/** * @class Ext.form.Number * @extends Ext.form.Text *

Numeric text field that provides automatic keystroke filtering and numeric validation. The * range of acceptable number values can be controlled by setting the {@link #minValue} and/or * {@link #maxValue} configs.


By default, the number field is also rendered with a set of up/down spinner buttons for incrementing * the value by the {@link #step} value. To hide the spinner buttons, set hideTrigger:true.



new Ext.form.FormPanel({
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    title: 'Personal Info',
    width: 300,
    bodyPadding: 10,
    items: [{
        xtype: 'textfield',
        name: 'name',
        fieldLabel: 'Full Name',
        anchor: '100%'
    }, {
        xtype: 'numberfield',
        name: 'age',
        fieldLabel: 'Age',
        minValue: 0,
        anchor: '100%'
* @constructor * Creates a new Number field * @param {Object} config Configuration options * * @xtype numberfield */ Ext.define('Ext.form.Number', { extend:'Ext.form.Spinner', alias: 'widget.numberfield', alternateClassName: 'Ext.form.NumberField',
/** * @cfg {RegExp} stripCharsRe @hide */
/** * @cfg {RegExp} maskRe @hide */
/** * @cfg {Boolean} allowDecimals False to disallow decimal values (defaults to true) */ allowDecimals : true,
/** * @cfg {String} decimalSeparator Character(s) to allow as the decimal separator (defaults to '.') */ decimalSeparator : '.',
/** * @cfg {Number} decimalPrecision The maximum precision to display after the decimal separator (defaults to 2) */ decimalPrecision : 2,
/** * @cfg {Number} minValue The minimum allowed value (defaults to Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY). Will be used by * the field's validation logic, and for * {@link Ext.form.Spinner#setSpinUpEnabled enabling/disabling the down spinner button}. */ minValue: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
/** * @cfg {Number} maxValue The maximum allowed value (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE). Will be used by * the field's validation logic, and for * {@link Ext.form.Spinner#setSpinUpEnabled enabling/disabling the up spinner button}. */ maxValue: Number.MAX_VALUE,
/** * @cfg {Number} step Specifies a numeric interval by which the field's value will be incremented or * decremented when the user invokes the spinner. Defaults to 1. */ step: 1,
/** * @cfg {String} minText Error text to display if the minimum value validation fails (defaults to 'The minimum * value for this field is {minValue}') */ minText : 'The minimum value for this field is {0}',
/** * @cfg {String} maxText Error text to display if the maximum value validation fails (defaults to 'The maximum * value for this field is {maxValue}') */ maxText : 'The maximum value for this field is {0}',
/** * @cfg {String} nanText Error text to display if the value is not a valid number. For example, this can happen * if a valid character like '.' or '-' is left in the field with no number (defaults to '{value} is not a valid number') */ nanText : '{0} is not a valid number',
/** * @cfg {String} negativeText Error text to display if the value is negative and {@link #minValue} is set to * 0. This is used instead of the {@link #minText} in that circumstance only. */ negativeText : 'The value cannot be negative',
/** * @cfg {String} baseChars The base set of characters to evaluate as valid numbers (defaults to '0123456789'). */ baseChars : '0123456789',
/** * @cfg {Boolean} autoStripChars True to automatically strip not allowed characters from the field. Defaults to false */ autoStripChars: false, initComponent: function() { var me = this, allowed; Ext.form.Number.superclass.initComponent.call(me); me.setMinValue(me.minValue); me.setMaxValue(me.maxValue); // Build regexes for masking and stripping based on the configured options allowed = me.baseChars + ''; if (me.allowDecimals) { allowed += me.decimalSeparator; } if (me.minValue < 0) { allowed += '-'; } allowed = Ext.String.escapeRegex(allowed); me.maskRe = new RegExp('[' + allowed + ']'); if (me.autoStripChars) { me.stripCharsRe = new RegExp('[^' + allowed + ']', 'gi'); } },
/** * Runs all of Number's validations and returns an array of any errors. Note that this first * runs Text's validations, so the returned array is an amalgamation of all field errors. * The additional validations run test that the value is a number, and that it is within the * configured min and max values. * @param {Mixed} value The value to get errors for (defaults to the current field value) * @return {Array} All validation errors for this field */ getErrors: function(value) { var me = this, errors = Ext.form.Number.superclass.getErrors.apply(me, arguments), format = Ext.String.format, num; value = Ext.isDefined(value) ? value : this.processRawValue(this.getRawValue()); if (value.length < 1) { // if it's blank and textfield didn't flag it then it's valid return errors; } value = String(value).replace(me.decimalSeparator, '.'); if(isNaN(value)){ errors.push(format(me.nanText, value)); } num = me.parseValue(value); if (me.minValue === 0 && num < 0) { errors.push(this.negativeText); } else if (num < me.minValue) { errors.push(format(me.minText, me.minValue)); } if (num > me.maxValue) { errors.push(format(me.maxText, me.maxValue)); } return errors; }, rawToValue: function(str) { return this.fixPrecision(this.parseValue(str)); }, valueToRaw: function(value) { var me = this, decimalSeparator = me.decimalSeparator; value = me.parseValue(value); value = me.fixPrecision(value); value = Ext.isNumber(value) ? value : parseFloat(String(value).replace(decimalSeparator, '.')); value = isNaN(value) ? '' : String(value).replace('.', decimalSeparator); return value; }, onChange: function() { var me = this, value = me.getValue(), valueIsNull = value === null; me.callParent(arguments); // Update the spinner buttons me.setSpinUpEnabled(valueIsNull || value < me.maxValue); me.setSpinDownEnabled(valueIsNull || value > me.minValue); },
/** * Replaces any existing {@link #minValue} with the new value. * @param {Number} value The minimum value */ setMinValue : function(value) { this.minValue = Ext.num(value, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); },
/** * Replaces any existing {@link #maxValue} with the new value. * @param {Number} value The maximum value */ setMaxValue: function(value) { this.maxValue = Ext.num(value, Number.MAX_VALUE); }, // private parseValue : function(value) { value = parseFloat(String(value).replace(this.decimalSeparator, '.')); return isNaN(value) ? null : value; }, /** * @private * */ fixPrecision : function(value) { var me = this, nan = isNaN(value), precision = me.decimalPrecision; if (nan || !value) { return nan ? '' : value; } else if (!me.allowDecimals || precision <= 0) { precision = 0; } return parseFloat(Ext.Number.toFixed(parseFloat(value), precision)); }, beforeBlur : function() { var me = this, v = me.parseValue(me.getRawValue()); if (!Ext.isEmpty(v)) { me.setValue(v); } }, onSpinUp: function() { var me = this; me.setValue(Ext.Number.constrain(me.getValue() + me.step, me.minValue, me.maxValue)); }, onSpinDown: function() { var me = this; me.setValue(Ext.Number.constrain(me.getValue() - me.step, me.minValue, me.maxValue)); } });