/** * @class Ext.layout.container.Table * @extends Ext.layout.container.Auto *

This layout allows you to easily render content into an HTML table. The total number of columns can be * specified, and rowspan and colspan can be used to create complex layouts within the table. * This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout: {type: 'table'} * {@link Ext.container.Container#layout} config, and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.


Note that when creating a layout via config, the layout-specific config properties must be passed in via * the {@link Ext.container.Container#layout} object which will then be applied internally to the layout. In the * case of TableLayout, the only valid layout config properties are {@link #columns} and {@link #tableAttrs}. * However, the items added to a TableLayout can supply the following table-specific config properties:

* *

The basic concept of building up a TableLayout is conceptually very similar to building up a standard * HTML table. You simply add each panel (or "cell") that you want to include along with any span attributes * specified as the special config properties of rowspan and colspan which work exactly like their HTML counterparts. * Rather than explicitly creating and nesting rows and columns as you would in HTML, you simply specify the * total column count in the layoutConfig and start adding panels in their natural order from left to right, * top to bottom. The layout will automatically figure out, based on the column count, rowspans and colspans, * how to position each panel within the table. Just like with HTML tables, your rowspans and colspans must add * up correctly in your overall layout or you'll end up with missing and/or extra cells! Example usage:


// This code will generate a layout table that is 3 columns by 2 rows
// with some spanning included.  The basic layout will be:
// +--------+-----------------+
// |   A    |   B             |
// |        |--------+--------|
// |        |   C    |   D    |
// +--------+--------+--------+
var table = new Ext.panel.Panel({
    title: 'Table Layout',
    layout: {
        type: 'table',
        // The total column count must be specified here
        columns: 3
    defaults: {
        // applied to each contained panel
    items: [{
        html: '<p>Cell A content</p>',
        rowspan: 2
        html: '<p>Cell B content</p>',
        colspan: 2
        html: '<p>Cell C content</p>',
        cellCls: 'highlight'
        html: '<p>Cell D content</p>'
*/ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Table', { /* Begin Definitions */ alias: ['layout.table'], extend: 'Ext.layout.container.Auto', /* End Definitions */
/** * @cfg {Number} columns * The total number of columns to create in the table for this layout. If not specified, all Components added to * this layout will be rendered into a single row using one column per Component. */ // private monitorResize:false, type: 'table', targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'table-layout-ct', tableCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'table-layout', cellCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'table-layout-cell',
/** * @cfg {Object} tableAttrs *

An object containing properties which are added to the {@link Ext.core.DomHelper DomHelper} specification * used to create the layout's <table> element. Example:

    xtype: 'panel',
    layout: {
        type: 'table',
        columns: 3,
        tableAttrs: {
            style: {
                width: '100%'
*/ tableAttrs:null, /** * @private * Iterates over all passed items, ensuring they are rendered in a cell in the proper * location in the table structure. */ renderItems: function(items) { var tbody = this.getTable().tBodies[0], rows = tbody.rows, cells, curCell, rowIdx, cellIdx, item, trEl, tdEl, i = 0, len = items.length; // Calculate the correct cell structure for the current items cells = this.calculateCells(items); // Loop over each cell and compare to the current cells in the table, inserting/ // removing/moving cells as needed, and making sure each item is rendered into // the correct cell. for (; i < len; i++) { curCell = cells[i]; rowIdx = curCell.rowIdx; cellIdx = curCell.cellIdx; item = items[i]; // If no row present, create and insert one trEl = rows[rowIdx]; if (!trEl) { trEl = tbody.insertRow(rowIdx); } // If no cell present, create and insert one tdEl = trEl.cells[cellIdx]; if (!tdEl) { tdEl = trEl.insertCell(cellIdx); } tdEl = Ext.get(tdEl); // Render or move the component into the cell if (!item.rendered) { this.renderItem(item, tdEl, 0); } else if (!this.isValidParent(item, tdEl, 0)) { this.moveItem(item, tdEl, 0); } // Set the cell properties tdEl.set({ colSpan: item.colspan || 1, rowSpan: item.rowspan || 1, id: item.cellId || '', cls: this.cellCls + ' ' + (item.cellCls || '') }); // If at the end of a row, remove any extra cells if (!cells[i + 1] || cells[i + 1].rowIdx !== rowIdx) { cellIdx++; while (trEl.cells[cellIdx]) { trEl.deleteCell(cellIdx); } } } // Delete any extra rows rowIdx++; while (tbody.rows[rowIdx]) { tbody.deleteRow(rowIdx); } }, /** * @private * Determine the row and cell indexes for each component, taking into consideration * the number of columns and each item's configured colspan/rowspan values. * @param {Array} items The layout components * @return {Array} List of row and cell indexes for each of the components */ calculateCells: function(items) { var cells = [], rowIdx = 0, colIdx = 0, cellIdx = 0, totalCols = this.columns || Infinity, rowspans = [], //rolling list of active rowspans for each column i = 0, j, len = items.length, item; for (; i < len; i++) { item = items[i]; // Find the first available row/col slot not taken up by a spanning cell while (colIdx >= totalCols || rowspans[colIdx] > 0) { if (colIdx >= totalCols) { // move down to next row colIdx = 0; cellIdx = 0; rowIdx++; // decrement all rowspans for (j = 0; j < totalCols; j++) { if (rowspans[j] > 0) { rowspans[j]--; } } } else { colIdx++; } } // Add the cell info to the list cells.push({ rowIdx: rowIdx, cellIdx: cellIdx }); // Increment rowspans[colIdx] = item.rowspan || 1; colIdx += item.colspan || 1; cellIdx++; } return cells; }, /** * @private * Return the layout's table element, creating it if necessary. */ getTable: function() { var table = this.table; if (!table) { table = this.table = this.getTarget().createChild( Ext.apply({ tag: 'table', role: 'presentation', cls: this.tableCls, cellspacing: 0, //TODO should this be specified or should CSS handle it? cn: {tag: 'tbody'} }, this.tableAttrs), null, true ); } return table; }
/** * @property activeItem * @hide */ });