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Oracle GlassFish Server Message Queue Administration Guide
Release 4.5.2

Part Number E24943-01
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20 JMS Resource Adapter Property Reference

This chapter describes the configuration properties of the Message Queue JMS Resource Adapter (JMS RA), which enables you to integrate Message Queue with any J2EE 1.4 application server by means of the standard J2EE connector architecture (JCA). When plugged into an application server, the Resource Adapter allows applications deployed in that application server to use Message Queue to send and receive JMS messages.

The Message Queue JMS Resource Adapter exposes its configuration properties through three JavaBean components:

To set property values for these entities, you use the tools provided by your application server for configuration and deployment of the Resource Adapter and for deployment of MDBs.

This chapter lists and describes the configuration properties of the Message Queue JMS Resource Adapter. It contains the following sections:

About Shared Topic Subscriptions for Clustered Containers

The Message Queue JMS Resource Adapter provides a special feature called shared subscriptions for containers that support clustering, such as GlassFish Server. This feature enables clustered containers to share the load of processing messages for topic subscriptions across the instances of a cluster.

When this feature is enabled, the following behaviors apply:

The sharing of subscriptions relies on client id being set, not only for durable subscriptions (which always require client id) but for non-durable subscriptions (which do not normally require client id). If the subscription is being created by the resource adapter for use by a message-driven bean (MDB), and client id is not set, then the resource adapter will set the client id to the name of the MDB. However if the subscription is being created programmatically using the JMS API, and client id is not set, then an exception will be thrown.

Note that, in the EJB or web container, applications that create a connection using a connection factory are not permitted to set client id on the newly created connection, but must set it on the connection factory instead. This restriction is imposed by the EJB specification, though it applies to web components as well. There is no such restrictions in the application client container.

Disabling Shared Subscriptions

By default, the shared subscriptions feature is enabled. In some applications that use non-durable subscriptions, however, the shared behavior is not desired. In such cases, disable the shared subscriptions feature by setting the useSharedSubscriptionInClusteredContainer property to false on either the ActivationSpec or ManagedConnectionFactory, as appropriate:

  • For an MDB, set the ActivationSpec property useSharedSubscriptionInClusteredContainer to false. Do this in exactly the same way as with other ActivationSpec properties, using annotations in the MDB itself or in the deployment descriptor ejb-jar.xml or glassfish-ejb-jar.xml. Alternatively, if the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor specifies a connection factory using the <mdb-connection-factory> element, then the property can be configured on the connection factory instead, as described in the next item.

  • For GlassFish applications creating a non-durable subscription using the JMS API rather than using an MDB, set the connection factory property useSharedSubscriptionInClusteredContainer to false using the GlassFish Administration Console, the GlassFish asadmin command or the resource descriptor glassfish-resources.xml.

Only set useSharedSubscriptionInClusteredContainer to false for non-durable subscriptions.

Consumer Flow Control When Shared Subscriptions Are Used

When shared subscriptions are being used, then consumer flow control operates slightly differently than is described in Client Runtime Message Flow Adjustments.

With a normal topic subscription, the maximum number of messages that can be held pending for any single subscriber, waiting to be consumed, is defined by the broker property imq.autocreate.topic.consumerFlowLimit for auto-created topics, or the destination property consumerFlowLimit for administratively-created topics. Both properties have a default value of 1000. This can be overridden on a per-connection basis by setting the connection factory property imqConsumerFlowLimit to a lower value than that defined for the topic.

When the subscription is shared, however, different logic applies. In this case, the limit is defined by the broker property imq.autocreate.topic.sharedConsumerFlowLimit for auto-created topics or the broker property imq.admincreate.topic.sharedConsumerFlowLimit for all administratively-created topics. It is not possible to set this limit on individual administratively-created topics. Both properties have a default value of 5. This can be overridden on a per-connection basis by setting the connection factory property imqConsumerFlowLimit to a lower value than that defined for the topic. Note that, as with all connection factory properties, this is specified using the options property of the managed connection factory.

ResourceAdapter JavaBean

The ResourceAdapter configuration configures the default JMS Resource Adapter behavior. Table 20-1 lists and describes the properties with which you can configure this JavaBean.

Table 20-1 Resource Adapter Properties

Property Type Default Value Description

connectionURLFoot 1 



Message service address for connecting to the Message Queue service




Name of broker instance




Port number for connecting to broker




Address to which broker binds on host machine

If null, the broker will bind to all addresses on the host machine.

userNameFoot 2 



Default user name for connecting to Message Queue service

passwordFootref 2



Default password for connecting to Message Queue service




Order in which to attempt connection to Message Queue service:

  • PRIORITY: Order specified in address list

  • RANDOM: Random order

Note: Reconnection attempts after a connection failure start with the broker whose connection failed and proceed sequentially through the address list, regardless of the value set for this property.




Number of times to iterate through address list attempting to establish or reestablish a connection




Attempt to reestablish a lost connection?




Number of times to attempt reconnection to each address in address list before moving on to next


Long integer


Interval, in milliseconds, between reconnection attempts




Enable high availability?




Cluster identifier

If specified, only brokers with the same cluster identifier can be clustered together. In the event of broker failure, client connections will fail over only to brokers with the same cluster identifier as the original broker. If not specified, client connections can fail over to any other broker with an unspecified cluster identifier.

For standalone brokers (those not belonging to a cluster), this property is ignored.

The identifier may contain only alphabetic letters (A-Z, a-z), numeric digits (0-9), and the underscore character (_).




Broker identifier

For brokers using a JDBC-based persistent data store, this string is appended to the names of all database tables to make them unique in the case where more than one broker instance is using the same database. For brokers using a file-based data store, this property is ignored.

In an enhanced cluster, each broker must have a unique broker identifier.

The identifier may contain only alphabetic letters (A-Z, a-z), numeric digits (0-9), and the underscore character (_).

Footnote 1 Must be specified

Footnote 2 Required

ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean

A managed connection factory is used to create connections managed by the resource adapter. Table 20-2 shows the properties of the ManagedConnectionFactory JavaBean; if set, these properties override the corresponding properties of the ResourceAdapter JavaBean.

Table 20-2 Managed Connection Factory Properties

Property Type Default Value Description



Value of connectionURL property of ResourceAdapter JavaBean (see Table 20-1)

List of message service addresses for connecting to Message Queue service

userNameFoot 1 



User name for connecting to Message Queue service

passwordFootref 1



Password for connecting to Message Queue service




Client identifier for connections to Message Queue service




Order in which to attempt connection to Message Queue service:

  • PRIORITY: Order specified in address list

  • RANDOM: Random order

Note: Reconnection attempts after a connection failure start with the broker whose connection failed and proceed sequentially through the address list, regardless of the value set for this property.




Number of times to iterate through address list attempting to establish or reestablish a connection




Attempt to reestablish a lost connection?




Number of times to attempt reconnection to each address in address list before moving on to next


Long integer


Interval, in milliseconds, between reconnection attempts

optionsFootref 1



A list of additional connection factory properties to be used when creating connections to a Message Queue broker.

When specified, the value of options must be a comma-separated list of connection factory properties and their values, in the form:


If value contains a comma or an equals sign, precede the symbol with a backslash (\) or enclose the entire value in quotes; for example:


The options property cannot specify properties that are configured internally or that have their own setter methods, specifically: imqReconnectEnabled, imqReconnectAttempts, imqReconnectInterval, imqDefaultUsername, imqDefaultPassword, imqAddressList, imqAddressListIterations. Any values specified in options for these properties are ignored.




Controls whether topic subscriptions created using this ManagedConnectionFactory will be shared when running in a clustered container, as described in About Shared Topic Subscriptions for Clustered Containers.

Set to true (the default) to share subscriptions. The clientID property must also be set, even if the subscription is nondurable.

Set to false to not share subscriptions. This setting should only be used for nondurable subscriptions. The clientID property does not need to be set.

Footnote 1 Optional

ActivationSpec JavaBean

Table 20-3 shows the configurable properties of the ActivationSpec JavaBean. These properties are used by the application server when instructing the Resource Adapter to activate a message endpoint and associate it with a message-driven bean.

Table 20-3 ActivationSpec Properties

Property Type Default Value Description

addressListFoot 1 ,Foot 2 


Value of connectionURL property of ResourceAdapter JavaBean (see Table 20-1)

Message service address for connecting to Message Queue service

userNameFootref 1 ,Footref 2


Inherited from ResourceAdapter JavaBean (see Table 20-1)

User name for connecting to Message Queue service.

passwordFootref 1 ,Footref 2


Inherited from ResourceAdapter JavaBean (see Table 20-1)

Password for connecting to Message Queue service.

clientIdFoot 3 



Client ID for connections to Message Queue service

This property must be set if subscriptionDurability is set to Durable.

addressListBehaviorFootref 1,Footref 2


Inherited from ResourceAdapter JavaBean (see Table 20-1)

Order in which to attempt connection or reconnection to Message Queue service:

PRIORITY: order specified in address list

RANDOM: Random order

addressListIterationsFootref 1,Footref 2


Inherited from ResourceAdapter JavaBean (see Table 20-1)

Number of times to iterate through addressList attempting to establish or reestablish a connection.

When this limit is reached an exception will be thrown and a new connection attempt will begin, with no limit.

reconnectAttemptsFootref 1 ,Footref 2


Inherited from ResourceAdapter JavaBean (see Table 20-1)

Number of times to attempt connection or reconnection to each address in addressList before moving on to next.

reconnectInterval1Footref 1,Footref 2


Inherited from ResourceAdapter JavaBean (see Table 20-1)

Interval, in milliseconds, between reconnection attempts

destinationFootref 3



Name of destination from which to consume messages

The value must be that of the destinationName property for a Message Queue destination administered object.

destinationTypeFootref 3



Type of destination specified by destination property:

  • javax.jms.Queue: Queue destination

  • javax.jms.Topic: Topic destination

messageSelectorFootref 1,Footref 3



Message selector for filtering messages delivered to consumer

subscriptionNameFootref 3



Name for durable subscriptions

This property must be set if subscriptionDurability is set to Durable.

subscriptionDurabilityFootref 3



Durability of consumer for topic destination:

  • Durable: Durable consumer

  • NonDurable: Nondurable consumer

This property is valid only if destinationType is set to javax.jms.Topic, and is optional for nondurable subscriptions and required for durable ones. If set to Durable, the clientID and subscriptionName properties must also be set.

acknowledgeModeFootref 1,Footref 3



Acknowledgment mode:

  • Auto-acknowledge: Auto-acknowledge mode

  • Dups-ok-acknowledge: Dups-OK-acknowledge mode




Acknowledgment mode for MDB message consumption

Valid values are No_acknowledge or null.

You can use no-acknowledge mode only for a nontransacted, nondurable topic subscription; if you use this setting with a transacted subscription or a durable subscription, subscription activation will fail.




Number of times to redeliver a message when MDB throws an exception during message delivery




Place message in dead message queue when MDB throws a runtime exception and number of redelivery attempts exceeds the value of endpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts?

If false, the Message Queue broker will attempt redelivery of the message to any valid consumer, including the same MDB.

optionsFootref 1



A list of additional connection factory properties to be used when creating connections to a Message Queue broker.

When specified, the value of options must be a comma-separated list of connection factory properties and their values, in the form:


If value contains a comma or an equals sign, precede the symbol with a backslash (\) or enclose the entire value in quotes; for example:


The options property cannot be used to specify properties that are configured internally or that have their own setter methods, specifically: imqReconnectEnabled, imqReconnectAttempts, imqReconnectInterval, imqDefaultUsername, imqDefaultPassword, imqAddressList, imqAddressListIterations, imqAddressListBehavior. Any values specified in options for these properties are ignored.




Controls whether topic subscriptions created using this ActivationSpec will be shared when running in a clustered container, as described in About Shared Topic Subscriptions for Clustered Containers.

Set to true (the default) to share subscriptions.

Set to false to not share subscriptions. This setting should only be used for nondurable subscriptions.

Footnote 1 Optional

Footnote 2 Property specific to Message Queue JMS Resource Adapter

Footnote 3 Standard Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) and J2EE Connector Architecture (CA) property

Note that there is no reconnectEnabled property for the ActivationSpec JavaBean.