Ext.GridCellSelectionModel = Ext.extend(Ext.AbstractStoreSelectionModel, {
/** * @cfg {Boolean} enableKeyNav * Turns on/off keyboard navigation within the grid. Defaults to true. */ enableKeyNav: true, bindComponent: function(grid) { this.grid = grid; this.bind(grid.getStore()); grid.on({ cellmousedown: this.onCellMouseDown, scope: this }); var view = grid.getView(); view.on({ refresh: this.refresh, rowupdated: this.onRowUpdated, beforerowremoved: this.clearSelections, beforerowsinserted: this.clearSelections, scope: this }); if (this.enableKeyNav) { this.initKeyNav(); } // handle before editing }, initKeyNav: function() { var grid = this.grid; if (!grid.rendered) { this.grid.on('render', this.initKeyNav, this, {single: true}); return; } var view = grid.view; // view.el has tabIndex -1 to allow for // keyboard events to be passed to it. this.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(view.el, { "up": this.onKeyUp, "down": this.onKeyDown, "pageDown": this.onKeyPageDown, "pageUp": this.onKeyPageUp, "home": this.onKeyHome, "end": this.onKeyEnd, scope: this }); view.el.on(Ext.EventManager.getKeyEvent(), this.onKeyPress, this); } });