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Oracle GlassFish Server Message Queue Administration Guide
Release 4.5.2

Part Number E24943-01
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A Distribution-Specific Locations of Message Queue Data

Message Queue data is stored in different locations based on the distribution used to install Message Queue. The tables that follow show the location of various types of Message Queue data for the following types of installations:

In the tables, instanceName denotes the name of the broker instance with which the data is associated.

Installations from an IPS image

Table A-1 shows the location of Message Queue data when Message Queue is installed from an IPS image, such as when the Message Queue installer is used. Locations denote the IMQ_HOME and IMQ_VARHOME directory variables defined in Directory Variable Conventions.

Table A-1 Message Queue Data Locations for Installations from an IPS Image

Data Category Location

Command line executable files


Broker instance configuration properties


Broker configuration file templates


Persistent data store (messages, destinations, durable subscriptions, transactions, acknowledgements)

IMQ_VARHOME/instances/instanceName/fs370/or a JDBC-accessible data store

Broker instance log file directory (default location)


Administered objects (object store)

Local directory of your choice or an LDAP server

Security: user repository

IMQ_VARHOME/instances/instanceName/etc/passwdor an LDAP server

Security: access control file (default location)


Security: password file directory (default location)


Security: example password file


Security: broker's key store file location


JavaDoc API documentation


Example applications and configurations


Java archive (.jar), Web archive (.war), and Resource Adapter archive (.rar) files


External resource (.jar) files such as JDBC drivers, JAAS login modules, and so forth


JMS Bridge DTD file


Installations of Previous Message Queue Versions from Solaris SVR4 Packages


Message Queue is no longer distributed as Solaris SVR4 packages. The following information is provided as a point of reference when upgrading from previous versions of Message Queue that were distributed as Solaris SVR4 packages.

Table A-2 shows the location of Message Queue data when Message Queue was installed from Solaris SVR4 packages.

Table A-2 Message Queue Data Locations for Installations from Solaris SVR4 Packages

Data Category Location

Command line executable files


Broker instance configuration properties


Broker configuration file templates


Persistent data store (messages, destinations, durable subscriptions, transactions, acknowledgements)

/var/imq/instances/instanceName/fs370or a JDBC-accessible data store

Broker instance log file directory (default location)


Administered objects (object store)

Local directory of your choice or an LDAP server

Security: user repository

/var/imq/instances/instanceName/etc/passwdor an LDAP server

Security: access control file (default location)


Security: password file directory (default location)


Security: example password file


Security: broker's key store file location


JavaDoc API documentation


Example applications and configurations


Java archive (.jar), Web archive (.war), and Resource Adapter archive (.rar) files


External resource (.jar) files such as JDBC drivers, JAAS login modules, and so forth


JMS Bridge DTD file


Installations of Previous Message Queue Versions from Linux RPMs


Message Queue is no longer distributed as Linux RPMs. The following information is provided as a point of reference when upgrading from previous versions of Message Queue that were distributed as Linux RPMs.

Table A-3 shows the location of Message Queue data when Message Queue was installed from Linux RPMs.

Table A-3 Message Queue Data Locations for Installations from Linux RPMs

Data Category Location

Command line executable files


Broker instance configuration properties


Broker configuration file templates


Persistent data store (messages, destinations, durable subscriptions, transactions, acknowledgements)

/var/opt/sun/mq/instances/instanceName/fs370/or a JDBC-accessible data store

Broker instance log file directory (default location)


Administered objects (object store)

Local directory of your choice or an LDAP server

Security: user repository

/var/opt/sun/mq/instances/instanceName/etc/passwdor an LDAP server

Security: access control file (default location)


Security: password file directory (default location)


Security: example password file


Security: broker's key store file location


JavaDoc API documentation


Example applications and configurations


Java archive (.jar), Web archive (.war), and Resource Adapter archive (.rar) files


External resource (.jar) files such as JDBC drivers, JAAS login modules, and so forth


Shared library (.so) files


JMS Bridge DTD file
