/** * @author Ed Spencer * @class Ext.data.Proxy * *

Proxies are used by {@link Ext.data.Store Stores} to handle the loading and saving of {@link Ext.data.Model Model} data. * Usually developers will not need to create or interact with proxies directly.


Types of Proxy

* *

There are two main types of Proxy - {@link Ext.data.ClientProxy Client} and {@link Ext.data.ServerProxy Server}. The Client proxies * save their data locally and include the following subclasses:

* * * *

The Server proxies save their data by sending requests to some remote server. These proxies include:

* * * *

Proxies operate on the principle that all operations performed are either Create, Read, Update or Delete. These four operations * are mapped to the methods {@link #create}, {@link #read}, {@link #update} and {@link #destroy} respectively. Each Proxy subclass * implements these functions.

* *

The CRUD methods each expect an {@link Ext.data.Operation Operation} object as the sole argument. The Operation encapsulates * information about the action the Store wishes to perform, the {@link Ext.data.Model model} instances that are to be modified, etc. * See the {@link Ext.data.Operation Operation} documentation for more details. Each CRUD method also accepts a callback function to be * called asynchronously on completion.

* *

Proxies also support batching of Operations via a {@link Ext.data.Batch batch} object, invoked by the {@link #batch} method.

* * @constructor * Creates the Proxy * @param {Object} config Optional config object */ Ext.define('Ext.data.Proxy', { requires: [ 'Ext.data.Batch', 'Ext.data.Operation', 'Ext.data.Reader', 'Ext.data.Writer' ], alias: 'proxy.proxy', mixins: { observable: 'Ext.util.Observable' },
/** * @cfg {String} batchOrder * Comma-separated ordering 'create', 'update' and 'destroy' actions when batching. Override this * to set a different order for the batched CRUD actions to be executed in. Defaults to 'create,update,destroy' */ batchOrder: 'create,update,destroy', /** * @cfg {String} defaultReaderType The default registered reader type. Defaults to 'json' * @private */ defaultReaderType: 'json', /** * @cfg {String} defaultWriterType The default registered writer type. Defaults to 'json' * @private */ defaultWriterType: 'json',
/** * @cfg {String/Ext.data.Model} model The name of the Model to tie to this Proxy. Can be either the string name of * the Model, or a reference to the Model constructor. Required. */ constructor: function(config) { config = config || {}; if (config.model === undefined) { delete config.model; } this.mixins.observable.constructor.call(this, config); if (this.model !== undefined && !(this.model instanceof Ext.data.Model)) { this.setModel(this.model); } },
/** * Sets the model associated with this proxy. This will only usually be called by a Store * @param {String|Ext.data.Model} model The new model. Can be either the model name string, * or a reference to the model's constructor * @param {Boolean} setOnStore Sets the new model on the associated Store, if one is present */ setModel: function(model, setOnStore) { this.model = Ext.ModelMgr.getModel(model); var reader = this.reader, writer = this.writer; this.setReader(reader); this.setWriter(writer); if (setOnStore && this.store) { this.store.setModel(this.model); } },
/** * Returns the model attached to this Proxy * @return {Ext.data.Model} The model */ getModel: function() { return this.model; },
/** * Sets the Proxy's Reader by string, config object or Reader instance * @param {String|Object|Ext.data.Reader} reader The new Reader, which can be either a type string, a configuration object * or an Ext.data.Reader instance * @return {Ext.data.Reader} The attached Reader object */ setReader: function(reader) { if (reader === undefined || typeof reader == 'string') { reader = { type: reader }; } if (reader instanceof Ext.data.Reader) { reader.setModel(this.model); } else { Ext.applyIf(reader, { proxy: this, model: this.model, type : this.defaultReaderType }); reader = Ext.createByAlias('reader.' + reader.type, reader); } this.reader = reader; return this.reader; },
/** * Returns the reader currently attached to this proxy instance * @return {Ext.data.Reader} The Reader instance */ getReader: function() { return this.reader; },
/** * Sets the Proxy's Writer by string, config object or Writer instance * @param {String|Object|Ext.data.Writer} writer The new Writer, which can be either a type string, a configuration object * or an Ext.data.Writer instance * @return {Ext.data.Writer} The attached Writer object */ setWriter: function(writer) { if (writer === undefined || typeof writer == 'string') { writer = { type: writer }; } if (!(writer instanceof Ext.data.Writer)) { Ext.applyIf(writer, { model: this.model, type : this.defaultWriterType }); writer = Ext.createByAlias('writer.' + writer.type, writer); } this.writer = writer; return this.writer; },
/** * Returns the writer currently attached to this proxy instance * @return {Ext.data.Writer} The Writer instance */ getWriter: function() { return this.writer; },
/** * Performs the given create operation. * @param {Ext.data.Operation} operation The Operation to perform * @param {Function} callback Callback function to be called when the Operation has completed (whether successful or not) * @param {Object} scope Scope to execute the callback function in */ create: Ext.emptyFn,
/** * Performs the given read operation. * @param {Ext.data.Operation} operation The Operation to perform * @param {Function} callback Callback function to be called when the Operation has completed (whether successful or not) * @param {Object} scope Scope to execute the callback function in */ read: Ext.emptyFn,
/** * Performs the given update operation. * @param {Ext.data.Operation} operation The Operation to perform * @param {Function} callback Callback function to be called when the Operation has completed (whether successful or not) * @param {Object} scope Scope to execute the callback function in */ update: Ext.emptyFn,
/** * Performs the given destroy operation. * @param {Ext.data.Operation} operation The Operation to perform * @param {Function} callback Callback function to be called when the Operation has completed (whether successful or not) * @param {Object} scope Scope to execute the callback function in */ destroy: Ext.emptyFn,
/** * Performs a batch of {@link Ext.data.Operation Operations}, in the order specified by {@link #batchOrder}. Used internally by * {@link Ext.data.Store}'s {@link Ext.data.Store#sync sync} method. Example usage: *

     * myProxy.batch({
     *     create : [myModel1, myModel2],
     *     update : [myModel3],
     *     destroy: [myModel4, myModel5]
     * });
* Where the myModel* above are {@link Ext.data.Model Model} instances - in this case 1 and 2 are new instances and have not been * saved before, 3 has been saved previously but needs to be updated, and 4 and 5 have already been saved but should now be destroyed. * @param {Object} operations Object containing the Model instances to act upon, keyed by action name * @param {Object} listeners Optional listeners object passed straight through to the Batch - see {@link Ext.data.Batch} * @return {Ext.data.Batch} The newly created Ext.data.Batch object */ batch: function(operations, listeners) { var batch = Ext.create('Ext.data.Batch', { proxy: this, listeners: listeners || {} }); Ext.each(this.batchOrder.split(','), function(action) { if (operations[action]) { batch.add(Ext.create('Ext.data.Operation', { action : action, records: operations[action] })); } }, this); batch.start(); return batch; } }, function() { // Ext.data.ProxyMgr.registerType('proxy', this); //backwards compatibility Ext.data.DataProxy = this; // Ext.deprecate('platform', '2.0', function() { // Ext.data.DataProxy = this; // }, this); });