/** * @class Ext.dd.Registry * Provides easy access to all drag drop components that are registered on a page. Items can be retrieved either * directly by DOM node id, or by passing in the drag drop event that occurred and looking up the event target. * @singleton */ Ext.define('Ext.dd.Registry', { singleton: true, constructor: function() { this.elements = {}; this.handles = {}; this.autoIdSeed = 0; }, getId: function(el, autogen){ if(typeof el == "string"){ return el; } var id = el.id; if(!id && autogen !== false){ id = "extdd-" + (++this.autoIdSeed); el.id = id; } return id; },
/** * Resgister a drag drop element * @param {String/HTMLElement} element The id or DOM node to register * @param {Object} data (optional) An custom data object that will be passed between the elements that are involved * in drag drop operations. You can populate this object with any arbitrary properties that your own code * knows how to interpret, plus there are some specific properties known to the Registry that should be * populated in the data object (if applicable): *
Value      Description
--------- ------------------------------------------
handles Array of DOM nodes that trigger dragging
for the element being registered
isHandle True if the element passed in triggers
dragging itself, else false
*/ register : function(el, data){ data = data || {}; if (typeof el == "string") { el = document.getElementById(el); } data.ddel = el; this.elements[getId(el)] = data; if (data.isHandle !== false) { this.handles[data.ddel.id] = data; } if (data.handles) { var hs = data.handles; for (var i = 0, len = hs.length; i < len; i++) { this.handles[getId(hs[i])] = data; } } },
/** * Unregister a drag drop element * @param {String/HTMLElement} element The id or DOM node to unregister */ unregister : function(el){ var id = getId(el, false); var data = this.elements[id]; if(data){ delete this.elements[id]; if(data.handles){ var hs = data.handles; for (var i = 0, len = hs.length; i < len; i++) { delete this.handles[getId(hs[i], false)]; } } } },
/** * Returns the handle registered for a DOM Node by id * @param {String/HTMLElement} id The DOM node or id to look up * @return {Object} handle The custom handle data */ getHandle : function(id){ if(typeof id != "string"){ // must be element? id = id.id; } return this.handles[id]; },
/** * Returns the handle that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event * @param {Event} e The event * @return {Object} handle The custom handle data */ getHandleFromEvent : function(e){ var t = e.getTarget(); return t ? this.handles[t.id] : null; },
/** * Returns a custom data object that is registered for a DOM node by id * @param {String/HTMLElement} id The DOM node or id to look up * @return {Object} data The custom data */ getTarget : function(id){ if(typeof id != "string"){ // must be element? id = id.id; } return this.elements[id]; },
/** * Returns a custom data object that is registered for the DOM node that is the target of the event * @param {Event} e The event * @return {Object} data The custom data */ getTargetFromEvent : function(e){ var t = e.getTarget(); return t ? this.elements[t.id] || this.handles[t.id] : null; } });