2.7. Invoking PMake

PMake comes with a wide variety of flags to choose from. They may appear in any order, interspersed with command-line variable assignments and targets to create. The flags are as follows:

-d what

This causes PMake to spew out debugging information that may prove useful to you. If you cannot figure out why PMake is doing what it is doing, you might try using this flag. The what parameter is a string of single characters that tell PMake what aspects you are interested in. Most of what I describe will make little sense to you, unless you have dealt with Make before. Just remember where this table is and come back to it as you read on. The characters and the information they produce are as follows:

aArchive searching and caching.
cConditional evaluation.
dThe searching and caching of directories.
jVarious snippets of information related to the running of the multiple shells. Not particularly interesting.
mThe making of each target: what target is being examined; when it was last modified; whether it is out-of-date; etc.
pMakefile parsing.
rRemote execution.
sThe application of suffix-transformation rules. (See Chapter 3, Short-cuts and Other Nice Things.)
tThe maintenance of the list of targets.
vVariable assignment.

Of these all, the m and s letters will be most useful to you. If the -d is the final argument or the argument from which it would get these key letters (see below for a note about which argument would be used) begins with a –, all of these debugging flags will be set, resulting in massive amounts of output.

-f makefile

Specify a makefile to read different from the standard makefiles (Makefile or makefile). If makefile is -, PMake uses the standard input. This is useful for making quick and dirty makefiles.


Prints out a summary of the various flags PMake accepts. It can also be used to find out what level of concurrency was compiled into the version of PMake you are using (look at -J and -L) and various other information on how PMake was configured.


If you give this flag, PMake will ignore non-zero status returned by any of its shells. It is like placing a - before all the commands in the makefile.


This is similar to -i in that it allows PMake to continue when it sees an error, but unlike -i, where PMake continues blithely as if nothing went wrong, -k causes it to recognize the error and only continue work on those things that do not depend on the target, either directly or indirectly (through depending on something that depends on it), whose creation returned the error. The k is for keep going.


PMake has the ability to lock a directory against other people executing it in the same directory (by means of a file called LOCK.make that it creates and checks for in the directory). This is a Good Thing because two people doing the same thing in the same place can be disastrous for the final product (too many cooks and all that). Whether this locking is the default is up to your system administrator. If locking is on, -l will turn it off, and vice versa. Note that this locking will not prevent you from invoking PMake twice in the same place–if you own the lock file, PMake will warn you about it but continue to execute.

-m directory

Tells PMake another place to search for included makefiles via the <filename> style. Several -m options can be given to form a search path. If this construct is used the default system makefile search path is completely overridden.


This flag tells PMake not to execute the commands needed to update the out-of-date targets in the makefile. Rather, PMake will simply print the commands it would have executed and exit. This is particularly useful for checking the correctness of a makefile. If PMake does not do what you expect it to, it is a good chance the makefile is wrong.

-p number

This causes PMake to print its input in a reasonable form, though not necessarily one that would make immediate sense to anyone but me. The number is a bitwise OR of 1 and 2, where 1 means it should print the input before doing any processing and 2 says it should print it after everything has been re-created. Thus -p 3 would print it twice-a-once before processing and once after (you might find the difference between the two interesting). This is mostly useful to me, but you may find it informative in some bizarre circumstances.


If you give PMake this flag, it will not try to re-create anything. It will just see if anything is out-of-date and exit non-zero if so.


When PMake starts up, it reads a default makefile that tells it what sort of system it is on and gives it some idea of what to do if you do not tell it anything. I will tell you about it in Chapter 3, Short-cuts and Other Nice Things. If you give this flag, PMake will not read the default makefile.


This causes PMake to not print commands before they are executed. It is the equivalent of putting an @ before every command in the makefile.


Rather than try to re-create a target, PMake will simply touch it so as to make it appear up-to-date. If the target did not exist before, it will when PMake finishes, but if the target did exist, it will appear to have been updated.


Targets can still be created in parallel, however. This is the mode PMake will enter if it is invoked either as smake or vmake.


This tells PMake it is OK to export jobs to other machines, if they are available. It is used when running in Make mode, as exporting in this mode tends to make things run slower than if the commands were just executed locally.


Forces PMake to be as backwards-compatible with Make as possible while still being itself. This includes:

  • Executing one shell per shell command

  • Expanding anything that looks even vaguely like a variable, with the empty string replacing any variable PMake does not know.

  • Refusing to allow you to escape a # with a backslash.

  • Permitting undefined variables on dependency lines and conditionals (see below). Normally this causes PMake to abort.


This nullifies any and all compatibility mode flags you may have given or implied up to the time the -C is encountered. It is useful mostly in a makefile that you wrote for PMake to avoid bad things happening when someone runs PMake as make or has things set in the environment that tell it to be compatible. -C is not placed in the PMAKE environment variable or the .MAKEFLAGS or MFLAGS global variables.

-D variable

Allows you to define a variable to have 1 as its value. The variable is a global variable, not a command-line variable. This is useful mostly for people who are used to the C compiler arguments and those using conditionals, which I will get into in Section 4.3, “On the Condition...”.

-I directory

Tells PMake another place to search for included makefiles. Yet another thing to be explained in Chapter 3, Short-cuts and Other Nice Things (Section 3.2, “Including Other Makefiles”, to be precise).

-J number

Gives the absolute maximum number of targets to create at once on both local and remote machines.

-L number

This specifies the maximum number of targets to create on the local machine at once. This may be 0, though you should be wary of doing this, as PMake may hang until a remote machine becomes available, if one is not available when it is started.


This is the flag that provides absolute, complete, full compatibility with Make. It still allows you to use all but a few of the features of PMake, but it is non-parallel. This is the mode PMake enters if you call it make.


When creating targets in parallel, several shells are executing at once, each wanting to write its own two cents'-worth to the screen. This output must be captured by PMake in some way in order to prevent the screen from being filled with garbage even more indecipherable than you usually see. PMake has two ways of doing this, one of which provides for much cleaner output and a clear separation between the output of different jobs, the other of which provides a more immediate response so one can tell what is really happening. The former is done by notifying you when the creation of a target starts, capturing the output and transferring it to the screen all at once when the job finishes. The latter is done by catching the output of the shell (and its children) and buffering it until an entire line is received, then printing that line preceded by an indication of which job produced the output. Since I prefer this second method, it is the one used by default. The first method will be used if you give the -P flag to PMake.


As mentioned before, the -V flag tells PMake to use Make's style of expanding variables, substituting the empty string for any variable it does not know.


There are several times when PMake will print a message at you that is only a warning, i.e. it can continue to work in spite of your having done something silly (such as forgotten a leading tab for a shell command). Sometimes you are well aware of silly things you have done and would like PMake to stop bothering you. This flag tells it to shut up about anything non-fatal.


This flag causes PMake to not attempt to export any jobs to another machine.

Several flags may follow a single -. Those flags that require arguments take them from successive parameters. For example:

pmake -fDnI server.mk DEBUG /chip2/X/server/include

will cause PMake to read server.mk as the input makefile, define the variable DEBUG as a global variable and look for included makefiles in the directory /chip2/X/server/include.

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