6.10 Using KDE

6.10.1 Variable definitions (KDE 3.x only)

Table 6-12. Variables for ports that use KDE 3.x

USE_KDELIBS_VER The port uses KDE libraries. It specifies the major version of KDE to use and implies USE_QT_VER of the appropriate version. The only possible value is 3.
USE_KDEBASE_VER The port uses KDE base. It specifies the major version of KDE to use and implies USE_QT_VER of the appropriate version. The only possible value is 3.

6.10.2 KDE 4 variable definitions

If your application depends on KDE 4.x, set USE_KDE4 to the list of required components. The most commonly used components are listed below (up-to-date components are listed in _USE_KDE4_ALL in /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.kde4.mk):

Table 6-13. Available KDE4 components

Name Description
akonadi Personal information management (PIM) storage service
automoc4 Makes port use automoc4 build tool
kdebase Basic KDE applications (Konqueror, Dolphin, Konsole)
kdeexp Experimental KDE libraries (with non-stable API)
kdehier Provides common KDE directories
kdelibs The base set of KDE libraries
kdeprefix If set, port will be installed into ${KDE4_PREFIX} instead of ${LOCALBASE}
pimlibs PIM libraries
workspace Applications and libraries which form desktop (Plasma, KWin)

KDE 4.x ports are installed into ${KDE4_PREFIX}, which is /usr/local/kde4 currently, to avoid conflicts with KDE 3.x ports. This is achieved by specifying the kdeprefix component, which overrides the default PREFIX. The ports however respect any PREFIX set via MAKEFLAGS environment variable and/or make arguments.

KDE 4.x ports may conflict with KDE 3.x ports, so when the kdeprefix component is enabled, they are installed in ${KDE4_PREFIX}. The default value of KDE4_PREFIX is currently /usr/local/kde4. Installing the KDE 4.x ports into a custom PREFIX is also possible. When PREFIX is set via the MAKEFLAGS environment variable or via make options it overrides the value configured by kdeprefix.

Example 6-4. USE_KDE4 example

This is a simple example for KDE 4 port. USE_CMAKE instructs port to utilize CMake -- configuration tool widely spread among KDE 4 projects. USE_KDE4 brings dependency on KDE libraries and makes port using automoc4 at build stage. Required KDE components and other dependencies can be determined through configure log. USE_KDE4 does not imply USE_QT_VER. If port requires some of Qt4 components, USE_QT_VER should be set and then needed components can be specified.

USE_CMAKE=     yes
USE_KDE4=      automoc4 kdelibs kdeprefix
USE_QT_VER=    4
QT_COMPONENTS= qmake_build moc_build rcc_build uic_build
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