 * @class Ext.draw.engine.VML
 * @extends Ext.draw.Surface
 * Provides specific methods to draw with VML.

Ext.define('Ext.draw.engine.VML', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    extend: 'Ext.draw.Surface',

    requires: ['Ext.draw.Draw', 'Ext.draw.Color', 'Ext.draw.Sprite', 'Ext.draw.Matrix', 'Ext.core.Element'],

    /* End Definitions */

    engine: 'VML',

    map: {M: "m", L: "l", C: "c", Z: "x", m: "t", l: "r", c: "v", z: "x"},
    bitesRe: /([clmz]),?([^clmz]*)/gi,
    valRe: /-?[^,\s-]+/g,
    fillUrlRe: /^url\(\s*['"]?([^\)]+?)['"]?\s*\)$/i,
    pathlike: /^(path|rect)$/,
    NonVMLPathRe: /[ahqstv]/ig, // Non-VML Pathing ops
    partialPathRe: /[clmz]/g,
    fontFamilyRe: /^['"]+|['"]+$/g,
    separatorRe: /[, ]+/,
    baseVMLCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'vml-base',
    vmlGroupCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'vml-group',
    spriteCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'vml-sprite',
    measureSpanCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'vml-measure-span',
    zoom: 21600,
    coordsize: 1000,
    coordorigin: '0 0',

    // @private
    // Convert an SVG standard path into a VML path
    path2vml: function (path) {
        var me = this,
            nonVML =  me.NonVMLPathRe,
            map = me.map,
            val = me.valRe,
            zoom = me.zoom,
            bites = me.bitesRe,
            command = Ext.Function.bind(Ext.draw.Draw.pathToAbsolute, Ext.draw.Draw),
            res, pa, p, r, i, ii, j, jj;
        if (String(path).match(nonVML)) {
            command = Ext.Function.bind(Ext.draw.Draw.path2curve, Ext.draw.Draw);
        } else if (!String(path).match(me.partialPathRe)) {
            res = String(path).replace(bites, function (all, command, args) {
                var vals = [],
                    isMove = command.toLowerCase() == "m",
                    res = map[command];
                args.replace(val, function (value) {
                    if (isMove && vals[length] == 2) {
                        res += vals + map[command == "m" ? "l" : "L"];
                        vals = [];
                    vals.push(Math.round(value * zoom));
                return res + vals;
            return res;
        pa = command(path);
        res = [];
        for (i = 0, ii = pa.length; i < ii; i++) {
            p = pa[i];
            r = pa[i][0].toLowerCase();
            if (r == "z") {
                r = "x";
            for (j = 1, jj = p.length; j < jj; j++) {
                r += Math.round(p[j] * me.zoom) + (j != jj - 1 ? "," : "");
        return res.join(" ");

    // @private - set of attributes which need to be translated from the sprite API to the native browser API
    translateAttrs: {
        radius: "r",
        radiusX: "rx",
        radiusY: "ry",
        lineWidth: "stroke-width",
        fillOpacity: "fill-opacity",
        strokeOpacity: "stroke-opacity",
        strokeLinejoin: "stroke-linejoin"

    // @private - Minimun set of defaults for different types of sprites.
    minDefaults: {
        circle: {
            fill: "none",
            stroke: null,
            "stroke-width": null,
            opacity: null,
            "fill-opacity": null,
            "stroke-opacity": null
        ellipse: {
            cx: 0,
            cy: 0,
            rx: 0,
            ry: 0,
            fill: "none",
            stroke: null,
            "stroke-width": null,
            opacity: null,
            "fill-opacity": null,
            "stroke-opacity": null
        rect: {
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            width: 0,
            height: 0,
            rx: 0,
            ry: 0,
            fill: "none",
            stroke: null,
            "stroke-width": null,
            opacity: null,
            "fill-opacity": null,
            "stroke-opacity": null
        text: {
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            "text-anchor": "start",
            font: "10px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
            fill: "#000",
            stroke: null,
            "stroke-width": null,
            opacity: null,
            "fill-opacity": null,
            "stroke-opacity": null
        path: {
            d: "M0,0",
            fill: "none",
            stroke: null,
            "stroke-width": null,
            opacity: null,
            "fill-opacity": null,
            "stroke-opacity": null
        image: {
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            width: 0,
            height: 0,
            preserveAspectRatio: "none",
            opacity: null

    // private
    onMouseEnter: function(e) {
        this.fireEvent("mouseenter", e);

    // private
    onMouseLeave: function(e) {
        this.fireEvent("mouseleave", e);

    // @private - Normalize a delegated single event from the main container to each sprite and sprite group
    processEvent: function(name, e) {
        var target = e.getTarget(),
            surface = this.surface,
        this.fireEvent(name, e);
        sprite = this.items.get(target.id);
        if (sprite) {
            sprite.fireEvent(name, sprite, e);

    // Create the VML element/elements and append them to the DOM
    createElement: function(sprite) {
        var me = this,
            attr = sprite.attr,
            type = sprite.type,
            zoom = me.zoom,
            vml = sprite.vml || (sprite.vml = {}),
            round = Math.round,
            el = me.createNode("shape"),
            skew = me.createNode("skew"),

        el.coordsize = zoom + ' ' + zoom;
        el.coordorigin = attr.coordorigin || "0 0";
        if (type == "text") {
            vml.path = path = me.createNode("path");
            path.textpathok = true;
            vml.textpath = textPath = me.createNode("textpath");
            textPath.on = true;
        el.id = sprite.id;
        sprite.el = Ext.get(el);
        skew.on = true;
        sprite.skew = skew;
        sprite.matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix;
        sprite.bbox = {
            plain: 0,
            transform: 0
        sprite.fireEvent("render", sprite);
        return sprite.el;

    // @private - Get bounding box for the sprite.  The Sprite itself has the public method.
    getBBox: function (sprite, isWithoutTransform) {
        var realPath = this["getPath" + sprite.type](sprite);
        if (isWithoutTransform) {
            sprite.bbox.plain = sprite.bbox.plain || Ext.draw.Draw.pathDimensions(realPath);
            return sprite.bbox.plain;
        sprite.bbox.transform = sprite.bbox.transform || Ext.draw.Draw.pathDimensions(Ext.draw.Draw.mapPath(realPath, sprite.matrix));
        return sprite.bbox.transform;

    getBBoxText: function (sprite) {
        var vml = sprite.vml;
        return {
            x: vml.X + (vml.bbx || 0) - vml.W / 2,
            y: vml.Y - vml.H / 2,
            width: vml.W,
            height: vml.H

    applyAttrs: function (sprite) {
        var me = this,
            vml = sprite.vml,
            group = sprite.group,
            spriteAttr = sprite.attr,
            el = sprite.el,
            dom = el.dom,
            style, name, groups, i, ln, scrubbedAttrs, font, key;

        if (group) {
            groups = [].concat(group);
            ln = groups.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
                group = groups[i];
            delete sprite.group;
        scrubbedAttrs = me.scrubAttrs(sprite) || {};

        if (sprite.zIndexDirty) {

        if (sprite.type == 'image') {
            dom.src = scrubbedAttrs.src;

        // Apply minimum default attributes
        Ext.applyIf(scrubbedAttrs, me.minDefaults[sprite.type]);

        if (dom.href) {
            dom.href = scrubbedAttrs.href;
        if (dom.title) {
            dom.title = scrubbedAttrs.title;
        if (dom.target) {
            dom.target = scrubbedAttrs.target;
        if (dom.cursor) {
            dom.cursor = scrubbedAttrs.cursor;

        // Change visibility
        if (sprite.dirtyHidden) {
            (scrubbedAttrs.hidden) ? me.hidePrim(sprite) : me.showPrim(sprite);
            sprite.dirtyHidden = false;

        // Update path
        if (sprite.dirtyPath) {
            if (sprite.type == "circle" || sprite.type == "ellipse") {
                var cx = scrubbedAttrs.x,
                    cy = scrubbedAttrs.y,
                    rx = scrubbedAttrs.rx || scrubbedAttrs.r || 0,
                    ry = scrubbedAttrs.ry || scrubbedAttrs.r || 0;
                dom.path = Ext.String.format("ar{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{1},{4},{1}",
                            Math.round((cx - rx) * me.zoom),
                            Math.round((cy - ry) * me.zoom),
                            Math.round((cx + rx) * me.zoom),
                            Math.round((cy + ry) * me.zoom),
                            Math.round(cx * me.zoom));
                sprite.dirtyPath = false;
            } else if (sprite.type != "text") {
                sprite.attr.path = scrubbedAttrs.path = me.setPaths(sprite, scrubbedAttrs) || scrubbedAttrs.path;
                dom.path = me.path2vml(scrubbedAttrs.path);
                sprite.dirtyPath = false;

        // Apply clipping
        if ("clip-rect" in scrubbedAttrs) {
            me.setClip(sprite, scrubbedAttrs);

        // Handle text (special handling required)
        if (sprite.type == "text") {
            me.setText(sprite, scrubbedAttrs);

        // Handle fill and opacity
        if (scrubbedAttrs.opacity || scrubbedAttrs.fill) {
            me.setFill(sprite, scrubbedAttrs);

        // Handle stroke (all fills require a stroke element)
        if (scrubbedAttrs.stroke || scrubbedAttrs.fill) {
            me.setStroke(sprite, scrubbedAttrs);
        //set styles
        style = spriteAttr.style;
        if (style) {

        sprite.dirty = false;

    setZIndex: function(sprite) {
        if (sprite.el) {
            if (sprite.attr.zIndex != undefined) {
                sprite.el.setStyle('zIndex', sprite.attr.zIndex);
            sprite.zIndexDirty = false;

    // Normalize all virtualized types into paths.
    setPaths: function(sprite, params) {
        var spriteAttr = sprite.attr;
        if (sprite.type == 'circle') {
            spriteAttr.rx = spriteAttr.ry = params.r;
            return Ext.draw.Draw.ellipsePath(sprite);
        else if (sprite.type == 'ellipse') {
            spriteAttr.rx = params.rx;
            spriteAttr.ry = params.ry;
            return Ext.draw.Draw.ellipsePath(sprite);
        else if (sprite.type == 'rect') {
            spriteAttr.rx = spriteAttr.ry = params.r;
            return Ext.draw.Draw.rectPath(sprite);
        else if (sprite.type == 'path' && spriteAttr.path) {
            return Ext.draw.Draw.pathToAbsolute(spriteAttr.path);
        else if (sprite.type == 'image') {
            return Ext.draw.Draw.rectPath(sprite);
        return false;

    setFill: function(sprite, params) {
        var me = this,
            el = sprite.el.dom,
            fillEl = el.fill,
            newfill = false,

        if (!fillEl) {
            // NOT an expando (but it sure looks like one)...
            fillEl = el.fill = me.createNode("fill");
            newFill = true;
        if (Ext.isArray(params.fill)) {
            params.fill = params.fill[0];
        if (typeof params["fill-opacity"] == "number" || typeof params.opacity == "number") {
            fillEl.opacity = params["fill-opacity"] || params.opacity;
        if (params.fill == "none") {
            fillEl.on = false;
        else {
            fillEl.on = true;
            if (fillEl.on && typeof params.fill == "string") {
                fillUrl = params.fill.match(me.fillUrlRe);
                if (fillUrl) {
                    fillUrl = fillUrl[1];
                    // If the URL matches one of the registered gradients, render that gradient
                    if (fillUrl.charAt(0) == "#") {
                        gradient = me.gradientsColl.getByKey(fillUrl.substring(1));
                    if (gradient) {
                        // VML angle is offset and inverted from standard, and must be adjusted to match rotation transform
                        rotation = params.rotation;
                        fillEl.angle = -(gradient.angle + 270 + (rotation ? rotation.degrees : 0)) % 360;
                        fillEl.type = "gradient";
                        fillEl.method = "sigma";
                        fillEl.colors.value = gradient.colors;
                    // Otherwise treat it as an image
                    else {
                        fillEl.src = fillUrl;
                        fillEl.type = "tile";
                else {
                    fillEl.color = Ext.draw.Color.toHex(params.fill);
                    fillEl.src = "";
                    fillEl.type = "solid";
        if (newfill) {

    setStroke: function(sprite, params) {
        var me = this,
            el = sprite.el.dom,
            strokeEl = sprite.strokeEl,
            newStroke = false,
            width, opacity;

        if (!strokeEl) {
            strokeEl = sprite.strokeEl = me.createNode("stroke");
            newStroke = true;
        if (Ext.isArray(params.stroke)) {
            params.stroke = params.stroke[0];
        if (!params.stroke || params.stroke == "none" || params.stroke == 0 || params["stroke-width"] == 0) {
            strokeEl.on = false;
        else {
            strokeEl.on = true;
            if (params.stroke && !params.stroke.match(me.fillUrlRe)) {
                // VML does NOT support a gradient stroke :(
                strokeEl.color = Ext.draw.Color.toHex(params.stroke);
            strokeEl.joinstyle = params["stroke-linejoin"];
            strokeEl.endcap = params["stroke-linecap"] || "round";
            strokeEl.miterlimit = params["stroke-miterlimit"] || 8;
            width = parseFloat(params["stroke-width"] || 1) * 0.75;
            opacity = params["stroke-opacity"] || 1;
            // VML Does not support stroke widths under 1, so we're going to fiddle with stroke-opacity instead.
            if (Ext.isNumber(width) && width < 1) {
                strokeEl.weight = 1;
                strokeEl.opacity = opacity * width;
            else {
                strokeEl.weight = 1;
                strokeEl.opacity = opacity;
        if (newStroke) {

    setClip: function(sprite, params) {
        var me = this,
            el = sprite.el,
            clipEl = sprite.clipEl,
            rect = String(params["clip-rect"]).split(me.separatorRe);
        if (!clipEl) {
           clipEl = sprite.clipEl = Ext.core.DomHelper.insertBefore(el, "div");
           clipEl.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'vml-sprite');
        if (rect.length == 4) {
            rect[2] = +rect[2] + (+rect[0]);
            rect[3] = +rect[3] + (+rect[1]);
            clipEl.setStyle("clip", Ext.String.format("rect({1}px {2}px {3}px {0}px)", rect));
            clipEl.setSize(me.el.width, me.el.height);
        else {
            clipEl.setStyle("clip", "");

    setText: function(sprite, params) {
        var me = this,
            vml = sprite.vml,
            textStyle = vml.textpath.style,
            spanCacheStyle = me.span.style,
            zoom = me.zoom,
            round = Math.round,
            fontObj = {
                font: "font",
                fontSize: "font-size",
                fontWeight: "font-weight",
                fontStyle: "font-style"
        if (sprite.dirtyFont) {
            if (params["font-family"]) {
                textStyle.fontFamily = '"' + params["font-family"].split(",")[0].replace(me.fontFamilyRe, "") + '"';
                spanCacheStyle.fontFamily = params["font-family"];

            for (fontProp in fontObj) {
                paramProp = params[fontObj[fontProp]];
                if (paramProp) {
                    textStyle[fontProp] = spanCacheStyle[fontProp] = paramProp;

            vml.textpath.string = params.text;
            if (vml.textpath.string) {
                me.span.innerHTML = String(vml.textpath.string).replace(/");
            vml.W = params.w = me.span.offsetWidth;
            vml.H = params.h = me.span.offsetHeight;

            // text-anchor emulation
            if (params["text-anchor"] == "middle") {
                vml.textpath.style["v-text-align"] = "center";
            else if (params["text-anchor"] == "end") {
                vml.textpath.style["v-text-align"] = "right";
                vml.bbx = -Math.round(vml.W / 2);
            else {
                vml.textpath.style["v-text-align"] = "left";
                vml.bbx = Math.round(vml.W / 2);
        vml.X = params.x;
        vml.Y = params.y;
        vml.path.v = Ext.String.format("m{0},{1}l{2},{1}", Math.round(vml.X * zoom), Math.round(vml.Y * zoom), Math.round(vml.X * zoom) + 1);
        sprite.bbox.plain = 0;
        sprite.bbox.transform = 0;
        sprite.dirtyFont = false;

    hide: function() {

    show: function() {

    hidePrim: function(sprite) {
        sprite.el.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hide-visibility');

    showPrim: function(sprite) {
        sprite.el.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hide-visibility');

    setSize: function(width, height) {
        var me = this,
            viewBox = me.viewBox,
            scaleX, scaleY;
        width = width || me.width;
        height = height || me.height;
        me.width = width;
        me.height = height;

        if (!me.el) {

        // Size outer div
        if (width != undefined) {
        if (height != undefined) {

        // Handle viewBox sizing
        if (viewBox && (width || height)) {
            var viewBoxX = viewBox.x,
                viewBoxY = viewBox.y,
                viewBoxWidth = viewBox.width,
                viewBoxHeight = viewBox.height,
                relativeHeight = height / viewBoxHeight,
                relativeWidth = width / viewBoxWidth,
            if (viewBoxWidth * relativeHeight < width) {
                viewBoxX -= (width - viewBoxWidth * relativeHeight) / 2 / relativeHeight;
            if (viewBoxHeight * relativeWidth < height) {
                viewBoxY -= (height - viewBoxHeight * relativeWidth) / 2 / relativeWidth;
            size = 1 / Math.max(viewBoxWidth / width, viewBoxHeight / height);
            // Scale and translate group
            me.viewBoxShift = {
                dx: -viewBoxX,
                dy: -viewBoxY,
                scale: size
            var items = me.items.items;
            for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {

    setViewBox: function(x, y, width, height) {
        this.viewBox = {
            x: x,
            y: y,
            width: width,
            height: height

    onAdd: function(item) {
        if (this.el) {

    onRemove: function(item) {
        if (item.el) {
            delete item.el;

    render: function (container) {
        var me = this,
            doc = Ext.getDoc().dom;
        // VML Node factory method (createNode)
        if (!me.createNode) {
            doc.createStyleSheet().addRule(".rvml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)");
            try {
                if (!doc.namespaces.rvml) {
                    doc.namespaces.add("rvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
                me.createNode = function (tagName) {
                    return doc.createElement("');
            } catch (e) {
                me.createNode = function (tagName) {
                    return doc.createElement("<" + tagName + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml" class="rvml">');

        if (!me.el) {
            var el = doc.createElement("div");
            me.el = Ext.get(el);

            // Measuring span (offscrren)
            me.span = doc.createElement("span");
            me.el.setSize(me.width || 10, me.height || 10);
                scope: me,
                mouseup: me.onMouseUp,
                mousedown: me.onMouseDown,
                mouseover: me.onMouseOver,
                mouseout: me.onMouseOut,
                mousemove: me.onMouseMove,
                mouseenter: me.onMouseEnter,
                mouseleave: me.onMouseLeave,
                click: me.onClick

    renderAll: function() {
        this.items.each(this.renderItem, this);

    redraw: function(sprite) {
        sprite.dirty = true;

    renderItem: function (sprite) {
        // Does the surface element exist?
        if (!this.el) {

        // Create sprite element if necessary
        if (!sprite.el) {

        if (sprite.dirty) {
            if (sprite.dirtyTransform) {

    rotationCompensation: function (deg, dx, dy) {
        var matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix;
        matrix.rotate(-deg, 0.5, 0.5);
        return {
            x: matrix.x(dx, dy),
            y: matrix.y(dx, dy)

    transform: function(sprite) {
        var me = this,
            matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix,
            transforms = sprite.transformations,
            transformsLength = transforms.length,
            i = 0,
            deltaDegrees = 0,
            deltaScaleX = 1,
            deltaScaleY = 1,
            flip = "",
            el = sprite.el,
            dom = el.dom,
            domStyle = dom.style,
            zoom = me.zoom,
            skew = sprite.skew,
            vml = sprite.vml,
            deltaX, deltaY, transform, type, compensate, y, fill, newAngle,zoomScaleX, zoomScaleY;

        for (; i < transformsLength; i++) {
            transform = transforms[i];
            type = transform.type;
            if (type == "translate") {
                matrix.translate(transform.x, transform.y);
            else if (type == "rotate") {
                matrix.rotate(transform.degrees, transform.x, transform.y);
                deltaDegrees += transform.degrees;
            else if (type == "scale") {
                matrix.scale(transform.x, transform.y, transform.centerX, transform.centerY);
                deltaScaleX *= transform.x;
                deltaScaleY *= transform.y;

        if (me.viewBoxShift) {
            matrix.scale(me.viewBoxShift.scale, me.viewBoxShift.scale, 0, 0);
            matrix.add(1, 0, 0, 1, me.viewBoxShift.dx, me.viewBoxShift.dy);

        sprite.matrix = matrix;

        // Hide element while we transform

        if (me.type != "image" && skew) {
            // matrix transform via VML skew
            skew.matrix = matrix.toString();
            skew.offset = matrix.offset();
        } else {
            deltaX = matrix.m[0][2];
            deltaY = matrix.m[1][2];
            // Scale via coordsize property
            zoomScaleX = zoom / deltaScaleX;
            zoomScaleY = zoom / deltaScaleY;

            dom.coordsize = Math.abs(zoomScaleX) + " " + Math.abs(zoomScaleY);

            // Rotate via rotation property
            newAngle = deltaDegrees * (deltaScaleX * ((deltaScaleY < 0) ? -1 : 1));
            if (newAngle != domStyle.rotation && !(newAngle === 0 && !domStyle.rotation)) {
                domStyle.rotation = newAngle;
            if (deltaDegrees) {
                // Compensate x/y position due to rotation
                compensate = me.rotationCompensation(deltaDegrees, deltaX, deltaY);
                deltaX = compensate.x;
                deltaY = compensate.y;

            // Handle negative scaling via flipping
            if (deltaScaleX < 0) {
                flip += "x";
            if (deltaScaleY < 0) {
                flip += " y";
                y = -1;
            if (flip != "" && !dom.style.flip) {
                domStyle.flip = flip;

            // Translate via coordorigin property
            newOrigin = (deltaX * -zoomScaleX) + " " + (deltaY * -zoomScaleY);
            if (newOrigin != dom.coordorigin) {
                dom.coordorigin = (deltaX * -zoomScaleX) + " " + (deltaY * -zoomScaleY);

    createItem: function (config) {
        return new Ext.draw.Sprite(config);

    getRegion: function() {
        return this.el.getRegion();

    addCls: function(sprite, className) {
        if (sprite && sprite.el) {

    removeCls: function(sprite, className) {
        if (sprite && sprite.el) {

/** * Adds a definition to this Surface for a linear gradient. We convert the gradient definition * to its corresponding VML attributes and store it for later use by individual sprites. * @param {Object} gradient */ addGradient: function(gradient) { var gradients = this.gradientsColl || (this.gradientsColl = new Ext.util.MixedCollection()), colors = [], stops = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); // Build colors string stops.addAll(gradient.stops); stops.sortByKey("ASC", function(a, b) { a = parseInt(a, 10); b = parseInt(b, 10); return a > b ? 1 : (a < b ? -1 : 0); }); stops.eachKey(function(k, v) { colors.push(k + "% " + v.color); }); gradients.add(gradient.id, { colors: colors.join(","), angle: gradient.angle }); }, destroy: function() { this.callParent(arguments); Ext.removeNode(this.el); delete this.el; } });