
globus-credential-delegate — Delegation client



Tool description

Used to contact a Delegation Factory Service and store a delegated credential. A delegated credential is created and stored in a delegated credential WS-Resource, and the Endpoint Reference(EPR) of the credential is written out to a file for further use.

Command syntax

globus-credential-delegate [options]

Table 1. globus-credential-delegate options


Displays usage information.

-h <host>

Host on which Delegation Factory Service is running. Defaults to localhost.

-p <port>

Port on which Delegation Factory Service is running. Defaults to 8443.

-c <credFile>

Filename to read credential from. If not specified, then the default proxy location is used.

-l <lifetime>

Lifetime for the created delegated credential, specified in seconds. Defaults to 12 hours.

-d <true/false>

Determines the type of delegation. If set to true full delegation is done, while with any other value limited delegation is done. If the option is not specified, it defaults to full delegation.

-m <security mechanism>

Sets the security mechanism type. If set to 'msg' Secure Message is used, if set to 'conv' Secure Conversation is used or if set to 'trans' Secure Transport is used. Defaults to Secure Transport.

-n <protection type>

Sets the protection type. If set to 'sig' signature is used, while if set to 'enc' encryption is used. Defaults to signature.

-a <authz>

Type of client authorization to use. If set to "none" then no authorization is done, if set to "host" then host authorization is done, if set to "self" then self authorization is done. If set to none of the above then the string specified is used as the expected identity. Defaults to host authorization.


Filename to write the EPR of delegated credential to.