
globus-replication-finditems — This tool queries the replication resource to return the status of individual replication item activities.



Tool description

This tool provides the ability to query the status of individual replication items (e.g., replication of a specific file or files) managed by the given Replication resources. It is possible to query for the status of a specific named item or to query for the status of multiple items based on a particular status (e.g., Pending, Finished, Failed). In addition, to reduce potentially large overhead of returning a large results set to the client, the client may specify an offset and limit for the results set to be returned. The "name" or "status" option must be specified.

Command syntax

            globus-replication-finditems [options] {-N name | -S status}

Table 6. Options


Use anonymous authentication. (requires either -m 'conv' or transport (https) security)

-c,--serverCertificate <file>

A file with server's certificate used for encryption. Used in the case of GSI Secure Message encryption


Enables debug mode

-e,--eprFile <file>

Loads EPR from file

-f,--descriptor <file>

Sets client security descriptor. Overrides all other security settings

-g,--delegation <mode>

Performs delegation. Can be 'limited' or 'full'. (requires -m 'conv')


Displays help

-k,--key <name value>

Resource Key

-l,--contextLifetime <value>

Lifetime of context created for GSI Secure Conversation (requires -m 'conv')

-L,--limit <num>

Limit on the size of the result set.

-m,--securityMech <type>

Sets authentication mechanism: 'msg' (for GSI Secure Message), or 'conv' (for GSI Secure Conversation)

-N,--byName <name>

Finds item by the Logical Filename (LFN) name.

-O,--offset <num>

Offset into the results set. Indexed by 0.

-p,--protection <type>

Sets protection level, can be 'sig' (for signature) can be 'enc' (for encryption)

-S,--byStatus <status>

Finds item(s) by status. Valid status values include "Pending", "Finished", "Failed", and "Terminated".

-s,--service <url>

Service URL

-z,--authorization <type>

Sets authorization, can be 'self', 'host' or 'none'