
Date of release: 2004-June-15

Bugfix and maintenance release.

Changes on the FTL side

  • Added a new special variable to print the FreeMarker version number: version. See more in the reference...

Changes on the Java side

  • The BeansWrapper has been improved to prevent some security exceptions when introspecting.

  • Bugfix: The FileTemplateLoader is now more robust when it receives paths that are malformed according the native file system. In the earlier version such paths sometimes caused unexpected IOException that aborted the searching for the template in further FileTemplateLoader-s when you use the MultiTemplateLoader.

  • Some parts of the FreeMarker code has been marked as privileged code section, so you can grant extra privileges to FreeMarker when you use a security manager (this is a backporting from 2.3). See more here...

Other changes

  • Minor documentation fixes and improvements.

Page generated: 2008-08-31 23:11:23 GMT FreeMarker Manual -- For FreeMarker 2.3.14