Ext.define('Ext.grid.RowEditing', {
    extend: 'Ext.grid.Editing',
    alias: 'editing.rowediting',
    editStyle: 'row',

    init: function(grid) {
        Ext.grid.RowEditing.superclass.init.call(this, grid);

        // setup event handlers to mirror the columnmodel
        //var cm = grid.getColumnModel();
        //    add: this.onColAdd,
        //    remove: this.onColRemove,
        //    widthchange: this.onColWidthChange,
        //    hiddenchange: this.onColHiddenChange,
        //    scope: this

    getEditor: function() {
        var ed = Ext.grid.RowEditing.superclass.getEditor.apply(this, arguments);
        // if no editor was created, create a default
        if (!ed) {
            ed = Ext.ComponentMgr.create({
                //html: arguments[0],
                name: arguments[0]
            }, 'displayfield');
        return ed;

    onColAdd: function(ct, column) {
        if (this.rowEditor) {
            var rowEditor = this.rowEditor,
                colIdx = ct.items.indexOf(column),
                grid = this.grid,
                editor = this.getEditor(column.dataIndex);

            rowEditor.add(colIdx, editor);


    onColRemove: function(ct, column, colIdx, autoDestroy) {
        if (this.rowEditor) {
            var rowEditor = this.rowEditor,
                grid = this.grid,
                ed = this.getEditor(column.dataIndex);

            rowEditor.remove(ed, autoDestroy);

    onColWidthChange: function(cm, colIdx, newWidth) {
        var col = cm.getColumnAt(colIdx),
            ed = this.getEditor(col.dataIndex);

        if (ed && this.rowEditor) {
            if (newWidth) {
                delete ed.width;
            } else {

    onColHiddenChange: function(cm, colIdx, hidden) {
        var col = cm.getColumnAt(colIdx),
            ed = this.getEditor(col.dataIndex),

        if (ed && this.rowEditor) {
            ed[hidden ? 'hide' : 'show']();
            width = cm.getColumnWidth(colIdx);
            if (width) {
            } else {
            // layout if already visible, otherwise
            // always laid out when shown due to event handler.
            //if (this.rowEditor.isVisible()) {

    initEditTrigger: function() {
        var view = this.grid.down('gridview');
        this.view = view;
        if (this.clicksToEdit === 1) {
            view.on("cellclick", this.onRowDblClick, this);
        } else {
            view.on('celldblclick', this.onRowDblClick, this);

    // Implementation of calculateLocation for RowEditing
    // Retrieves the row that a particular record represents
    calculateLocation: function(record, dataIndex) {
        var grid   = this.grid,
            view   = this.view,
            rowIdx = grid.getStore().indexOf(record);

        return view.getRow(rowIdx);

    // private
    onRowDblClick : function(view, cell, rowIdx, colIdx, e) {
        var store    = view.store,
            record   = store.getAt(rowIdx),
            grid     = view.up('gridsection'),
            headerCt = grid.headerCt,
            header   = headerCt.items.getAt(colIdx),
            //colIdx = view.findCellIndex(e.getTarget()),
            // manually calculate location to ensure its the correct column
            location = view.getNode(rowIdx),

        // when user clicks on borders, colIdx will not be found
        if (colIdx === false) {
        } else {
            dataIdx = header.dataIndex;
            //dataIdx = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(colIdx);

        this.startEditing(record, dataIdx, location);

    performEdit: function(record, dataIndex, location, e) {
        var rowEd  = this.getRowEditor(),
            values = {},
            data   = record.data,

        if (!rowEd) {

        for (key in data) {
            values[key] = this.preEditValue(record, key);

        // why pass record.data instead of record
        // then we wouldnt have to track currRecord?
        rowEd.startEdit(location, values, dataIndex);

/** * Stops any active editing * @param {Boolean} cancel (optional) True to cancel any changes */ stopEditing : function(cancel) { if (this.editing) { var rowEditor = this.getRowEditor(); rowEditor[cancel ? 'cancelEdit' : 'completeEdit'](); this.editing = false; } }, isDirty: function() { var dirty; if (!this.currRecord) { return; } this.editors.each(function(f){ if(f.getValue && String(this.currRecord.get(f.name)) !== String(f.getValue())){ dirty = true; return false; } }, this); return dirty; }, beforeEdit: function(record) { return !(this.getRowEditor().isVisible() && this.isDirty(record)); }, getRowEditor: function() { if (!this.rowEditor) { var items = [], grid = this.grid, view = this.view, section = grid.down('gridsection'), headerCt = section.headerCt, //view = grid.view, //cm = this.grid.getColumnModel(), ln = headerCt.getCount(), i = 0, width, column, ed; for (;i < ln; i++) { column = headerCt.items.getAt(i); ed = this.getEditor(column.dataIndex); if (i === 0) { ed.margins = '0 1 2 1'; } else if (i === ln - 1) { ed.margins = '0 0 2 1'; } else { if (Ext.isIE) { ed.margins = '0 0 2 0'; } else { ed.margins = '0 1 2 0'; } } width = column.getDesiredWidth(); if (width) { ed.setWidth(width); } else { ed.hide(); } items.push(ed); } this.rowEditor = new Ext.grid.RowEditor({ items: items, floating: true, width: headerCt.getFullWidth(), // keep a reference.. editingPlugin: this, renderTo: view.getEl() }); } return this.rowEditor; } });