; for (ev in cache) { if (!cache.hasOwnProperty(ev)) { continue; } this.removeListener(dom, ev); } Ext.cache[dom.id].events = {}; },
/** * Recursively removes all previous added listeners from an element and its children. Typically you will use {@link Ext.core.Element#purgeAllListeners} * directly on an Element in favor of calling this version. * @param {String/HTMLElement} el The id or html element from which to remove all event handlers. * @param {String} eventName (optional) The name of the event. */ purgeElement : function(element, eventName) { var dom = Ext.getDom(element), i = 0, len; if(eventName) { this.removeListener(dom, eventName); } else { this.removeAll(dom); } if(dom && dom.childNodes) { for(len = element.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { this.purgeElement(element.childNodes[i], eventName); } } }, /** * Create the wrapper function for the event * @private * @param {HTMLElement} dom The dom element * @param {String} ename The event name * @param {Function} fn The function to execute * @param {Object} scope The scope to execute callback in * @param {Object} o The options */ createListenerWrap : function(dom, ename, fn, scope, options) { options = !Ext.isObject(options) ? {} : options; var f = ['if(!window.Ext) {return;}'], gen; if(options.buffer || options.delay) { f.push('e = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(e);'); } else { f.push('e = Ext.EventObject.setEvent(e);'); } if (options.delegate) { f.push('var t = e.getTarget("' + options.delegate + '", this);'); f.push('if(!t) {return;}'); } else { f.push('var t = e.target;'); } if (options.target) { f.push('if(e.target !== options.target) {return;}'); } if(options.stopEvent) { f.push('e.stopEvent();'); } else { if(options.preventDefault) { f.push('e.preventDefault();'); } if(options.stopPropagation) { f.push('e.stopPropagation();'); } } if(options.normalized === false) { f.push('e = e.browserEvent;'); } if(options.buffer) { f.push('(wrap.task && clearTimeout(wrap.task));'); f.push('wrap.task = setTimeout(function(){'); } if(options.delay) { f.push('wrap.tasks = wrap.tasks || [];'); f.push('wrap.tasks.push(setTimeout(function(){'); } // finally call the actual handler fn f.push('fn.call(scope || dom, e, t, options);'); if(options.single) { f.push('Ext.EventManager.removeListener(dom, ename, fn, scope);'); } if(options.delay) { f.push('}, ' + options.delay + '));'); } if(options.buffer) { f.push('}, ' + options.buffer + ');'); } gen = new Function('e', 'options', 'fn', 'scope', 'ename', 'dom', 'wrap', 'args', f.join('\n')); return function(e, args) { gen.call(dom, e, options, fn, scope, ename, dom, arguments.callee, args); }; }, /** * Get the event cache for a particular element for a particular event * @private * @param {HTMLElement} element The element * @param {Object} eventName The event name * @return {Array} The events for the element */ getEventListenerCache : function(element, eventName) { var eventCache = this.getElementEventCache(element); return eventCache[eventName] || (eventCache[eventName] = []); }, /** * Gets the event cache for the object * @private * @param {HTMLElement} element The element * @return {Object} The event cache for the object */ getElementEventCache : function(element) { var elementCache = Ext.cache[this.getId(element)]; return elementCache.events || (elementCache.events = {}); }, // --------------------- utility methods --------------------- mouseLeaveRe: /(mouseout|mouseleave)/, mouseEnterRe: /(mouseover|mouseenter)/,
/** * Stop the event (preventDefault and stopPropagation) * @param {Event} The event to stop */ stopEvent: function(event) { this.stopPropagation(event); this.preventDefault(event); },
/** * Cancels bubbling of the event. * @param {Event} The event to stop bubbling. */ stopPropagation: function(event) { event = event.browserEvent || event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } },
/** * Prevents the browsers default handling of the event. * @param {Event} The event to prevent the default */ preventDefault: function(event) { event = event.browserEvent || event; if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; event.keyCode = 0; } },
/** * Gets the related target from the event. * @param {Object} event The event * @return {HTMLElement} The related target. */ getRelatedTarget: function(event) { event = event.browserEvent || event; var target = event.relatedTarget; if (!target) { if (this.mouseLeaveRe.test(event.type)) { target = event.toElement; } else if (this.mouseEnterRe.test(event.type)) { target = event.fromElement; } } return this.resolveTextNode(target); },
/** * Gets the x coordinate from the event * @param {Object} event The event * @return {Number} The x coordinate */ getPageX: function(event) { return this.getXY(event)[0]; },
/** * Gets the y coordinate from the event * @param {Object} event The event * @return {Number} The y coordinate */ getPageY: function(event) { return this.getXY(event)[1]; },
/** * Gets the x & ycoordinate from the event * @param {Object} event The event * @return {Array} The x/y coordinate */ getPageXY: function(event) { event = event.browserEvent || event; var x = event.pageX, y = event.pageY, doc = document.documentElement, body = document.body; // pageX/pageY not available (undefined, not null), use clientX/clientY instead if (!x && x !== 0) { x = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0); y = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0); } return [x, y]; },
/** * Gets the target of the event. * @param {Object} event The event * @return {HTMLElement} target */ getTarget: function(event) { event = event.browserEvent || event; return this.resolveTextNode(event.target || event.srcElement); }, /** * Resolve any text nodes accounting for browser differences. * @private * @param {HTMLElement} node The node * @return {HTMLElement} The resolved node */ // technically no need to browser sniff this, however it makes no sense to check this every time, for every event, whether the string is equal. resolveTextNode: Ext.isGecko ? function(node) { if (!node) { return; } // work around firefox bug, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101197 var s = HTMLElement.prototype.toString.call(node); if (s == '[xpconnect wrapped native prototype]' || s == '[object XULElement]') { return; } return node.nodeType == 3 ? node.parentNode: node; }: function(node) { return node && node.nodeType == 3 ? node.parentNode: node; }, // --------------------- custom event binding --------------------- // Keep track of the current width/height curWidth: 0, curHeight: 0,
/** * Adds a listener to be notified when the browser window is resized and provides resize event buffering (100 milliseconds), * passes new viewport width and height to handlers. * @param {Function} fn The handler function the window resize event invokes. * @param {Object} scope The scope (this reference) in which the handler function executes. Defaults to the browser window. * @param {boolean} options Options object as passed to {@link Ext.core.Element#addListener} */ onWindowResize: function(fn, scope, options){ var resize = this.resizeEvent; if(!resize){ this.resizeEvent = resize = new Ext.util.Event(); this.on(window, 'resize', this.fireResize, this, {buffer: 100}); } resize.addListener(fn, scope, options); }, /** * Fire the resize event. * @private */ fireResize: function(){ var me = this, w = Ext.core.Element.getViewWidth(), h = Ext.core.Element.getViewHeight(); //whacky problem in IE where the resize event will sometimes fire even though the w/h are the same. if(me.curHeight != h || me.curWidth != w){ me.curHeight = h; me.curWidth = w; me.resizeEvent.fire(w, h); } },
/** * Removes the passed window resize listener. * @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes * @param {Object} scope The scope of handler */ removeResizeListener: function(fn, scope){ if (this.resizeEvent) { this.resizeEvent.removeListener(fn, scope); } }, onWindowUnload: function(){ var unload = this.unloadEvent; if(!resize){ this.unloadEvent = unload = new Ext.util.Event(); this.on(window, 'unload', this.fireUnload, this); } unload.addListener(fn, scope, options); }, /** * Fires the unload event for items bound with onWindowUnload * @private */ fireUnload: function(){ // wrap in a try catch, could have some problems during unload try { me.unloadEvent.fire(); } catch(e) { } },
/** * Removes the passed window unload listener. * @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes * @param {Object} scope The scope of handler */ removeUnloadListener: function(){ if (this.unloadEvent) { this.unloadEvent.removeListener(fn, scope); } }, /** * note 1: IE fires ONLY the keydown event on specialkey autorepeat * note 2: Safari < 3.1, Gecko (Mac/Linux) & Opera fire only the keypress event on specialkey autorepeat * (research done by @Jan Wolter at http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html) * @private */ useKeyDown: Ext.isWebKit ? parseInt(navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/)[1], 10) >= 525 : !((Ext.isGecko && !Ext.isWindows) || Ext.isOpera),
/** * Indicates which event to use for getting key presses. * @return {String} The appropriate event name. */ getKeyEvent: function(){ return this.useKeyDown ? 'keydown' : 'keypress'; } }; Ext.onReady = function(fn, scope, options) { Ext.Loader.onReady(fn, scope, true, options); }; Ext.onDocumentReady = Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady; Ext.EventManager.on = Ext.EventManager.addListener; Ext.EventManager.un = Ext.EventManager.removeListener; (function(){ var initExtCss = function() { // find the body element var bd = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; if (!bd) { return false; } var cls = [' ', Ext.isIE ? "ext-ie " + (Ext.isIE6 ? 'ext-ie6' : (Ext.isIE7 ? 'ext-ie7' : (Ext.isIE8 ? 'ext-ie8' : 'ext-ie9'))) : Ext.isGecko ? "ext-gecko " + (Ext.isGecko3 ? 'ext-gecko3' : 'ext-gecko4') : Ext.isOpera ? "ext-opera" : Ext.isWebKit ? "ext-webkit" : ""]; if (Ext.isSafari) { cls.push("ext-safari " + (Ext.isSafari2 ? 'ext-safari2' : (Ext.isSafari3 ? 'ext-safari3' : 'ext-safari4'))); } else if(Ext.isChrome) { cls.push("ext-chrome"); } if (Ext.isMac) { cls.push("ext-mac"); } if (Ext.isLinux) { cls.push("ext-linux"); } if (!Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) { cls.push("ext-nbr"); } if (!Ext.supports.CSS3LinearGradient) { cls.push("ext-nlg"); } // add to the parent to allow for selectors like ".ext-strict .ext-ie" if (Ext.isStrict || Ext.isBorderBox) { var p = bd.parentNode; if (p) { Ext.fly(p, '_internal').addCls(((Ext.isStrict && (Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7)) || (!Ext.enableForcedBoxModel && !Ext.isIE)) ? ' ext-strict' : ' ext-border-box'); } } // Forced border box model class applied to all elements. Bypassing javascript based box model adjustments // in favor of css. This is for non-IE browsers. if (Ext.enableForcedBoxModel && !Ext.isIE6 && !Ext.isIE7) { Ext.isForcedBorderBox = true; cls.push("ext-forced-border-box"); } Ext.fly(bd, '_internal').addCls(cls); return true; }; if (!initExtCss()) { Ext.onReady(initExtCss); } })();