Chapter 4. Installing GT 4.0

  1. Create a user named "globus". This non-privileged user will be used to perform administrative tasks such as starting and stopping the container, deploying services, etc. Pick an installation directory, and make sure this account has read and write permissions in the installation directory.


    You might need to create the target directory as root, then chown it to the globus user:

    # mkdir /usr/local/globus-4.0.1
    # chown globus:globus /usr/local/globus-4.0.1


    If for some reason you do not create a user named "globus", be sure to run the installation as a non-root user. In that case, make sure to pick an install directory that your user account has write access to.

  2. Download the required software noted in Chapter 3, Software Prerequisites.


    Be aware that Apache Ant will use the Java referred to by JAVA_HOME, not necessarily the first Java executable on your PATH. Be sure to set JAVA_HOME to the top-level directory of your Java installation before installing.

    Also, check the Section 3, “Platform Notes” if your OS includes ant already. Your /etc/ant.conf is probably configured to use gcj, which will fail to compile the Toolkit.

  3. In this guide we will assume that you are installing to /usr/local/globus-4.0.1, but you may replace /usr/local/globus-4.0.1 with whatever directory you wish to install to.

    As the globus user, run:

    globus$ export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/usr/local/globus-4.0.1
    globus$ ./configure --prefix=$GLOBUS_LOCATION

    You can use command line arguments to ./configure for a more custom install. Here are the lines to enable features which are disabled by default:

    Optional Features:
      --enable-prewsmds       Build pre-webservices mds. Default is disabled.
      --enable-wsgram-condor  Build GRAM Condor scheduler interface. Default is disabled.
      --enable-wsgram-lsf     Build GRAM LSF scheduler interface. Default is disabled.
      --enable-wsgram-pbs     Build GRAM PBS scheduler interface. Default is disabled.
      --enable-i18n           Enable internationalization. Default is disabled.
      --enable-drs            Enable Data Replication Service. Default is disabled.
    Optional Packages:
      --with-iodbc=dir        Use the iodbc library in dir/lib/
                              Required for RLS builds.
                              Arguments to pass to the build of GSI-OpenSSH, like

    For a full list of options, see ./configure --help. For a list of GSI-OpenSSH options, see Table 12.1, “GSI-OpenSSH build arguments”. For more information about our packaging or about choosing a flavor, see Appendix B, Packaging details.

  4. Run:

    globus$ make

    Note that this command can take several hours to complete. If you wish to have a log file of the build, use tee:

    globus$ make 2>&1 | tee build.log

    The syntax above assumes a Bourne shell. If you are using another shell, redirect stderr to stdout and then pipe it to tee.


    Using make in parallel mode (-j) is not entirely safe, and is not recommended.

  5. Finally, run:

    globus$ make install

    This completes your installation. Now you may move on to the configuration sections of the following chapters.

    We recommend that you install any security advisories available for your installation, which are available from the Advisories page. You may also be interested in subscribing to some mailing lists for general discussion and security-related announcements.

Your next step is to setup security, which includes picking a CA to trust, getting host certificates, user certificates, and creating a grid-mapfile. The next three chapters cover these topics.

With security setup, you may start a GridFTP server, configure a database for RFT, and configure WS-GRAM. You may also start a GSI-OpenSSH daemon, setup a MyProxy server, run RLS, and use CAS. The following chapters will explain how to configure these technologies. If you follow the chapters in order, you will make sure of performing tasks in dependency order.