/** * @class Ext.grid.RowBodyFeature * @extends Ext.grid.Feature * * The rowbody feature enhances the grid's markup to have an additional * tr -> td -> div which spans the entire width of the original row. * * This is useful to to associate additional information with a particular * record in a grid. * * Rowbodies are initially hidden unless you override getAdditionalData. * * Will expose additional events on the gridview with the prefix of 'rowbody'. * For example: 'rowbodyclick', 'rowbodydblclick', 'rowbodycontextmenu'. * * @ftype rowbody */ Ext.define('Ext.grid.RowBodyFeature', { extend: 'Ext.grid.Feature', alias: 'feature.rowbody', rowBodyHiddenCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-row-body-hidden', eventPrefix: 'rowbody', eventSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-rowbody-tr', getRowBody: function(values) { return [ '', '', '
', '', '' ].join(''); }, // injects getRowBody into the metaRowTpl. getMetaRowTplFragments: function() { return { getRowBody: this.getRowBody }; }, mutateMetaRowTpl: function(metaRowTpl) { metaRowTpl.push('{[this.getRowBody(values)]}'); },
/** * Provide additional data to the prepareData call within the grid view. * The rowbody feature adds 3 additional variables into the grid view's template. * These are rowBodyCls, rowBodyColspan, and rowBody. * @param {Object} data The data for this particular record. * @param {Number} idx The row index for this record. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record instance * @param {Object} orig The original result from the prepareData call to massage. */ getAdditionalData: function(data, idx, record, orig) { var headerCt = this.view.headerCt, colspan = headerCt.getCount(); return { rowBody: "", rowBodyCls: this.rowBodyCls, rowBodyColspan: colspan }; } });