21. Information About Google Analytics

As of December 12, 2012, Google Analytics was enabled on the FreeBSD Project website to collect anonymized usage statistics regarding usage of the site. The information collected is valuable to the FreeBSD Documentation Project, in order to identify various problems on the FreeBSD website.

21.1. Google Analytics General Policy

The FreeBSD Project takes visitor privacy very seriously. As such, the FreeBSD Project website honors the Do Not Track header before fetching the tracking code from Google. For more information, please see the FreeBSD Privacy Policy.

Google Analytics access is not arbitrarily allowed — access must be requested, voted on by the Documentation Engineering Team , and explicitly granted.

Requests for Google Analytics data must include a specific purpose. For example, a valid reason for requesting access would be to see the most frequently used web browsers when viewing FreeBSD web pages to ensure page rendering speeds are acceptable.

Conversely, to see what web browsers are most frequently used (without stating why) would be rejected.

All requests must include the timeframe for which the data would be required. For example, it must be explicitly stated if the requested data would be needed for a timeframe covering a span of 3 weeks, or if the request would be one-time only.

Any request for Google Analytics data without a clear, reasonable reason beneficial to the FreeBSD Project will be rejected.

21.2. Data Available Through Google Analytics

A few examples of the types of Google Analytics data available include:

  • Commonly used web browsers

  • Page load times

  • Site access by language

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