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Please understand that FMPP, as a bulk file processor, may generates high amount of output files, and overwrites all files with the same names as the names of output files without warning. It's a practical decision comes from the usage pattern of the tool. So watch where will the output files go.

Also note that, according the license (BSD), the author does not take responsibly if the usage of FMPP causes harm for you somehow.



Extract the downloaded archive file (fmpp_X.X.X.tar.gz or into the directory where you prefer to store FMPP. For Windows users it is typically C:\fmpp or C:\Program Files\fmpp, for UN*X users it is typically ~/opt/fmpp or /opt/fmpp (where fmpp is the extracted fmpp_X.X.X directory after renaming). From now I will refer to this directory as <FMPP>.

Setup the command-line tool

Windows (95/98/Me, NT/2000/XP, ...etc.)

Quickly and simply: If you have unpacked FMPP into the C:\Program Files\fmpp (or C:\Programme\fmpp) or the C:\fmpp directory, then just copy <FMPP>\bin\fmpp.bat into C:\Windows (if that's the Windows directory on your installation... some systems use C:\WinNT or C:\Win_ME). Now you can use the fmpp command in the command-line anywhere. That's all.

Note the java.exe (this comes with Java) must be in the path, or the JAVA_HOME environment variable must be correctly set. Otherwise fmpp.bat will fail when it tries to invoke java.exe.

If the above was not good for you, or you run into some problems, then read on...

To run FMPP from command-line, execute <FMPP>\bin\fmpp.bat. You should put the <FMPP>\bin into the path, so you can issue an fmpp command from anywhere. Or, just drop fmpp.bat into a directory which is already in the path (say, into the Windows directory), if <FMPP> is <SystemDrive>:\fmpp or <SystemDrive>:\Progra<AnythingLongerThan2Characters>\fmpp (e.g. C:\Program Files\fmpp).

For those of you who don't know how to set the path: To set the path in Windows NT/2K/XP, use Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment variables, and edit the PATH variable (upper/lower-case differences doesn't matter). To set the path in Win9x, add line
set PATH=%PATH%;<FMPP>\bin
to the end of C:\autoexec.bat. You should restart Windows if the changes do not take effect.

Because of the limitations of .bat files, you may get error messages as "The input line is too long.". To solve this, install FMPP in a more "shallow" directory, so that the path to the FMPP related files is shorter.

Windows 95/98/Me users please note: Because of the deficiencies of the shell, there are limitations regarding fmpp.bat:

Anybody contributes with a good convenient installer ("setup.exe" built with Install Shield Wizard or something) is welcome.

UN*X (Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, ...etc.)

To run FMPP from command-line, execute <FMPP>/bin/fmpp. You may want to create a soft link in a directory that is in the common PATH, such as /bin, so users can issue an fmpp command from anywhere:
ln -s <FMPP>/bin/fmpp /bin/fmpp

Other operation systems

Unfortunatelly, there is no shell script written for you. But you can still use the command-line tool. You will have to execute <FMPP>/lib/fmpp.jar with Java. Please refer to the documentation of the Java implementation you are using for more details. If it can't execute jar-s, then you have to execute the class with Java. For this, <FMPP>/lib/fmpp.jar must be in the so called "class path". Again, please refer to the documentation of the Java implementation you are using.

Notes for all operating systems

Setup the Ant task

If you want to use FMPP as Ant task, copy the required jar files from <FMPP>/lib into the lib directory of your Ant installation (issuing ant install from <FMPP> will do this for you), or ensure that the jars are in the CLASSPATH environment variable. Then, whenever you need the FMPP task in a project, add this line to your build.xml:

<taskdef name="fmpp" classname=""/> 

And then you can use the <fmpp ...> task.

Installing optional parts and custom extensions

For the command-line tool, simply drop the jar file that contains the required classes into the <FMPP>/lib directory (or, into the Ant lib directory, if you store fmpp.jar there only). For the Ant task, either ensure that the required jars are in the CLASSPATH, or drop the jars into the lib directory of your Ant installation.

If you need XML support, you should use J2SE 1.4 or later. If you use earlier Java, then install some JAXP 1.2+/SAX 2.0+/DOM Level 2 implementation with name-space support, for example: Xerces (recommended) or Crimson. (Note that Ant comes with Xerces, so when you use the FMPP Ant task, the XML related classes will be available.)

XPath expressions will work only if Jaxen (recommended, use 1.1-beta-8 or later!) or Apache Xalan classes are available (Xalan was included with Sun J2SE 1.4, but not with 1.5).

Updating FreeMarker

FMPP comes with FreeMarker just for the sake of simplicity. You can replace FreeMarker with a later version as far as it is backward compatible with the version that FMPP comes with. For this, download the latest backward compatible FreeMarker release, and overwrite the <FMPP>/lib/freemarker.jar with the lib/freemarker.jar of the FreeMarker release. (Of course, if you are using the FMPP Ant task, you may need to replace the freemarker.jar in the lib directory of the Ant installation too.)

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For FMPP version 0.9.13
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