We'll give the service a try with the same client used in the previous chapters: $TUTORIAL_DIR/org/globus/progtutorial/clients/MathService/ClientGSIConvEncrypt.java
If you haven't already done so, compile the client:
javac \ -classpath ./build/classes/:$CLASSPATH \ org/globus/progtutorial/clients/MathService/ClientGSIConvEncrypt.java
Now, run the client from your user account (in my case, the borja account):
java \ -classpath ./build/classes/:$CLASSPATH \ org/globus/progtutorial/clients/MathService/ClientGSIConvEncrypt \ \ 5
You should get a pretty normal output:
Added 5 Current value: 5
However, try to run it from any other account (for example, the globus account). You will get this nasty little error:
org.globus.ogsa.impl.security.authorization.AuthorizationException: Gridmap authorization failed: peer "/O=Globus/OU=GT3 Tutorial/CN=Globus 3 Administrator" not in gridmap file.
The error message speaks for itself: Since the user running the client is not in the gridmap file, it has been denied access to the server.