
globus-replication-create — This tool is used to create a replication resource by submitting a replication request to the designated replication service.



Tool description

Use this tool to create replication resources (also refered to as "Replicator" resources). You must specify the URL of the ReplicationService where the resource will be created. You must submit the filename of a file containing an Endpoint Reference (EPR) to a delegated credential resource, which you must have previously created. Finally, you must submit the URL of a request file specifying the desired data replications. If the client is running local to the service container the URL may be a file:// URL, whereas if the client is remote the URL may be a http:// or ftp:// URL. The request file adopts a table format structure where each line in the file represents a source-destination pair delimited by a single tab character. The source should be a logical filename (LFN) as found in a Replica Location Service (RLS) Replica Location Index (RLI) service. The destination should be a URL acceptable to the GridFTP server. Most likely, you will want to specify a filename in order to save the newly created Replicator resource's EPR. You may use the EPR for starting the resource and querying its resource properties.

Command syntax

            globus-replication-create [options] request-file

Table 1. Options


Use anonymous authentication. (requires either -m 'conv' or transport (https) security)

--binary <boolean>

Specifies binary data transfer

--blockSize <int>

Block size for data transfer

-c,--serverCertificate <file>

A file with server's certificate used for encryption. Used in the case of GSI Secure Message encryption

-C,--delegatedCredential <file>

Loads Delegated Credential EPR from file

--concurrency <int>

Concurrency of data transfer


Enables debug mode

--dataChannelAuth <boolean>

Data channel authentication for transfers

--destinationSubject <name>

Destination subject name for data transfer

-e,--eprFile <file>

Loads EPR from file

-f,--descriptor <file>

Sets client security descriptor. Overrides all other security settings

-g,--delegation <mode>

Performs delegation. Can be 'limited' or 'full'. (requires -m 'conv')


Displays help

-k,--key <name value>

Resource Key

-l,--contextLifetime <value>

Lifetime of context created for GSI Secure Conversation (requires -m 'conv')

-m,--securityMech <type>

Sets authentication mechanism: 'msg' (for GSI Secure Message), or 'conv' (for GSI Secure Conversation)

-p,--protection <type>

Sets protection level, can be 'sig' (for signature) can be 'enc' (for encryption)

--parallelStreams <int>

Parallel streams for data transfer

-s,--service <url>

Service URL


Starts the Replicator resource immediately

--sourceSubject <name>

Source subject name for data transfer

--subject <name>

Subject name for data transfer

--tcpBufferSize <int>

TCP buffer size for data transfer

--userName <name>

User name for data transfer

-V,--saveEpr <file>

Save EPR of newly created Replicator to file

-z,--authorization <type>

Sets authorization, can be 'self', 'host' or 'none'