/** * @author Jacky Nguyen * @class Ext.Loader * * Ext.Loader is the heart of the new dynamic dependency loading capability in Ext JS 4+. It is most commonly used * via the {@link Ext.require} shorthand * *


Ext.onReady(function() {
    var window = Ext.widget('window', {
        width: 500,
        height: 300,
        layout: 'fit',
        items: {
            xtype: 'button',
            text: 'Hello World',
            handler: function() { alert(this.text) }

* * @singleton */ (function(Manager, Class, flexSetter) { var defaultClassPreprocessors = Class.getDefaultPreprocessors(), Loader; Ext.Loader = { /** * Flag indicating whether there are still files being loaded * @private */ isLoading: false, /** * Maintain the queue for all dependencies. Each item in the array is an object of the format: * { * requires: [...], // The required classes for this queue item * callback: function() { ... } // The function to execute when all classes specified in requires exist * } * @private */ queue: [], /** * Maintain the list of files that have already been handled so that they never get double-loaded * @private */ isFileLoaded: {}, /** * Maintain the list of listeners to execute when all required scripts are fully loaded * @private */ readyListeners: [], /** * Contains all class names that are ever required via {@link Ext.Loader.require} * @private */ requireHistory: {}, /** * Contains optional dependencies to be loaded last * @private */ optionalRequires: [], /** * Map of fully qualified class names to an array of dependent classes. * @private */ requiresMap: {}, /** * @private */ numPendingFiles: 0, /** * @private */ numLoadedFiles: 0, /** * @private */ classNameToFilePathMap: {},
/** * An array of class names to keep track of the dependency loading order. * This is not guaranteed to be the same everytime due to the asynchronous * nature of the Loader. * * @property history * @type Array */ history: [], /** * Configuration * @private */ config: {
/** * Whether or not to enable the dynamic dependency loading feature * Defaults to false * @cfg {Boolean} enabled */ enabled: false,
/** * Whether or not to enable automatic deadlock detection, very useful * during development * Defaults to true * @cfg {Boolean} enableDeadlockDetection */ enableDeadlockDetection: true,
/** * Whether or not to enable automatic deadlock detection, very useful * during development * Defaults to true * @cfg {Boolean} enableDeadlockDetection */ enableCacheBuster: true,
/** * The mapping from namespaces to file paths *

             * {
             *      'Ext': './src' // This is set by default, Ext.layout.Container will refer to ./src/layout/Container.js
             *      'My': './src/my_own_folder' // My.layout.Container will refer to ./src/my_own_folder/layout/Container.js
             * }
* * If not being specified, for example, Other.awesome.Class * will simply refer to ./Other/awesome/Class.js * @cfg {Object} paths */ paths: { 'Ext': '.' } },
/** * Set the configuration for the loader. This should be called right after ext-core.js * (or ext-core-debug.js) is included in the page, i.e: *

         * <script type="text/javascript" src="ext-core-debug.js"></script>
         * <script type="text/javascript">
         *      Ext.Loader.setConfig({
         *          enabled: true,
         *          paths: {
         *              'My': 'my_own_path'
         *          }
         *      });
         * </script>
         * <script type="text/javascript">
         *      Ext.require(...);
         *      Ext.onReady(function() {
         *          // application code here
         *      });
         * </script>
* Refer to {@link Ext.Loader.config} for the list of possible properties * * @param {Object} config The config object to override the default values in {@link Ext.Loader.config} * @return {Ext.Loader} this */ setConfig: function(name, value) { if (Ext.isObject(name) && arguments.length === 1) { Ext.merge(this.config, name); } else { this.config[name] = (Ext.isObject(value)) ? Ext.merge(this.config[name], value) : value; } return this; },
/** * Get the config value corresponding to the specified name. If no name is given, will return the config object * @param {String} name The config property name * @return {Object/Mixed} */ getConfig: function(name) { if (name) { return this.config[name]; } return this.config; },
/** * Sets the path of a namespace. * For Example: * Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext', '.'); * Indicates that any classes with the top level object "Ext" will be found * at the root basePath. * @param {String/Object} name See {@link Ext.Function.flexSetter flexSetter} * @param {String} path See {@link Ext.Function.flexSetter flexSetter} */ setPath: flexSetter(function(name, path) { this.config.paths[name] = path; return this; }),
/** * Translates a className to a path to load the file from by prefixing * the proper prefix and converting the .'s to /'s. * * For example: * ("Ext.layout.Layout" => "./src/Ext/layout/Layout.js") * * @param {String} className * @return {String} path */ getPath: function(className) { var path = '', paths = this.config.paths, prefix, deepestPrefix = ''; if (paths.hasOwnProperty(className)) { return paths[className]; } for (prefix in paths) { if (paths.hasOwnProperty(prefix) && prefix === className.substring(0, prefix.length)) { if (prefix.length > deepestPrefix.length) { deepestPrefix = prefix; } } } path += paths[deepestPrefix]; className = className.substring(deepestPrefix.length + 1); path = path + "/" + className.replace(/\./g, "/") + '.js'; path = path.replace(/\/\.\//g, '/'); return path; }, /** * Refresh all items in the queue. If all dependencies for an item exist during looping, * it will execute the callback and call refreshQueue again. Triggers onReady when the queue is * empty * @private */ refreshQueue: function() { var manager = Manager, ln = this.queue.length, i, item, j, requires; if (ln === 0) { this.triggerReady(); return; } for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { item = this.queue[i]; if (item) { requires = item.requires; // Don't bother checking when the number of files loaded // is still less than the array length if (requires.length > this.numLoadedFiles) { continue; } j = 0; do { if (manager.exist(requires[j])) { requires.splice(j, 1); } else { j++; } } while (j < requires.length); if (item.requires.length === 0) { this.queue.splice(i, 1); item.callback.call(item.scope); this.refreshQueue(); break; } } } }, /** * @private */ injectScriptElement: function(url, onLoad, onError, scope) { var script = document.createElement('script'), head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], isLoaded = false, onLoadFn = function() { if (!isLoaded) { isLoaded = true; onLoad.call(scope); } }; Ext.apply(script, { type: 'text/javascript', src: url, onload: onLoadFn, onerror: onError, onreadystatechange: function() { if (this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete') { onLoadFn(); } } }); head.appendChild(script); return script; }, /** * Load a script file, supports both asynchronous and synchronous approaches * @param {String} url * @param {Function} onLoad * @param {Scope} scope * @param {Boolean} synchronous * @private */ loadScriptFile: function(url, onLoad, scope, synchronous) { var me = this, noCacheUrl = url + (this.getConfig('enableCacheBuster') ? '?' + Ext.Date.now() : ''), fileName = url.split('/').pop(), xhr, status, onScriptError; scope = scope || this; this.isLoading = true; if (!synchronous) { onScriptError = function() { me.onFileLoadError.call(me, { message: "Failed loading '" + url + "', please verify that it exists", url: url, synchronous: false }); }; if (!Ext.isReady) { Ext.onDocumentReady(function() { me.injectScriptElement(noCacheUrl, onLoad, onScriptError, scope); }); } else { this.injectScriptElement(noCacheUrl, onLoad, onScriptError, scope); } } else { if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } xhr.open('GET', noCacheUrl, false); xhr.send(null); status = (xhr.status === 1223) ? 204 : xhr.status; if (status >= 200 && status < 300) { // Firebug friendly, file names are still shown even though they're eval'ed code new Function(xhr.responseText + "\n//@ sourceURL=" + fileName)(); onLoad.call(scope); } else { this.onFileLoadError.call(this, { message: "Failed loading synchronously via XHR: '" + url + "'; please " + "verify that the file exists. " + "XHR status code: " + status, url: url, synchronous: true }); } } }, /** * @private */ onFileLoadError: function(error) { // throw new Error("[Ext.Loader] " + error.message); // },
/** * Explicitly exclude */ exclude: function(excludes) { var me = this; return { require: function(expressions, fn, scope) { return me.require(expressions, fn, scope, excludes); } }; }, /** * Loads all classes by the given names and all their direct dependencies; optionally executes the given callback function when * finishes, within the optional scope. This method is aliased by {@link Ext.require} for convenience * @param {String/Array} expressions Can either be a string or an array of string * @param {Function} fn (Optional) The callback function * @param {Object} scope (Optional) The execution scope (this) of the callback function * @param {String/Array} excludes (Optional) Stuff to be excluded, useful when being used with expressions * @private */ require: function(expressions, fn, scope, excludes) { var filePath, expression, exclude, className, excluded = {}, excludedClassNames = [], possibleClassNames = [], possibleClassName, classNames = [], me = this, i, j, ln, subLn, onFileLoaded; expressions = Ext.Array.from(expressions); excludes = Ext.Array.from(excludes); fn = fn || Ext.emptyFn; scope = scope || Ext.global; for (i = 0, ln = excludes.length; i < ln; i++) { exclude = excludes[i]; if (Ext.isString(exclude) && exclude.length > 0) { excludedClassNames = Manager.getNamesByExpression(exclude); for (j = 0, subLn = excludedClassNames.length; j < subLn; j++) { excluded[excludedClassNames[j]] = true; } } } for (i = 0, ln = expressions.length; i < ln; i++) { expression = expressions[i]; if (Ext.isString(expression) && expression.length > 0) { possibleClassNames = Manager.getNamesByExpression(expression); for (j = 0, subLn = possibleClassNames.length; j < subLn; j++) { possibleClassName = possibleClassNames[j]; if (!excluded.hasOwnProperty(possibleClassName) && !Manager.exist(possibleClassName)) { Ext.Array.include(classNames, possibleClassName); } } } } // // If the dynamic dependency feature is not being used, throw an error // if the dependencies are not defined if (!this.config.enabled) { if (classNames.length > 0) { throw new Error("[Ext.Loader][not enabled] Missing required class" + ((classNames.length > 1) ? "es" : "") + ": " + classNames.join(', ')); } } // if (classNames.length === 0) { fn.call(scope); return this; } this.queue.push({ requires: classNames, callback: fn, scope: scope }); classNames = classNames.slice(); for (i = 0, ln = classNames.length; i < ln; i++) { className = classNames[i]; if (!(this.isFileLoaded.hasOwnProperty(className) && this.isFileLoaded[className] === true)) { this.requireHistory[className] = true; this.isFileLoaded[className] = true; filePath = this.getPath(className); this.classNameToFilePathMap[className] = filePath; this.numPendingFiles++; if (this.numLoadedFiles === 0) { this.startLoadingTime = Ext.Date.now(); } this.loadScriptFile(filePath, Ext.Function.pass(this.onFileLoaded, [className, filePath], this), this, this.syncModeEnabled); } } return this; }, onFileLoaded: function(className, filePath) { this.numLoadedFiles++; // window.status = "Loaded: " + className + " (" + this.numLoadedFiles + " total)"; // this.numPendingFiles--; if (this.numPendingFiles === 0) { this.refreshQueue(); } // if (this.numPendingFiles === 0 && this.isLoading) { var queue = this.queue, requires, i, ln, j, subLn, missingClasses = [], missingPaths = []; for (i = 0, ln = queue.length; i < ln; i++) { requires = queue[i].requires; for (j = 0, subLn = requires.length; j < ln; j++) { if (this.isFileLoaded[requires[j]]) { missingClasses.push(requires[j]); } } } if (missingClasses.length < 1) { return; } for (i = 0, ln = missingClasses.length; i < ln; i++) { missingPaths.push(this.classNameToFilePathMap[missingClasses[i]]); } throw new Error("[Ext.Loader] The following classes are not declared even if their files have been loaded: " + missingClasses.join(', ') + ". Please check the source code of their " + "corresponding files for possible typos: " + missingPaths.join(', ')); } // }, /** * @private */ addOptionalRequires: function(requires) { var optionalRequires = this.optionalRequires, i, ln, require; requires = Ext.Array.from(requires); for (i = 0, ln = requires.length; i < ln; i++) { require = requires[i]; Ext.Array.include(optionalRequires, require); } return this; }, /** * @private */ triggerReady: function(force) { var readyListeners = this.readyListeners, optionalRequires, listener; if (this.isLoading || force) { this.isLoading = false; if (this.optionalRequires.length) { // Clone then empty the array to eliminate potential recursive loop issue optionalRequires = Ext.Array.clone(this.optionalRequires); // Empty the original array this.optionalRequires.length = 0; this.require(optionalRequires, Ext.Function.pass(this.triggerReady, [true], this), this); return this; } // window.status = "All dependencies are loaded. (" + this.numLoadedFiles + " files in " + ((Ext.Date.now() - this.startLoadingTime) / 1000)+"s | using " + Math.round(((this.numLoadedFiles / Ext.Object.getSize(Manager.maps.nameToAliases)) * 100)) + "% of the whole library)"; // while (readyListeners.length) { listener = readyListeners.shift(); listener.fn.call(listener.scope); } } return this; },
/** * Add a new listener to be executed when all required scripts are fully loaded * @param {Function} fn The function callback to be executed * @param {Object} scope The execution scope (this) of the callback function * @param {Boolean} withDomReady Whether or not to wait for document dom ready as well */ onReady: function(fn, scope, withDomReady, options) { var me = this, oldFn; if (withDomReady !== false && Ext.onDocumentReady) { oldFn = fn; fn = function() { Ext.onDocumentReady(oldFn, scope, options); }; } if (!this.isLoading) { fn.call(scope); } else { this.readyListeners.push({ fn: fn, scope: scope }); } }, historyPush: function(className) { if (className && this.requireHistory.hasOwnProperty(className)) { Ext.Array.include(this.history, className); } }, /** * @private */ enableSyncMode: function(isEnabled) { this.syncModeEnabled = isEnabled; } }; Loader = Ext.Loader;
/** * Convenient shortcut to {@link Ext.Loader#require} * @member Ext * @method require */ Ext.require = Ext.Function.alias(Loader, 'require');
/** * Convenient shortcut to {@link Ext.Loader#exclude} * @member Ext * @method exclude */ Ext.exclude = Ext.Function.alias(Loader, 'exclude'); Class.registerPreprocessor('loader', function(cls, data, fn) { var me = this, dependencyProperties = ['extend', 'mixins', 'requires'], dependencies = [], className = Manager.getName(cls), requiresMap = Loader.requiresMap, i, j, ln, subLn, value, propertyName, propertyValue, deadlockPath = [], detectDeadlock; // Basically loop through the dependencyProperties, look for string class names and push // them into a stack, regardless of whether the property's value is a string, array or object. For example: // { // extend: 'Ext.MyClass', // requires: ['Ext.some.OtherClass'], // mixins: { // observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'; // } // } // which will later be transformed into: // { // extend: Ext.MyClass, // requires: [Ext.some.OtherClass], // mixins: { // observable: Ext.util.Observable; // } // } for (i = 0, ln = dependencyProperties.length; i < ln; i++) { propertyName = dependencyProperties[i]; if (data.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) { propertyValue = data[propertyName]; if (Ext.isString(propertyValue)) { dependencies.push(propertyValue); } else if (Ext.isArray(propertyValue)) { for (j = 0, subLn = propertyValue.length; j < subLn; j++) { value = propertyValue[j]; if (Ext.isString(value)) { dependencies.push(value); } } } else { for (j in propertyValue) { if (propertyValue.hasOwnProperty(j)) { value = propertyValue[j]; if (Ext.isString(value)) { dependencies.push(value); } } } } } } //
/** * Automatically detect deadlocks before-hand, * will throw an error with detailed path for ease of debugging. Examples of deadlock cases: * * - A extends B, then B extends A * - A requires B, B requires C, then C requires A * * The detectDeadlock function will recursively transverse till the leaf, hence it can detect deadlocks * no matter how deep the path is. */ if (className && Loader.getConfig('enableDeadlockDetection')) { requiresMap[className] = dependencies; detectDeadlock = function(cls) { deadlockPath.push(cls); if (requiresMap[cls]) { if (Ext.Array.contains(requiresMap[cls], className)) { throw new Error("[Ext.Loader] Deadlock detected! '" + className + "' and '" + deadlockPath[1] + "' " + "mutually require each others. Path: " + deadlockPath.join(' -> ') + " -> " + deadlockPath[0]); } for (i = 0, ln = requiresMap[cls].length; i < ln; i++) { detectDeadlock(requiresMap[cls][i]); } } }; detectDeadlock(className); } //
Ext.require(dependencies, function() { Loader.historyPush(className); for (i = 0, ln = dependencyProperties.length; i < ln; i++) { propertyName = dependencyProperties[i]; if (data.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) { propertyValue = data[propertyName]; if (Ext.isString(propertyValue)) { data[propertyName] = Manager.get(propertyValue); } else if (Ext.isArray(propertyValue)) { for (j = 0, subLn = propertyValue.length; j < subLn; j++) { value = propertyValue[j]; if (Ext.isString(value)) { data[propertyName][j] = Manager.get(value); } } } else { for (var k in propertyValue) { if (propertyValue.hasOwnProperty(k)) { value = propertyValue[k]; if (Ext.isString(value)) { data[propertyName][k] = Manager.get(value); } } } } } } if (fn) { fn.call(me, cls, data); } }); }).insertDefaultPreprocessor('loader', 'after', 'className'); Manager.registerPostprocessor('uses', function(name, cls, data, fn) { if (data.uses) { var uses = Ext.Array.from(data.uses); uses = Ext.Array.filter(uses, function(use) { return Ext.isString(use); }); Loader.addOptionalRequires(uses); } if (fn) { fn.call(this, name, cls, data); } }).insertDefaultPostprocessor('uses', 'last'); })(Ext.ClassManager, Ext.Class, Ext.Function.flexSetter);