
wsn-subscribe — Subscribes to a topic



Tool description

Subscribes to a topic.

Command syntax

wsn-subscribe [options] <topic>

The <topic> is a QName of the resource property in the string form: {namespaceURI}localPart.

Table 30. Common options

-h, --help

Displays help information about the command.

-d, --debug

Enables debug mode. For example, full stack traces of errors will be displayed.

-e, --eprFile <file>

Specifies an XML file that contains the WS-Addressing endpoint reference.

-s, --service <url>

Specifies the service URL.

-k, --key <name value>

Specifies the resource key. The name is the QName of the resource key in the string form: {namespaceURI}localPart, while the value is the simple value of the key. For complex keys, use the --eprFile option. Example:

-k "{}MyKey" 123
-f, --descriptor <file>

Specifies a client security descriptor. Overrides all other security settings.

-a, --anonymous

Enables anonymous authentication. Only supported with transport security or the GSI Secure Conversation authentication mechanism.

-g, --delegation <mode>

Enables delegation. mode can be either 'limited' or 'full'. Only supported with the GSI Secure Conversation authentication mechanism.

-l, --contextLifetime <value>

Sets the lifetime of the client security context. value is in milliseconds. Only supported with the GSI Secure Conversation authentication mechanism.

-m, --securityMech <type>

Specifies the authentication mechanism. type can be 'msg' for GSI Secure Message, or 'conv' for GSI Secure Conversation.

-c, --serverCertificate <file>

Specifies the server's certificate file used for encryption. Only needed for the GSI Secure Message authentication mechanism.

-p, --protection <type>

Specifies the protection level. type can be 'sig' for signature or 'enc' for encryption.

-z, --authorization <type>

Specifies authorization type. type can be 'self', 'host', 'none', or a string specifying the expected identity of the remote party.

The following are subscribe-specific options in addition to the common options:

Table 31. Command-specific options

-r, --resDescFile <file>

Specifies a file containing a resource security descriptor for the notification consumer resource.

-b, --subEpr <file>

Specifies a file to which the subscription resource EPR will be saved.


$ wsn-subscribe -s http://localhost:8080/wsrf/services/CounterService \
   -k "{}CounterKey" 123 \ 