Foresight Linux is a distribution based on rPath Linux (and its Conary package management), which showcases the latest and greatest from the GNOME project. Some of the more innovative software packages, such as Beagle, Zeroconf and Mono, together with a nice, clean default theme and artwork, are also included.
Foresight Linux是一份基于rPath Linux及其Conary包管理的发行,它体现了GNOME项目最新最好的技术。一些创新的内容被包含进来,诸如Beagle、Zeroconf、 Mono及最新的hal。它还包括了一些漂亮的、清爽的缺省主题和美工。
Foresight Linux Wiki
Foresight Linux Official website
Foresight Linux Wikipedia
Foresight Linux Download