/** * @class Ext.Object * * A collection of useful static methods to deal with objects * @singleton */ Ext.Object = {
/** * Takes an object and converts it to an encoded URL. *

Ext.Object.toQueryString({foo: 1, bar: 2}); // returns "foo=1&bar=2"
* Optionally, property values can be arrays, instead of keys and the resulting string that's returned * will contain a name/value pair for each array value. * * @param {Object} object The object to encode * @param {String} pre (optional) A prefix to add to the url encoded string * @return {String} */ toQueryString: function(object, pre) { var encode = window.encodeURIComponent, buf = [], empty = Ext.isEmpty, result; Ext.iterate(object, function(key, item){ if (!empty(item)) { Ext.each(item, function(val){ result = ''; if (!empty(val)) { result = Ext.isDate(val) ? Ext.JSON.encode(val).replace(/"/g, '') : encode(val); } buf.push('&', encode(key), '=', result); }); } else { buf.push('&', encode(key), '='); } }); if (!pre) { buf.shift(); pre = ''; } return pre + buf.join(''); },
/** * Iterate through an object * * @param {Object} obj The object to iterate * @param {Function} fn The callback function. Passed arguments for each iteration are: * * @param {Object} scope The execution scope (this) of the callback function */ each: function(obj, fn, scope) { var prop; scope = scope || obj; for (prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (fn.call(scope || obj, prop, obj[prop], obj) === false) { return; } } } },
/** * Merges any number of objects recursively without referencing them or their children. * @param {Object} source,... * @return {Object} merged The object that is created as a result of merging all the objects passed in. */ merge: function(source, key, value) { if (Ext.isString(key)) { if (Ext.isObject(value) && Ext.isObject(source[key])) { if (value.constructor && value.constructor === Object) { Ext.Object.merge(source[key], value); } else { source[key] = value; } } else { source[key] = Ext.clone(value); } return source; } var i = 1, len = arguments.length, obj, prop; for (; i < len; i++){ obj = arguments[i]; for (prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { Ext.merge(source, prop, obj[prop]); } } } return source; },
/** * Finds the first matching key that has a particular value. Uses strict type matching. * If no value is found, null is returned. * @param {Object} object * @param {Object} value The value to find */ keyOf: function(object, value) { for (var prop in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(prop) && object[prop] === value) { return prop; } } return null; },
/** * Gets a list of values from the passed object. * @param {Object} object * @return {Array} An array of values from the object */ getValues: function(object) { var values = [], prop; for (prop in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { values.push(object[prop]); } } return values; },
/** * Gets a list of keys from the passed object. * @param {Object} object * @return {Array} An array of keys from the object */ getKeys: function(object) { var keys = [], prop; for (prop in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { keys.push(prop); } } return keys; },
/** * Gets the total number of properties of this object * @param {Object} object * @return {Number} size */ getSize: function(object) { var size = 0, prop; for (prop in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { size++; } } return size; } };
/** * A convenient alias method for {@link Ext.Object.merge} * @member Ext * @method merge */ Ext.merge = function() { return Ext.Object.merge.apply(Ext.Object, arguments); } //Ext.deprecate('core', '4.0dev', function() { // Ext.urlEncode = function() { // console.warn("[DEPRECATED][core][4.0dev][Ext.urlEncode] please use Ext.Object.toQueryString instead"); // return Ext.Object.toQueryString.apply(Ext.Object, arguments); // }; //});