/** * @class Ext.util.HashMap *

* Represents a collection of a set of key and value pairs. Each key in the HashMap * must be unique, the same key cannot exist twice. Access to items is provided via * the key only. Sample usage: *

var map = new Ext.util.HashMap();
map.add('key1', 1);
map.add('key2', 2);
map.add('key3', 3);

map.each(function(key, value, length){
    console.log(key, value, length);

* *

The HashMap is an unordered class, * there is no guarantee when iterating over the items that they will be in any particular * order. If this is required, then use a {@link Ext.util.MixedCollection}. *

* @constructor * @param {Object} config The configuration options */ Ext.define('Ext.util.HashMap', {
/** * @cfg {Function} keyFn A function that is used to retrieve a default key for a passed object. * A default is provided that returns the id property on the object. This function is only used * if the add method is called with a single argument. */ mixins: { observable: 'Ext.util.Observable' }, constructor: function(config) { var me = this; me.addEvents(
/** * @event add * Fires when a new item is added to the hash * @param {Ext.util.HashMap} this. * @param {String} key The key of the added item. * @param {Object} value The value of the added item. */ 'add',
/** * @event clear * Fires when the hash is cleared. * @param {Ext.util.HashMap} this. */ 'clear',
/** * @event remove * Fires when an item is removed from the hash. * @param {Ext.util.HashMap} this. * @param {String} key The key of the removed item. * @param {Object} value The value of the removed item. */ 'remove',
/** * @event replace * Fires when an item is replaced in the hash. * @param {Ext.util.HashMap} this. * @param {String} key The key of the replaced item. * @param {Object} value The new value for the item. * @param {Object} old The old value for the item. */ 'replace' ); me.mixins.observable.constructor.call(me, config); me.clear(true); },
/** * Gets the number of items in the hash. * @return {Number} The number of items in the hash. */ getCount: function() { return this.length; }, /** * Implementation for being able to extract the key from an object if only * a single argument is passed. * @private * @param {String} key The key * @param {Object} value The value * @return {Array} [key, value] */ getData: function(key, value) { // if we have no value, it means we need to get the key from the object if (value === undefined) { value = key; key = this.getKey(value); } return [key, value]; }, /** * Extracts the key from an object. This is a default implementation, it may be overridden * @private * @param {Object} o The object to get the key from * @return {String} The key to use. */ getKey: function(o) { return o.id; },
/** * Add a new item to the hash. An exception will be thrown if the key already exists. * @param {String} key The key of the new item. * @param {Object} value The value of the new item. * @return {Object} The value of the new item added. */ add: function(key, value) { var me = this, data; if (me.containsKey(key)) { throw new Error('This key already exists in the HashMap'); } data = me.getData(key, value); key = data[0]; value = data[1]; me.map[key] = value; ++me.length; me.fireEvent('add', me, key, value); return value; },
/** * Replaces an item in the hash. If the key doesn't exist, the * {@link #add} method will be used. * @param {String} key The key of the item. * @param {Object} value The new value for the item. * @return {Object} The new value of the item. */ replace: function(key, value) { var me = this, map = me.map, old; if (!me.containsKey(key)) { me.add(key, value); } old = map[key]; map[key] = value; me.fireEvent('replace', me, key, value, old); return value; },
/** * Remove an item from the hash. * @param {Object} o The value of the item to remove. * @return {Boolean} True if the item was successfully removed. */ remove: function(o) { var key = this.findKey(o); if (key !== undefined) { return this.removeByKey(key); } return false; },
/** * Remove an item from the hash. * @param {String} key The key to remove. * @return {Boolean} True if the item was successfully removed. */ removeByKey: function(key) { var me = this, value; if (me.containsKey(key)) { value = me.map[key]; delete me.map[key]; --me.length; me.fireEvent('remove', me, key, value); return true; } return false; },
/** * Retrieves an item with a particular key. * @param {String} key The key to lookup. * @return {Object} The value at that key. If it doesn't exist, undefined is returned. */ get: function(key) { return this.map[key]; },
/** * Removes all items from the hash. * @return {Ext.util.HashMap} this */ clear: function(/* private */ initial) { var me = this; me.map = {}; me.length = 0; if (initial !== true) { me.fireEvent('clear', me); } return me; },
/** * Checks whether a key exists in the hash. * @param {String} key The key to check for. * @return {Boolean} True if they key exists in the hash. */ containsKey: function(key) { return this.map[key] !== undefined; },
/** * Checks whether a value exists in the hash. * @param {Object} value The value to check for. * @return {Boolean} True if the value exists in the dictionary. */ contains: function(value) { return this.containsKey(this.findKey(value)); },
/** * Return all of the keys in the hash. * @return {Array} An array of keys. */ getKeys: function() { return this.getArray(true); },
/** * Return all of the values in the hash. * @return {Array} An array of values. */ getValues: function() { return this.getArray(false); }, /** * Gets either the keys/values in an array from the hash. * @private * @param {Boolean} isKey True to extract the keys, otherwise, the value * @return {Array} An array of either keys/values from the hash. */ getArray: function(isKey) { var arr = [], key, map = this.map; for (key in map) { if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) { arr.push(isKey ? key: map[key]); } } return arr; },
/** * Executes the specified function once for each item in the hash. * Returning false from the function will cease iteration. * * The paramaters passed to the function are: *
* @param {Function} fn The function to execute. * @param {Object} scope The scope to execute in. Defaults to this. * @return {Ext.util.HashMap} this */ each: function(fn, scope) { // copy items so they may be removed during iteration. var items = Ext.apply({}, this.map), key, length = this.length; scope = scope || this; for (key in items) { if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (fn.call(scope, key, items[key], length) === false) { break; } } } return this; },
/** * Performs a shallow copy on this hash. * @return {Ext.util.HashMap} The new hash object. */ clone: function() { var hash = new this.self(), map = this.map, key; hash.suspendEvents(); for (key in map) { if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) { hash.add(key, map[key]); } } hash.resumeEvents(); return hash; }, /** * @private * Find the key for a value. * @param {Object} value The value to find. * @return {Object} The value of the item. Returns undefined if not found. */ findKey: function(value) { var key, map = this.map; for (key in map) { if (map.hasOwnProperty(key) && map[key] === value) { return key; } } return undefined; } });