5.3. Lens Flare

5.3.1. Overview

Figure 16.96. Example for the Lens Flare filter

Example for the Lens Flare filter

Original image

Example for the Lens Flare filter

Filter “Lens Flare” applied

This filter gives the impression that sun hit the objective when taking a shot. You can locate the reflection with a reticule you can move, but you have not the possibilities that the Gradient Flare filter offers.

5.3.2. Activate the filter

You can find this filter in the image menu menu through FiltersLight and ShadowLens Flare.

5.3.3.  Options

Figure 16.97.  Lens Flare” filter options

Lens Flare filter options


Parameter setting results are interactively displayed in preview. Scroll bars allow you to move around the image.

Center of Flare Effect

You can set there X and Y (pixels) coordinates of glint. The coordinate origin is at upper left corner.

Show position

When this option is checked, a reticule appears in preview and you can move it with the mouse pointer to locate the center of Lens Flare effect.

[Tip] Tip

The mouse cursor, which looks like a cross when it moves over the preview, lets you locate the filter effect even without the reticule.