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Running the camel-nmr Demonstration

To install and run the camel-nmr demonstration, where the demonstration bundle is downloaded from a remote repository, perform the following steps:

To install and run the camel-nmr demonstration, where the demonstration bundle is built locally, perform the following steps:

  1. If you have not done so already, install the camel-nmr feature by entering the following command at the FUSE ESB console:

    servicemix> features install camel-nmr
  2. Build the demonstration—open a command prompt and change directory to examples/camel-nmr. Use Maven to build the demonstration by entering the following command:

    mvn install

    If this command runs successfully, the examples/camel-nmr/target directory should contain the bundle file, camel-nmr-

  3. Install and start the camel-nmr bundle—at the FUSE ESB console, enter the following command:

    servicemix> osgi install -s file:InstallDir/examples/camel-nmr/target/camel-nmr-

    Where InstallDir is the directory where you installed FUSE ESB and the -s flag directs the container to start the bundle right away. For example, if your install directory is C:\Programs\FUSE\apache-servicemix- on a Windows machine, you would enter the following command:

    servicemix> osgi install -s file:C:/Programs/FUSE/apache-servicemix-

    After entering this command, you should soon see output like the following being logged to the console screen:

    >>>> MyTransform set body:  Mon Sep 22 12:09:10 BST 2008
    >>>> MyTransform set body:  Mon Sep 22 12:09:12 BST 2008
    >>>> MyTransform set body:  Mon Sep 22 12:09:14 BST 2008

    When specifying the location of a bundle to the osgi install command, it is essential to use forward slashes, /, in the path name, even on a Windows machine.

  4. Stop the camel-nmr bundle—to stop the camel-nmr bundle, you first need to discover the relevant bundle number. To find the bundle number, enter the following console command (this might look a bit confusing, because the text you are typing will intermingle with the output that is being logged to the screen):

    servicemix> osgi list

    At the end of the listing, you should see an entry like the following:

    [ 129] [Active     ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix Example :: Camel NMR (

    Where, in this example, the bundle number is 129. To stop this bundle, enter the following console command:

    servicemix> osgi stop 129