GT 4.0 WS MDS: Cluster Monitoring Information and the GLUE Resource Property


The GLUE resource property (as used by GRAM) collects information from two sources: the scheduler and the cluster information system (for example Ganglia or Hawkeye).

These will be merged to form a single output resource property in the GLUE schema.


This section describes configuring for use in GRAM.

The scheduler does not need to be configured, as GRAM already knows the scheduler bundle to use through other means.

GT4.0 comes with providers which collect data from two cluster monitoring systems:

  • Ganglia
  • Hawkeye

These are configured in $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus_wsrf_mds_usefulrp/gluerp.xml

To collect data from Hawkeye, set the defaultProvider option in this file to:
<defaultProvider>shell /scratch/gt4b/I/libexec/globus-mds-cluster-hawkeye </defaultProvider>

To collect data from Ganglia, use set the default provider option in this file to:
<defaultProvider>java org.globus.mds.usefulrp.glue.GangliaElementProducer </defaultProvider>

If no cluster monitoring in this file is available, set the defaultProvider as follows: (this is the way the toolkit comes as installed)

Writing new providers

There are two kinds of providers used by the GLUE Resource Property:

  • Scheduler providers - which provide information about the queues that a batch system makes available.
  • Cluster information providers - which provide information about the host(s) on which GRAM will run jobs.

Scheduler providers should be written as executables with a name corresponding to the name of the batch system; Cluster providers can be written either as Java classes or as executables.

Java providers should implement the GLUEElementProducer interface.

Executable providers should output a single XML document to stdout when executed, and then exit.

The output format for scheduler and cluster providers is defined in XML schema definitions, located at $GLOBUS_LOCATION/share/schema/mds/usefulrp/batchproviders.xsd and $GLOBUS_LOCATION/share/schema/mds/usefulrp/ce.xsd.